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Author's Note

My laptop finally died after almost 6 years, had to buy a new one, luckily it was Black Friday!

I was worried I would have to delay today's chapter to tomorrow but here it is :)

"Remember, Caelum, the path of righteousness is not just a choice, but a commitment to uphold justice and virtue in all your actions."

Caelum listened intently, his eyes fixed on Slifer, absorbing every word like a sponge. He had never expected that he would hear those words from his Master. Recently, his Master's actions didn't make sense, the change in character, the Ascendant level cultivation, just who was the real Slifer?

"The righteous path values harmony and order. It's about making sacrifices for the greater good, even when it's hard."

At this rate, I'll have my own church in a few years,Slifer thought, barely holding back a sigh. The idea of guiding more followers along a path he didn’t believe sounded exhausting but what was a poor man supposed to do? He needed the credits.

"But, Master," Caelum interjected, "what truly separates the righteous from the demonic?"

This time Slifer was unable to hold back the sigh.

How do I explain that the lines are not always so clear? Everyone has a different idea on what differentiates a righteous cultivator from a demonic cultivator.

"In truth, Caelum, the cultivation world is complex. There are demonic cultivators who act more righteously than those so-called righteous cultivators. Many of them will do anything in their quest for immortality, whilst other demonic cultivators have limits that they will not cross, the same applies to righteous cultivators but they like to justify their actions with their self-righteousness."

The System's view is too simplistic, Slifer thought. It sees the world in black and white, but reality is a spectrum of greys. Even Caelum and Fenlock, labelled as demonic, have shown more righteousness than many of those hypocrites. This System needs an update.

“The world isn't just black and white.” Slifer continued. “Remember, righteous cultivators aren't always righteous, and demonic cultivators aren't always demonic."

"So, how do I know who to trust?" Caelum’s eyebrows scrunched up, his master’s sermon continued to get more complicated the longer it went on, he felt like they were going in circles.

Slifer shook his head. "Don't worry too much about the labels. Use your own judgment and don't trust anyone blindly." He paused, then added with a slight smirk, "Except for me, of course."

"So… are you ready to embrace the righteous path?"

The decision wasn’t too difficult for Caelum, his Master had changed his life but more importantly saved his mother's life. As long as his master didn't instruct him to do something that would violate his Sword Heart then he would follow him, even if it led to his death.

Caelum glanced down at Bloodthorn, they were partners, he couldn't make the decision for the both of them.

Grrrrr, Bloodthorn surprisingly agreed.

Looking back up at Slifer, Caelum nodded firmly. "Yes, Master. I will follow the righteous path."

Name: Caelum Card

Description: Once a day, you can activate any of your loyal disciple’s techniques

Warning: If your disciple’s loyalty goes below 100%, you will lose access to this card

Sweet, it’s a better version of the ability from the Soul Bond.


Would You Like To Promote Caelum to Core Disciple?



Your Disciple Caelum Is Now A Core Disciple!

Core Disciples Can Allocate Tasks To Inner And Outer Disciples

Is the System glitching? Why is it being so nice of all a sudden?

He didn't expect the change in a disciple's status to have much of an effect, the System was making it too easy for him recently to accumulate credits.

"It’s been a long time since I have promoted any of my disciples, but I believe you are ready to be promoted to Core Disciple."

“T-thank you, Master.” Caelum didn’t expect this from his Master,ever since issues began between Master and Senior Brother, Master stopped promoting us. We didn’t think he would anymore, especially so soon…

Seeing the look Caelum was giving him, Slifer assumed the boy was expecting something. Oh, right. Core Disciples usually get a technique from their master.

He coughed awkwardly, trying to buy time. "When you activate your Sword Domain, only then will I gift you a personal technique," Slifer stated, hoping to make it sound like that was his plan all along.

No big deal. I can just purchase a technique from the System for him later, Slifer thought, once Caelum worked the other disciples, Slifer would feel more comfortable spending some credits for a gift. But not now. He'll value it more as a reward for a significant breakthrough.

"I understand, Master. Comprehending the Sword Domain will be my priority."

"As a Core Disciple, you now have new responsibilities," Slifer continued, seizing the chance to recruit Caelum to his pyramid scheme. "You will assign tasks to your juniors, but remember," he paused for emphasis, "they must be righteous tasks. If you must trick them into righteousness, then do so."

Caelum's expression hardened slightly at the mention of his juniors. Amelia, in particular, doesn’t like taking orders, let alone righteous ones. But I will do what is necessary, I’ll make Master proud.

"I will keep that in mind, Master," Caelum responded dutifully. "Righteousness will guide my actions and decisions."

"Good, good." Slifer waved him away.

Caelum bowed deeply and then turned to leave. A Sword Domain... a significant step indeed. But with Master's guidance, I will achieve it and earn my technique. A technique from an Ascendant Realm cultivator…

As Caelum's figure disappeared, Slifer let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. That went well enough.

Slifer’s thoughts turned to his new disciple. He had hoped to complete the Master-Disciple Ceremony quickly, but Nomed had ran off as soon as they left the valley. He wants his grandmother's blessing first. A superstitious lot, these people.

As for Kalin, the white-robed youth who lingered like a shadow, Slifer had managed to keep him at bay. "I will offer you some pointers," Slifer had told him, "but only after I've sorted the sect's affairs."

Slifer didn’t have any sword techniques that could impress the youth or even the credits to buy one, luckily for him, the death of a Grand Elder left issues that would take a while to deal with.

Wyatt should be here any moment with the other Grand Elders.


When a disciple was called to the Disciplinary Hall, it was a foregone conclusion that they would spend a few sleepless nights within the sect’s prison. If they were lucky, they would only have to undergo three rounds of torture before being let go, and that was only if someone remembered to release them.

The chamber itself was grand and imposing, at the far end stood a large throne, this was where Darius, the now-deceased Grand Elder, used to laze around.

He really enjoyed feeling important, Slifer thought as he reluctantly took his place on the throne.

The leader of the Disciplinary Hall had to deal with those who broke the sect’s rules, they were the judge, jury, and executioner, a lot of responsibility to place on one man’s shoulders.

Now that responsibility had fallen to Slifer. He wasn’t exactly thrilled about it.

This is just taking time away from cultivating and learning new techniques, he thought, a hint of annoyance in his mind.

The role of a Supreme Elder, which Slifer held, was typically that of the sect's protector, free from the day-to-day responsibilities of sect management. I was hoping to avoid any real work, especially since there hasn’t been a battle since the demon invasion centuries ago, he mused.

Yet, here he was, forced into this position because of Wyatt’s cunning suggestion in front of the other Grand Elders. Sneaky weasel. I couldn’t really say no in front of them all without raising suspicion. And I do feel a bit guilty... Darius had it coming, but still.

Shaking his head, Slifer focused on his plan. I'll be the leader in name only. I'll let the old guy handle the actual work.

The 'old guy' was a Peak Nascent Soul Elder named Fred, currently briefing Slifer, who was half-listening at best. Fred, of all the powerful names... Fred. It’s almost laughable. A man capable of levelling countries on Earth, and he’s named Fred.

"Due to the actions of the late Grand Elder, the disciples of the Disciplinary Hall have a reputation of bullying the weak, if this were to continue, I am not sure if there will be any disciples left to discipline.”

"I made numerous suggestions, but the Grand Elder refused to listen, I was wondering what you think of the following…" Fred continued listing off one recommendation after another, clearly he had been waiting a long time for such a moment.


The sound of the system notification brought a smile to Slifer's face.

The old man’s face darkened, mistaking Slifer’s reaction as a dismissal of his recommendations. It seems the Disciplinary Hall will remain unchanged, continuing to cause the very problem it was meant to solve, he thought bitterly.

Meanwhile, Slifer, oblivious to the elder's thoughts, beamed even brighter.


Congratulations On Becoming The Leader Of The Disciplinary Hall

Disciplinary Hall Panel Unlocked

You Have Gained 250 Karmic Credits

A management feature for the Disciplinary Hall…interesting.

Disciplinary Hall Panel

Number of Members

• Nascent Soul: 3

• Core Formation: 11

• Foundation Establishment: 65

• Qi Refining: 54

Current Tasks: 0

Credits Gained: 0

Credits Lost: 0

As Slifer read the System’s message, the smile turned into full-blown laughter. The new feature allowed him to use disciples of the hall to farm Karmic Credits on a larger scale. Each task completed by them earned him between 3-9 Karmic Credits, but with over a hundred disciples in the hall, the credits would quickly accumulate.

If I become the Sect Master, will I be able to farm the entirety of the Black Rose Sect?

Noticing that the panel recorded the credits lost, Slifer frowned. Credits are lost when members abuse their authority? Slifer shook his head. Demonic disciples are all bullies, praying on the weak is how these sects are run.

Trying to stop his own disciples from bullying others was difficult enough, just how hard would be it enforce that on such a large scale?

Guess I’ll have to take a more direct role after all.

"Fred, from this day forth, if any member of the Disciplinary Hall abuses their power, they will be punished severely. Send them to the Shattered Chasm,” Slifer declared firmly.

The Shattered Chasm was a notorious place within the sect, a deep, dark pit where those sent there were subjected to the constant pressure of spiritual energy, crushing their will and breaking their spirit. The deeper one went into the pit, the greater the pressure.

A few decades ago, a Nascent Soul Elder was condemned to the depths of the Shattered Chasm. When he emerged, his mind was no longer his own. It was said that the elder could often be seen wandering around the sect's grounds, talking to rocks and plants as if they were his old comrades. He would meticulously organize pebbles, believing he was rearranging the stars in the sky.

On one occasion, he burst into fits of laughter after seeing his own shadow, the old man then challenged it a duel… only to end up losing.

"With these changes, there will be peace in the sect, and we will be able to use each other to grow stronger, not devour each other," Slifer continued.

Fred nearly choked, his heart clenching in frustration. This is what I've been suggesting all along, and now he claims it as his own idea! He sighed inwardly, realizing the higher one's cultivation, the more shameless one became.

Whilst Fred was stewing over the unfairness of the situation, Slifer was deep in thought, devising a new system to acquire as many credits as possible. I'll create a system where they can complete righteous tasks. For each task, they'll receive a third of the Karmic Credits I get, Slifer planned.

Even though they would only earn a single credit from the tasks that gave Slifer 3 Karmic Credits, these tasks were quick and easy to complete so they would accumulate. Anything more than a third was too much for the stingy Slifer but if he didn’t offer them anything then they wouldn’t be motivated to complete the tasks. Using the stick by itself is not sufficient, you must dangle that carrot.

Slifer decided to put up a list of treasures, techniques, and more from the system, he would claim it was from his own collection. The disciples could use their earned credits to purchase these items.

"Fred, I need you to create a leaderboard tablet," Slifer instructed, detailing his idea. "It will record the credits each disciple has earned."

Fred nodded, understanding the strategy. "I'll have it set up, Supreme Elder. What shall we call this tablet?"

"The Karmic Ledger," Slifer replied immediately, he felt the name was appropriate. "I'll send over a list of items that can be bought with the credits."

As Fred left to execute the orders, Slifer pondered over possible suspicions from the Grand Elders. They won't question the number of items I have. It's normal for an Ascendant cultivator to possess riches equal to a mid-level sect. But the tasks... their righteous nature could raise eyebrows.

After a moment, he came up with a solution. "The tasks are related to my new Cultivation Method."

That's close enough to the truth, it’s not like they know what it takes to reach the Immortal Realm.

There was a lingering concern about the Sect Master, currently in closed door cultivation. Once he's out, he might get suspicious. But by then, I'll have enough credits to deal with that demon.

Slifer's thoughts briefly flashed back to the humiliation he suffered at the hands of the Sect Master. I haven't forgotten that day, we will see who bows to whom the next time we meet.

« Chapter 50 | Table of Contents | Chapter 52 »


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