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"Hey, can you hurry things up?" a voice called out lazily.

Amelia easily sidestepped a ferocious punch aimed at her, resulting in a sizeable dent forming on the ground where she once stood. Grinning mischievously, she retorted, "Where’s the fun in that?" her eyes flicking to Hughie, who was nonchalantly lounging on a tree branch, an apple in hand.

Her opponent, a burly middle-aged man at the Late Core Formation stage, sneered, launching a palm strike her way. "You'll be the one begging for mercy, little girl, when I have my way with you tonight," he leered.

I'd rather face death than let this filthy swine lay a hand on me, Amelia wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Without warning, she executed her Soul Render technique. A razor-sharp blade of soul energy materialized, slashing through the man’s spiritual essence. He paused, confusion written across his face as he inspected himself for physical harm. Then his eyes widened in horror, blood spurted from his mouth, and he stumbled backward. "S-soul attack..." he gasped.

Amelia hadn’t given the slightest hint of being a soul cultivator throughout the battle.

Feel that? That's your essence being shredded. Her lips curled into a cruel smirk as she approached the agonized man, who was doubled over in pain. The torment he experienced was not of the flesh but the soul. It felt as if molten lava flowed through his veins, and icy daggers pierced his essence repeatedly.

With a fluid motion, Amelia leapt high into the air before descending rapidly, her fingers dug into the man's hair as she mercilessly slammed his head against the ground, rendering him unconscious.

"I didn't kill you because there's so much fun to look forward to," she whispered, almost tenderly.

Hughie sighed, observing as Amelia knelt beside the unconscious man, her palm covered in a soothing blue qi. This wasn't new; her last two opponents had endured the same fate. She'd pummel them into unconsciousness, then meticulously use her Essence Mend technique to heal their physical traumas, only to repeat the process once they awoke.

Amelia’s fingers danced with precision, the blue energy weaving into the man’s wounds, stitching flesh, and mending bone. The process was delicate and paradoxically caring, contrasting starkly with the violence that had preceded it and the violence that was to follow…

"Boss Morvran would be proud," Hughie murmured, taking another bite of his apple.

In a place not too far away, an old man received a distressing alert. His grandson's soul lamp flickered perilously close to extinguishment. Rushing to the soul chamber, he watched, heart in throat, as the light bravely battled back to life. He exhaled in relief, a prayer of thanks on his lips, only for his smile to falter as the glow diminished once again to a mere spark.

Just as he was about to leave to seek revenge, the light flared up once again, only to dim down once more. This cycle repeated several times, and with each iteration, the old man's face grew hotter.

"Enough!" he exclaimed. Unable to stand it any longer, he shot into the sky like a comet, hurtling toward his grandson’s location.

"I'll make the nine generations of my son’s tormentor pay," he growled.

Meanwhile, back at the battle site, Hughie yawned, clearly unimpressed. "Can you finish up already? There’s an auction nearby, and I'm itching to get my hands on a sword like Caelum’s."

Amelia paused, her hands still glowing with healing energy. "Alright," she said with a sigh. With a swift motion, she initiated her cultivation technique – The Voidswallow Incantation.

Hughie involuntarily took a step back, feeling a chill run down his spine. Amelia's transformation was nothing short of horrifying. Her once radiant skin grew pale and sallow, her eyes hollowed out, leaving only an eerie blue glow in their wake. Veins turned black, tracing macabre patterns across her skin. The most disturbing change, however, was her mouth. It expanded in a grotesque caricature, revealing a gaping maw lined with sharp, jagged teeth.

It's like staring into an abyss, Hughie thought, a shudder coursing down his spine.

The horrifying mouth acted like a black hole, and the soul of the unconscious man began to swirl toward it like water down a drain. He awoke with a start, his screams piercing the air as his soul was violently wrenched from his body. Amelia’s maw snapped shut, the deed done, and as quickly as she had changed, she returned to her normal appearance.

She then turned to Hughie, a twisted grin plastered on her face. "Delicious," she purred, licking her lips.

Hughie barely had time to process her words when a thunderous roar shook the air. "How dare you?!" bellowed the voice, fraught with fury and grief.

Their heads snapped in the direction of the sound, only to see an enraged elder flying toward them, his face a mask of wrath.

Uh-oh. Hughie thought, glancing at Amelia's nonchalant demeanor, "Boss Morvran would indeed be proud."

A sudden surge of energy erupted from Amelia, its intensity revealing her cultivation level of the Late Core Formation realm. "What did you say, old man?" she quipped, a hint of playful arrogance in her tone. "I was busy eating." She then paused, releasing an exaggerated burp.

The elderly figure's face darkened, his anger barely contained. With a roar that seemed to shake the very heavens, he violently tore off his robe, unveiling a surprisingly sculpted physique. A potent pressure descended upon them - the intimidating aura of a Mid Nascent Soul cultivator.

Hughie leaned in, whispering to Amelia, "Even with your recent breakthrough, this might be too much."

With a huff, Amelia responded, "Run if you're scared. I'll handle this."

"What would I even tell Master?" Hughie countered, his gaze never leaving their formidable adversary. But before more could be said, the elder appeared in front of Hughie in a blur, delivering a resounding slap. Hughie was propelled backward, crashing into a boulder before falling to the ground. His body was a mess of bruises and blood, bones fractured in places he didn't even know could break. Pain radiated through him, making even the slightest movement a torment.

"You'll regret that, old man!" She unleashed her Soul Render technique, sending a blade of soul qi hurtling towards the elder. But he dodged with ease, his movements a blur.

Amelia's heart raced. Body cultivators... dangerous up close, she mentally noted, stealing a glance at Hughie’s state. Can't let him land a hit.

Despite the excruciating pain, Hughie managed to push himself upright. "You got me good, old man," he croaked, grimacing. The force of the slap had met the requirements to activate the Bloodforge Ascension technique. His form shifted: growing taller, muscles expanding, his skin reddened and veins bulged prominently. Looking down at his newly transformed body, a smirk played on his lips as he noticed the injuries healing rapidly.

However, glancing at his surroundings, a shiver ran down his spine. Being on this mountain edge... one misstep, one heavy blow, and it's a long fall down.

Meanwhile, the old man had found it increasingly challenging to close the distance between him and Amelia. Her consistent assault of soul blades forced him to remain on the defensive, each strike narrowing his options. Seizing a momentary pause in her onslaught, he mustered his qi, dodging her next blade while simultaneously darting forward. Striking with a palm, the sheer force expelled the air from her lungs, sending her spiraling into a tree, shattering its trunk upon impact.

Amelia lay amidst the splinters, her clothing torn, revealing dark bruises beneath. Blood trickled from a cut on her forehead, and her breathing came in ragged gasps. As she tried to push herself upright, a shadow loomed above her. The old man, his face twisted with vindictive satisfaction, sneered, "Now you'll know how my grandson felt."

Before Amelia could react, he gripped her throat, lifting her effortlessly off the ground. The world around her started to blur, air failing to reach her lungs. However, just as darkness threatened to consume her vision, the old man was sent flying off his feet by a powerful blow. Gasping, Amelia crumpled to the ground, her eyes finding Hughie's enlarged form.

"No one hurts Senior Sister on my watch," Hughie growled, his voice filled with protective rage.

The old man, hardly perturbed, swiftly regained his footing. Brushing the dirt off his exposed torso, a small bruise evident on his temple, he met Hughie's gaze without a hint of fear.

Realizing the old man's resilience, Hughie turned urgently to Amelia. "Escape," he barked. "I'll hold him back." Without waiting for her reply, he charged.

Lying amidst the debris, Amelia's hand instinctively moved to her injuries. I'm no coward. The thought was steadfast in her mind. How can I let my Junior Brother protect me? It's my duty as a Senior.

As she watched the ensuing brawl, it became evident that despite Hughie's size advantage, the old man's superior martial skill and cultivation began to tilt the fight in his favor. Hughie's strikes, though mighty, often found only air, while the old man's blows landed with precise and brutal efficiency. The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed, with each blow Hughie took leaving a fresh mark, deepening his wounds.

Amelia, watching with a mixture of admiration and concern, murmured, "Hughie..."

She held back a sigh; she wished their master had given them a life-saving treasure but unfortunately Slifer was well-known for being stingy.

As the old man's foot connected with Hughie's torso, sending him spiraling through the air, Amelia saw an opening. With a shout, she seized her chance, unleashing her Soul Rendering technique. The blade of pure soul energy sped through the air and lodged into the old man's back.

He faltered momentarily, taking a staggering step forward, clutching his heart. A trickle of blood seeped from the corner of his lips, yet he seemed mostly unscathed. Turning his gaze to Amelia, a smirk crept onto his face. "Had you been at the Nascent Soul realm, that attack might have damaged my Nascent Soul," he remarked coldly.

My soul attacks...they're useless against him. Amelia remembered that Nascent Soul cultivators held a more profound connection to their souls, granting them resilience against basic soul attacks.

The old man's foot shifted in the dirt, hinting at his next move towards Amelia. But a thunderous roar interrupted his advance. He, along with Amelia, shifted their gaze towards the source: Hughie. He had undergone a monstrous transformation, growing even larger. His veins threatened to break through his skin, now a sickly shade of purple-red. His eyes, once sharp with intelligence, now glazed over with pure, unadulterated bloodlust.


An aura equivalent to an Early Nascent Soul cultivator surged from Hughie. The old man's eyes tightened. "This young one has surprises," he murmured. The rational part of him whispered caution, to consider the background of these formidable Core Formation cultivators. But the seething anger, fueled by the pain of his grandson's violent death, overpowered his judgment.

As the two giants collided, the very ground beneath them trembled.

Hughie, in his berserk state, launched a series of ferocious punches. The first one aimed straight for the old man's chest. But with a swift sidestep, the elder dodged, delivering a palm strike to Hughie's side. Hughie retaliated with a sweeping leg kick, hoping to knock the old man off his feet. But the old man leapt upwards, avoiding the sweep, and descended with a powerful elbow strike. Hughie managed to block it just in time, but the force sent him skidding backward.

The old man, with his superior speed, danced around Hughie, landing jabs and kicks. Yet, for each strike that connected, Hughie, with his newfound strength, would retaliate with a blow of his own.

"Your strength is impressive," the old man commented, ducking a particularly fierce swing and countering with a swift elbow to Hughie's side. "But raw power won't best experience!"

Hughie, unyielding, caught the old man's next punch, his hand closing around the elder's wrist with crushing force. But the old man was nimble, using his trapped arm as leverage to deliver a kick that sent Hughie crashing sideways.

Just as the old man took a step forward to attack Hughie whilst he was down, another Soul Render sliced through the air, striking the old man on the back. He growled in pain, glaring at Amelia from a distance. Drawing a sleek spear from his storage ring, he poised himself and hurled the weapon with all his might.

Amelia’s eyes widened as the spear cut through the air with a whistle, closing the distance between them rapidly. It's too fast, she thought, frozen, realizing escape was impossible given her injuries.

But in that split second, a massive figure interposed itself between Amelia and the incoming spear. Hughie, with clarity restored to his eyes, took the brunt of the attack, his chest pierced by the spear. His eyes, no longer filled with the wildness of his former state, now had a clarity to them, but his voice... it carried a guttural, demonic tone.

"Master told me to protect you," he rasped, blood dribbling from the corner of his lips. "How can I face him if I fail?"

Before Amelia could reply, Hughie swiftly slapped a tag, inscribed with runes, onto her chest. Memories flooded Amelia's mind; she recalled Hughie discovering the tag and choosing not to share its existence with their master. She remembered him playfully recounting tales of previous treasures he had "loaned" to their master and never seen again.

Hoping to lighten the gravity of the situation, Hughie smirked, his demonic voice making the attempt at humor eerie. "Was hoping for more... action, but guess this'll have to do," he quipped, hinting at the intimate placement of the tag.

"You... idiot!" Amelia choked out, tears streaming down her face. "I won't leave you behind!"

But before she could rip the tag from her chest, it began glowing. A brilliant flash of lightning enveloped her, and in the next instant, she vanished. Hughie, left behind, smiled bitterly at the empty space she once occupied.

The grandpa, his eyes blazing with fury at Amelia's escape, spewed curses at Hughie. "You meddlesome fool!" he roared, appearing before the massive figure in a blink. With a vicious yank, he retrieved the spear from Hughie's chest, the act exacerbating the wound immensely.

Hughie couldn't help but let out a deep, guttural growl, the pain searing through every fiber of his being. The old man, bereft of any semblance of mercy, hurled Hughie to the ground with immense force. "You let her go!" he snarled, each word punctuated by a brutal stomp or punch. "You will pay for her actions, for my grandson's suffering!"

Hughie's body was nothing more than a canvas for the old man's rage, each hit painting a bruise or gash. After what felt like an eternity, the assault ceased. The old man glared down at Hughie, his body now barely more than a battered, bloody heap. Slowly, the hulking form that was Hughie shrank back to its original size, his breaths shallow and labored.

So, this is how it ends? Hughie thought, the edges of his vision darkening. I'm sorry, Master, Amelia...

Disgust contorted the old man's features as he spat on the broken figure before him. "Not even worthy to die by my hand," he sneered.

Gripping Hughie's neck with a single hand, he dragged him to the edge of the mountain. Is this the end? Hughie wondered, feeling the cold air rush past his face as the mountain's edge approached.

Looking down at the abyss, the old man hoisted Hughie's limp body. "A dog's death for a dog's intervention," the old man sneered. Without a shred of compassion, he hurled Hughie's limp body off the edge. The mountain's precipice swallowed him, and he plummeted downward.

With a huff, the old man turned away, his figure slowly swallowed by the mist.


Alert: Critical Condition Detected

Disciple Designation: Hughie Status: Fatally Wounded

Task: Administer Advanced Healing to Hughie Time Limit: 1 Hour

Warning: If Disciple Hughie remains untreated within the specified time frame, it will result in the disciple’s unfortunate demise.

Caution: Death of a disciple incurs severe consequences. For specifics:

· Hidden

· Hidden

· Hidden

However, the System’s plea for immediate action went unseen, as Slifer, deeply immersed in his meditation, remained oblivious to the events of the outside world.

Author’s Notes

Why did Hughie’s luck not help him in this battle?

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