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The Azure Sky Sect’s tea pavilion was always bustling with activities. It was a place where disciples could unwind after a long day of cultivating, missions, or training. In a secluded corner sat three figures, Kai sat with Lin Yue at his side, both had their gaze on Su Fang who sat across from them.

Su Fang's eyes flickered between Kai and Lin Yue. "I see you brought along some protection…”

Kai shook his head, a polite smile on his face. "Not at all. Lin Yue is my business partner. It seemed only fitting that he attend our meeting as well."

Su Fang's smile hardened, but he nodded. "Of course. How... considerate of you."

Kai took a sip of his tea, savoring the delicate flavor. "Now, Junior Brother Su, you requested this meeting. May I ask why?"

The words feeling strange on his tongue. Despite being a Legacy Disciple, addressing someone clearly older and more established in the sect as a junior still felt awkward.

"I have a proposition for you,” Su Fang leaned forward. “A partnership, if you will."

"Oh? I'm listening.”

"I've been impressed by your recent achievements. Becoming a Novice Alchemist in such a short time is no small feat. Your Low-Grade Qi Gathering pills have caused quite a stir among the Outer Disciples."

"I believe," Su Fang continued, his words flowing smoothly like rehearsed lines, "that by combining our resources and expertise, we could dominate the market entirely. I'm prepared to offer you a generous deal. For every pill you make for me, you'll receive 50% of the profits. With my connections, we could triple your current sales within a month."

As Su Fang outlined his proposal, Kai nodded along, but inwardly, he scoffed. This doesn't sound like a partnership at all. It's more like he wants me to work for him.

He caught Lin Yue's eye, seeing the warning there. It was clear the inner disciple thought the same.

Su Fang sat back, looking pleased with himself. "What do you say? Shall we join forces and corner the market?"

Kai set down his teacup, the soft clink seeming to echo in the pause that followed. "I appreciate your offer, Junior Brother Su, but I'm afraid I must decline."

"Decline?” Su Fang's smile faltered. “But surely you see the benefits-"

"What I see," Kai interrupted, "is not a partnership, but an attempt to acquire my business. I have no interest in selling."

Su Fang's expression shifted, annoyance flashing across his face before he schooled it back into a friendly mask. "You misunderstand. I'm only looking out for your interests. Perhaps if I explain the benefits more clearly-"

For the next few minutes, Su Fang outlined the supposed advantages of joining forces. Access to higher-quality ingredients, protection from rival sellers, guaranteed buyers for all pills. But with each point, Kai grew more certain that this was a thinly veiled takeover attempt.

This reminds me of those tech giants back on Earth. Google, Amazon - always looking to buy out smaller competitors before they become a threat. Creating their own monopolies. Well, I won't let that happen to me.

When Su Fang finished his pitch, Kai shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not interested. My business is doing fine on its own."

Su Fang's smile faltered for a moment before returning, now tinged with something darker. "I understand your hesitation, but consider the consequences of refusing. The cultivation world can be... unpredictable. Accidents happen. People go missing. Customers suddenly find other suppliers."

Kai frowned. It was clear Su Fang had no intention of backing down. The veiled threats were becoming less veiled by the second. He glanced at Lin Yue, seeing his own thoughts mirrored in his partner's eyes.

"I appreciate your concern," Kai said. "But I believe I can handle any challenges that come my way."

"Are you certain about that, Junior Brother?” Su Fang's smile turned sharp. “You're new to this world of business and cultivation. There's so much you don't know, so many... pitfalls you might not see coming."

Kai felt a flicker of anger, but he pushed it down. Getting emotional wouldn't help him here. Instead, he reached into his robes and pulled out a scroll.

"You're right, junior brother. There's a lot I don't know," Kai said, his voice level. "Which is why I've made it a point to learn."

Kai began to read. "Su Fang, third son of the Su Clan, one of the top ten clans in the region. Joined the Azure Sky Sect at age 12, reached Foundation Establishment by 20. Impressive achievements."

Su Fang had a proud smile on his face, but Kai wasn't finished.

"However, your business dealings are less... admirable," Kai continued, his eyes fixed on the Inner Disciple. "For instance, three years ago, a promising young alchemist named suddenly gave up her craft and left the sect. According to my sources, you threatened to have your friends pay a visit to her village unless she stopped selling her pills."

Su Fang's jaw clenched, but Kai pressed on.

"Then there's the case of a disciple undergoing qi deviation during a critical stage of pill refinement. Coincidentally, this happened right after he refused your offer to buy his business. The explosion destroyed his entire stock of spirit herbs and crippled his cultivation."

Kai unrolled the scroll further. "Oh, and let's not forget the unfortunate 'accident' that befell the Yun Family's pill delivery caravan last spring. Attacked by 'bandits' who somehow knew exactly when and where to strike, and precisely which wagons contained the most valuable pills. Strangely, your own shipments were untouched that season."

With each story, Su Fang's face grew paler, his knuckles white as he gripped the edge of the table.

"The scroll goes on. Sabotaged spirit herb gardens, mysterious fires in rival workshops, cultivators who dared to compete with you suffering cultivation setbacks or worse. It paints quite a picture, Su Fang. Not of a businessman, but of a bully who can't stand fair competition."

One of his men, standing nearby, stepped forward angrily. "How dare you accuse the young master-"

Su Fang held up a hand, silencing his subordinate. His smile had turned ugly, all pretense of friendliness gone. "It's one thing to reject my offer. It's quite another to humiliate me with these... accusations."

As he spoke, Su Fang's aura flared, a wave of pressure filling the teahouse. Several nearby tables hurriedly cleared out, not wanting to get dragged in the conflict.

Lin Yue's aura flared in response, pushing back against Su Fang's. But Kai could tell it was mostly for show. Lin Yue, while willing to support Kai, wasn't about to risk himself in a real confrontation with a Core Disciple. At least, not yet. Kai would have to prove he was worth that kind of risk.

It seems I've overestimated the wisdom of cultivators, Kai thought, recalling a phrase he'd often encountered in cultivation novels. 'Courting death.' That's what this is called. These cultivators really can't help themselves, can they?

The concept of a Core Disciple daring to make an enemy of someone clearly favored by the Sect Master and Alchemy Master seemed ludicrous to Kai. It was as if Su Fang's pride had overridden his common sense, blinding him to the potential consequences of his actions.

As the tension in the air thickened, Kai's eyes wandered, taking in the other occupants of the teahouse. His gaze landed on a familiar pair - Sun Jun and Lu Chen, watching them like hawks from the other side.

Ah, so that's how it is. They've set this up, hoping Su Fang would ‘teach me a lesson’.

Kai shook his head. It reminded him of high school drama, petty and shortsighted. But then, young masters in cultivation novels were often portrayed as spoiled and vindictive.

He knew he was in a precarious position. The Sect Master had made it clear he wouldn't intervene in disputes between disciples, but that didn't mean Kai couldn't use his position to his advantage.

"You know, my senior brother is returning soon. Perhaps we should continue this discussion when he arrives? I'm sure Senior Brother Wang Lin would be interested in your business propositions."

Su Fang's face, which had been flushed with anger, suddenly drained of color. "Wang Lin?" he muttered, almost to himself.

Kai watched with fascination as Su Fang visibly struggled to compose himself. It was clear that the mere mention of Wang Lin had stirred some potent memories in the Core Disciple.

Just how scary is this Wang Lin?

He had never met his supposed "senior brother," and for all he knew, Wang Lin could be the first to throw Kai to the wolves. But Su Fang didn't know that, and Kai wasn't above using Wang Lin's fearsome reputation to his advantage.

"Yes, Senior Brother Wang Lin," Kai confirmed, watching Su Fang carefully. "I'm sure he'd be very interested to hear about our... discussion today."

Su Fang swallowed hard, then forced a smile onto his face. It looked more like a grimace. "No, no, that won't be necessary. There's no need to trouble Senior Brother Wang with such trivial matters."

The Core Disciple stood abruptly, his teacup clattering in its saucer. "It's a shame we couldn't come to an agreement, Senior Brother. I wish you luck with your business endeavors."

With that, Su Fang turned and strode away, his lackeys scrambling to keep up. Kai watched him go, noting the stiffness in Su Fang's shoulders and the way his hands were clenched at his sides.

As the Core Disciple disappeared from view, Kai allowed himself a small sigh of relief. He glanced over at Sun Jun and Lu Chen, noting their disappointed expressions. Clearly, they had been hoping for a different outcome.

"You handled that well," Lin Yue said as they left the teahouse. "But Su Fang won't give up easily. He's used to getting what he wants."

"I know,” Kai nodded. “But I'm not about to hand over my business just because he's throwing his weight around."

They walked in silence for a moment before Lin Yue spoke again. "You mentioned Senior Brother Wang Lin. Have you actually met him?"

"No, not yet,” Kai shook his head. “But his reputation seems to precede him."

Lin Yue chuckled, but there was a nervous edge to it. "That's an understatement. Senior Brother Wang Lin is... well, let's just say he's not someone you want to cross. Even some of the elders are terrified of him."

"Is it because he's already reached the Nascent Soul realm. That kind of power is hard for us to comprehend at our level."

"No, it's not just that,” Lin Yue shook his head. “Wang Lin's cultivation speed is unprecedented in our sect's history, true. But it's not his power alone that makes others fear him."

"Oh?" Kai raised an eyebrow. "What is it then?"

Lin Yue glanced around before lowering his voice. "There are... stories about him. Things he's done to those who've crossed him or threatened the sect."

"What kind of stories?" Kai asked, both curious and slightly alarmed.

Lin Yue shook his head, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's best not to repeat them in public. Let's just say that those who've faced Wang Lin's wrath... well, most of them aren't around to talk about it anymore."

"And he's only twenty years old…"

"That's right," Lin Yue confirmed. "A true once-in-a-millennium prodigy. Some say he's blessed by the heavens. Others... well, they whisper about darker things."

I really hope Wang Lin isn't as terrifying as everyone makes him out to be. Maybe all those stories are exaggerated, and he's actually someone who looks out for his juniors.

Kai tried to picture a benevolent Wang Lin, but the image kept morphing into something more sinister. He sighed inwardly. Who am I kidding? With my luck, he's probably every bit the ruthless, power-hungry monster they say he is. I'll be lucky if he doesn't decide to make an example out of me just for breathing wrong.

I guess I need to do some research on him. Find out his history, his background. Maybe I can figure out if he fits any of the main character archetypes I know of.

If Wang Lin's life story followed a recognizable pattern—the orphaned prodigy, the hidden royal, the genius with a broken engagement, or the revenge-driven hero who had his whole clan massacred—it might give Kai some insight into how to deal with him. At the very least, it would be better than going in blind.

Knowledge is power. And when you're dealing with someone who could probably vaporize you with a thought, you need all the power you can get.

On that note, it’s time to craft my own weapon!


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