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The storm clouds gathered above the Zhen Lei Shenjiao as it prepared for its breakthrough.

"At last," the flood dragon rumbled, "The moment I've been waiting for. The barrier between Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment... I will shatter it!"

The beast's body began to glow with an intense, electric blue light. Sparks danced across its scales, and the air itself seemed to vibrate with the force of its qi. The Zhen Lei Shenjiao's eyes, normally a deep sapphire, now blazed with white-hot energy.

"Come, heavenly tribulation!" it roared. "I am ready to face your challenge and take my next step towards becoming a true dragon!"

As if in response to its call, the sky split open. A bolt of lightning, far larger and more potent than any natural occurrence, lanced down from the heavens. It struck the flood dragon head-on, enveloping its form in a cocoon of pure electrical energy.

The Zhen Lei Shenjiao's voice rose in a mix of pain and exultation. "Yes! This is the power I seek to become a Jiao Lian Shenjiao- a Quaking Thunder Spirit Serpent!"

Its scales began to shift and change, hardening and taking on a more metallic sheen. The mane of electricity running down its spine grew brighter and more defined. It's small, stubby horns grew longer from its skull, the first signs of its transformation into the next stage of its evolution.

"I can feel it," the beast growled. "The realm of Foundation Establishment... it's within my grasp!”

The lightning continued to pour down, relentless in its assault. The flood dragon's body trembled under the onslaught, but it held firm. Its qi swirled and expanded, pushing against the boundaries of the Qi Refining realm.

As the transformation continued, in its arrogance, the Zhen Lei Shenjiao began to explain its evolutionary path, perhaps to itself, or to any who might be listening:

"We flood dragons have a long path to becoming true dragons," it rumbled. "First, we begin as Zhen Lei Shenjiao, apprentices of thunder and lightning. But that is merely the first step."

The beast's body continued to change, its form elongating slightly as it spoke.

"Upon reaching Foundation Establishment, we evolve into Jiao Lian Shenjiao - Spirit Serpents with a growing understanding of storms. Our lightning becomes infused with spiritual energy, allowing us to start grasping the basics of soul-striking techniques."

A crack of thunder punctuated its words, as if nature itself was confirming the creature's explanation.

"Beyond that lies the Kui Lian Shenjiao - the Thunderclap Spirit Dragon. When we reach that stage, we begin to learn how to influence the weather, calling forth small storms with some effort. Our bodies become more draconic, with longer horns and the beginnings of claws."

The flood dragon's eyes gleamed with ambition as it continued its exposition.

"After the Kui Lian Shenjiao comes the Pang Lian Shenjiao - the Thunderbolt Divine Dragon. At this stage, we can create and control moderate storms, and our lightning remnants can crack boulders."

Despite the pain of its ongoing transformation, the Zhen Lei Shenjiao's voice swelled with pride.

"And finally, if we prove worthy, we may become true Lian Long - Thunder Dragons. Masters of the sky, with the power to unleash heaven-shaking storms and lightning that can rewrite the very laws of nature."

The flood dragon's body shuddered as another wave of energy washed over it. "But for now, I focus on the task at hand. To evolve from Zhen Lei Shenjiao to Jiao Lian Shenjiao. To break through to Foundation Establishment and take my first true step on the path to becoming a Lian Long!"

Suddenly, the lightning changed. Instead of striking the Zhen Lei Shenjiao directly, it began to form a sphere around the creature. The sphere pulsed with energy, compressing and intensifying the qi within.

"Ah, I see, the final test,” The flood dragon's eyes widened in understanding. “I must break free of this shell to truly advance."

It began to thrash within the sphere, its coils slamming against the barriers of lightning. Each impact sent shockwaves through the air, causing the ground to tremble.

"I will not be denied!" the Zhen Lei Shenjiao roared. "I have come too far, sacrificed too much!"

The sphere began to crack, thin lines of darkness appearing in the blinding light. The flood dragon redoubled its efforts, pouring every ounce of its strength and qi into breaking free.

"Almost... almost..."

With a final, earth-shaking roar, the Zhen Lei Shenjiao shattered the sphere. Lightning exploded outward in all directions, scorching the ground around the beast.

The flood dragon hung suspended in the air, its body still glowing with residual energy. Its transformation was nearly complete - its scales now shimmered with a purple glow, and the horns that adorned its head were larger, more draconic. It was on the very cusp of becoming a Jiao Lian Shenjiao.

"Yes!" it exulted. "I can feel the power of Foundation Establishment flowing through me! I am reborn! I am evolving into a Jiao Lian Shenjiao! I am-"

Suddenly, the glow surrounding the Zhen Lei Shenjiao flickered. Its eyes widened in shock and confusion.

"What? No! This can't be!"

The qi it had absorbed from Kai, which had pushed it to the brink of breakthrough, began to dissipate. The energy that had been fueling its transformation started to fade.

"No! NO!" the flood dragon roared in frustration. "I was so close! How can this be happening?"

Its horns began to shrink, and its scales lost some of their luster. The Zhen Lei Shenjiao thrashed in the air, desperately trying to hold onto the power it had gained.

"I refuse to accept this!" it bellowed. "I will not be denied my destiny!"

But despite its protests, the transformation continued to reverse. The flood dragon's body shrank slightly, returning to its previous size. The mane of electricity along its spine dimmed, and its qi levels began to drop.

"This is impossible," the Zhen Lei Shenjiao muttered, its voice a mix of disbelief and rage. "I had everything I needed. The offerings, the human's qi... it should have been enough!"

As the last of the transformative energy faded, the flood dragon slowly descended to the ground. It landed heavily, its massive coils sprawling across the scorched earth. The beast's breathing was labored, exhausted from the failed breakthrough. Its eyes darted around wildly, as if searching for an explanation for its failure.

"How?" it growled. "How could this happen? I was at the very threshold of becoming a Jiao Lian Shenjiao!"

Unbeknownst to the Zhen Lei Shenjiao, a figure materialized behind it. Kai had respawned with his sword at the ready.

The flood dragon, still lost in its shock and dismay, failed to notice the human's presence. "I must find more qi," it muttered to itself. "Perhaps if I devour more creatures, I can try again. Yes, that's it. I'll-"

Its words were cut short as Kai's sword flashed through the air; he targeted the weak spot he had identified - the gap in the scales near the creature's neck.

The blade struck true, slicing through the vulnerable area with ease. The Zhen Lei Shenjiao's eyes widened in shock and pain, a strangled gasp escaping its throat.

"What... how..." it managed to croak out before its massive head separated from its body.

The flood dragon's corpse collapsed to the ground, its coils twitching in their death throes. Kai stood over the fallen beast, his breath coming in quick gasps as the adrenaline of the moment began to fade.

A notification popped up in his vision:

Quest Complete: Tribulation Challenger

Defeat a beast undergoing breakthrough to Foundation Establishment Realm.

Reward: 2500 XP

Kai let out a long breath, relief washing over him. He had done it. He had defeated the Zhen Lei Shenjiao and completed the quest.

He glanced at his wrist, where once two red prongs of the trident mark had glowed, now only one remained.

"I don't see any other way I could kill you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he stored the massive corpse in his inventory.

Kai took a moment to survey his surroundings. The battlefield was a mess. He knew that in a normal situation, he might have to worry about other beasts in the area taking advantage of the chaos to attack. But he also knew that the flood dragon’s followers would understand that anything capable of defeating their master would be far beyond their level. They would be walking to their deaths if they tried to challenge him now.

Still, a nagging thought tugged at his mind. He remembered the Qi Refining Stage 9 Thunder Bird he had encountered earlier. Beasts like that, which lacked intelligence, may be driven here by primal need to feed, regardless of the danger.

So, Kai decided to check his map, he searched for any sign of approaching threats. To his relief, he saw no red dots nearby.

At least something's going right, he thought to himself.

But just as he was about to relax, a new marker appeared on the map. A green dot, moving at high speed, was rapidly approaching his position. Kai's eyes narrowed, and he immediately dropped into a fighting stance.

Green means ally or neutral, but who or what could that be in a place like Storm's Peak?

One of the benefits of his respawn was that he had returned with full health and qi. He wasn't tired from the battle, and he was ready to face whatever it was that was headed his way.

Who is it? Another cultivator from the Azure Sky Sect? Or maybe some kind of neutral beast I haven't encountered before?

The seconds ticked by, feeling like hours as Kai waited. Then, suddenly, a figure appeared on the horizon. It was moving so fast that it seemed to blur, crossing the distance in mere moments.

As the newcomer drew closer, Kai's eyes widened in recognition. The black robes, the familiar stance - it was Shen Yu!


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