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Kai stood at the edge of the core layer of Storm's Peak, known as the Eye of the Storm. The name fit perfectly - winds howled and lightning flashed in a dizzying display of nature's fury.

He had flown low and used his Qi Concealment skill to avoid detection by Thunder Birds or other hungry beasts on his way here. Landing softly on a rocky outcrop, Kai pulled up his map. A large red dot pulsed not far from his position. He pondered what kind of beast it might be.

Lightning affinity, powerful enough to attempt a breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment in a realm designed to hold only Qi Refining beasts... what options are there?

Given the lightning-rich environment, several possibilities came to mind - perhaps a Thunder Ox or Lightning Serpent? But then he remembered what that Azure Sky Sect disciple had mentioned before he entered the realm. There were rumors of a dragon.

A dragon makes sense. What better creature to rule over a domain of storms?

Deciding to rest and restore his qi naturally, Kai found a sheltered spot between two large boulders. He didn't want to waste valuable qi pills before a major fight. As he sat down, he noticed new information on his quest log:

Quest: Tribulation Challenger

Time Remaining: 45:00

A time limit? That's new. But it makes sense. The beast won't pause its breakthrough just to wait for me. My life isn’t exactly a game…

Kai spent the next 15 minutes in quiet meditation, feeling his qi slowly replenish. When he felt ready, he stood and suppressed his qi even further. He began making his way toward the quest marker, moving cautiously over the rough terrain.

Suddenly, he heard voices approaching. He quickly ducked behind a large rock, peering out carefully.

A group of beasts, ranging from Qi Refining Stage 7 to Stage 9, were making their way up the peak. They were a motley assortment - some furry, some scaled, ranging in size from that of a large dog to a small horse. Kai's Spirit Beast Communication skill kicked in, allowing him to understand their conversation.

"This tribulation is taking forever," grumbled a creature that looked like a cross between a wolf and a lightning bolt. "How many more offerings does the master need?"

A bird-like beast squawked in response. "As many as it takes! Do you want to volunteer yourself as the next meal?"

The wolf-thing's fur stood on end. "Of course not! I'm just saying, we've been at this for days. My paws are getting sore."

"Stop whining," a third beast, resembling a gorilla made of storm clouds, grunted. "The master's breakthrough will benefit us all. Now hurry up - I don't want to get eaten for being late with the offerings."

"Do you really think the master will become a true dragon after the breakthrough?" the bird-like beast asked.

"Who knows?" the wolf-beast replied. "But even if it doesn't, our master will still be the most powerful creature in Storm's Peak. Now stop yapping and keep moving!"

Kai watched them pass. So, it's not quite a dragon yet. But it's aiming to become one. Interesting...

He waited until the group was a safe distance ahead before following, keeping to the shadows and using his Qi Concealment to its fullest.

As Kai stalked the group of beasts, his eyes took in the harsh beauty of the Eye of the Storm. Jagged cliffs rose on all sides, their peaks lost in the storm clouds above. Lightning arced between the rocks, creating temporary bridges of pure energy. A constant low rumble of thunder served as nature's background music.

It's incredible. A whole ecosystem built around lightning and storms. But it seems like none of these creatures realize that their entire world is just a mini-realm owned by the Azure Sky Sect.

The realization made Kai pause. He thought back to the realm outside. Could it be possible that the world he was isekaid to  was also just a pocket dimension in some greater universe? He'd read plenty of xianxia stories where the protagonist broke through the world's barrier, only to discover they were a big fish in a small pond.

No, I need to focus. I can ponder existential questions later. Right now, I have a job to do.

He continued following the beast group, staying well back and using his qi detection as well as his map to ensure he wasn't walking into any traps. Eventually, they reached what appeared to be their destination - a massive cave mouth set into the side of the tallest peak.

Kai found a hiding spot with a good view of the cave entrance. He settled in to wait, curious to see what would emerge.

He didn't have to wait long. A massive form slithered out of the cave, and Kai had to stifle a gasp. The creature before him wasn't quite a dragon, but it was certainly on its way there. Its body was long and serpentine, covered in blue scales that seemed to absorb and reflect the lightning around it. A mane of what looked like pure electricity ran down its spine. Its head was more snake-like than draconic, but Kai could see the beginnings of horns forming on its skull.

Most striking, however, was the qi spiraling around the beast. It was dense and powerful, swirling in complex patterns that Kai struggled to follow with his eyes.

So, this is what a breakthrough to Foundation Establishment looks like, Kai thought, awestruck despite himself.

The smaller beasts approached their master, prostrating themselves before offering up the corpses they'd brought. The serpent-dragon's eyes gleamed with hunger. It opened its maw, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth, and began to devour the offerings.

Kai watched, fascinated and a little horrified, as the creature consumed corpse after corpse. With each one, the qi surrounding it grew denser, more chaotic.

Finally, the serpent-dragon finished the last corpse. It raised its head and let out a bone-shaking roar that made Kai want to cover his ears.

"It's not enough!" the beast bellowed, its voice like rolling thunder. "I need more! The breakthrough is almost over, I can feel it!"

The smaller beasts looked at each other nervously. "Master," the wolf-beast spoke up hesitantly, "we've brought all we could find..."

The serpent-dragon's eyes narrowed dangerously. Without warning, tendrils of qi shot out from its body, wrapping around the wolf-beast. The creature yelped in terror as it was dragged towards its master's gaping maw.

"No! Please, master!" the wolf-beast pleaded. But its cries fell on deaf ears. With a single gulp, the serpent-dragon swallowed its own servant.

The other beasts cowered in fear. The serpent-dragon's eyes swept over them, making them shrink back even further.

"Get more," it commanded. "I don't care how. I don't care what. Just bring me more to devour. I NEED MORE!"

The beasts didn't need to be told twice. They scrambled away, practically falling over each other in their haste to escape their master's hunger.

Kai remained in his hiding spot, he checked his map, confirming that the smaller beasts were moving away. When he was sure they were at a far enough distance to not head back, his eyes narrowed. It was time to make his move.

Okay, I need a plan but first let’s check its stats.

Name: ???

Species: Zhen Lei Shenjiao (Quaking Thunder Divine Flood Dragon)

Cultivation: Pseudo-Foundation Establishment

HP: 900/900

Qi: 900/900

Strength: 99

Agility: 96

Durability: 98

Its stats really are just a breadth away from Foundation Establishment realm. I need to ambush it.

Swift Wind Step would get him close quickly. He could use Qi Condensation to enhance his sword, maybe even combine it with Flame Palm Strike for extra damage. The head seemed like the best target - he wasn't sure about the creature's internal anatomy, and he didn't want to aim for a heart that might not exist or be in an unexpected location.

Just as Kai was about to put his plan into action, the serpent-dragon's massive head swiveled towards his hiding spot. Its blue eyes fixed directly on him.

"Well, well," the beast rumbled, its voice a mix of amusement and resignation. "It seems the heavens truly don't want me to breakthrough. They've sent me a human tribulation."

Kai's eyes widened, his cover was blown, but maybe he could use this to his advantage. He stood slowly, stepping out from behind the rocks with a calm expression on his face.

"The heavens didn't send me, I'm here of my own accord. Killing you will benefit me."

The serpent-dragon's eyes widened slightly. "You speak the tongue of fey-kin," it said, using an unfamiliar term that Kai's skill translated as a catch-all for magical beasts.

The creature shook its massive head. "Ah, but this is how the heavens trick those under the sky. They make you believe you act of your own will, when in truth, you dance to their tune."

Kai's calm expression faltered for a moment. The beast's words struck a chord within him. He couldn't help but think of the many xianxia stories he'd read, where Heaven's Will manipulated events and people like pieces on a cosmic chessboard. And then there was his own situation - was the system that gave him quests and rewards truly benevolent, or was it manipulating him for its own ends?

No, Kai thought, shaking off the doubt. Even if that's true, I can't afford to dwell on it now. I need those credits.

"You might be right," he admitted. "But whether it's Heaven's Will or my own choice, the outcome will be the same. One of us won't be walking away from this."

The serpent-dragon regarded Kai with what almost looked like respect. "Brave words, little human. But do you truly think you can stand against me? I stand at the precipice of Foundation Establishment. The power of storms flows through my veins. Whilst you…you have only just entered the 9th Stage of Qi Refining realm. You are walking to your death."

As if to emphasize its point, lightning flared along the beast's spine, illuminating the cave in blue-white flashes.

Kai stood his ground, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of his sword. "I like a challenge, and death hasn't stopped me before.”

The serpent-dragon's mouth curved into what might have been a smile, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. "Very well, human. If you wish to be my tribulation, then so be it. Your qi will only benefit my breakthrough."

Just as it seemed Kai was about to reply, he vanished in a blur of wind.

The battle for Storm's Peak had begun.




When he beats it, it should grant him scales of wyrm so that he could craft “Scale-mail of Thundering Force” skin layer aka fuse with the body to increase cultivation and lightning resistance by like 10%. Then if possible those other beast could become Kai’s follower by rite of power.