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Kai sat cross-legged on the cushion, facing the Sect Master. To his left, Shen Yu mirrored his position.

The Sect Master's gaze swept over them both. "It's been some time since our last meeting. How has your cultivation progressed?"

Kai straightened his back, "I've made good progress, Sect Master. I opened the next three meridians using the Heavenly Thunderstorm method. Now I only have three left to go."

The Sect Master nodded. "Good. You're moving at a steady pace." He turned to Shen Yu. "And you?"

Shen Yu's face remained blank as he spoke. "I've completed the first layer of the Heavenly Thunderstorm cultivation method."

Kai's eyes widened. He couldn't help but turn to look at his fellow disciple.

Completed the first layer? Already?

As if triggered by his surprise, Kai's system flashed Shen Yu's stats before his eyes:

Name: Shen Yu

Level: Qi Refining Stage 9

Qi: 500/500

Strength: 80

Agility: 80

Endurance: 80

Holy crap. He really has already surpassed me. But then again, I shouldn’t be surprised. Competing with him right now is like a level 1 character trying to take on a max-level player who just restarted. My only shot at catching up is to hope his previous cultivation stopped not too far ahead, which is unlikely since he was able to reincarnate/regress...

For now, I'll focus on my own path and worry about competing with him later... much later.

Kai glanced at the Sect Master to see the older man's reaction, the Sect Master’s face remained calm, almost as if he'd expected this outcome.

Oh, right. He probably sensed our cultivation levels as soon as we walked in. Or maybe he's been keeping tabs on us this whole time…

The Sect Master's lips curved into a slight smile. "Excellent work, Shen Yu. Your progress is truly remarkable."

Shen Yu bowed his head slightly. "Thank you. Now that I've completed the first layer, can I begin learning the Legacy wind cultivation method?"

The room fell silent. Kai turned to see how the Sect Master would respond. For a few seconds, the older man said nothing, his eyes studying Shen Yu intently.

Then, a smile spread across the Sect Master's face. "Yes, I believe you're ready."

Kai watched as the Sect Master reached into his robes and pulled out a scroll. He handed it to Shen Yu with a nod.

"This," the Sect Master said, "is the Wind God method. Like the Heavenly Thunderstorm technique, it consists of nine layers. The first layer involves opening the same nine meridians you've already worked on, but this time using wind-based qi."

Kai leaned forward. This is what I've been wondering about. How does someone cultivate two different methods at once?

As if reading his mind, the Sect Master continued. "Now, you both might be wondering how one cultivates using two different methods. There are a few approaches, but the two most common are as follows."

Kai and Shen Yu listened as the Sect Master explained.

"The first method involves using both techniques in tandem to open each meridian. This approach is more difficult and carries a higher risk of qi deviation. The second method is simpler: close the meridian you've already opened, then reopen it using the new technique."

Kai nodded, absorbing the information. He glanced at Shen Yu, noticing that the other disciple didn't seem surprised by any of this.

Of course. He wanted to start both methods from the beginning. He must have been planning to use the first approach all along.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Kai spoke up. "Sect Master, if I may ask... Why don't cultivators just keep adding more and more cultivation methods? Wouldn't that make their foundation even more stable and give them greater advantages later on?"

"An excellent question, Kai. The answer isn't as simple as you might think."

The Sect Master paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "First and foremost, cultivation methods must be compatible with each other. Our Azure Sky Sect's legacy methods, the Heavenly Thunderstorm and the Wind God techniques, are designed to work in harmony. But not all methods play well together."

I wonder if my system can tell me which methods are compatible? That could be a huge advantage.

"Let me give you an example," the Sect Master said. "Imagine trying to mix oil and water. No matter how hard you try, they'll always separate. Some cultivation methods are like that – fundamentally incompatible."

"I see," Kai said. "So even if we wanted to, we couldn't just pick up any random method and add it to our cultivation?"

"That is right," the Sect Master nodded. "Which is why I must warn you both: do not attempt to add other cultivation methods to your practice without proper guidance. The consequences could be... severe."

After a brief pause, the Sect Master continued. "There's another factor to consider as well. While cultivation does increase your lifespan, the higher you climb, the longer it takes to breakthrough to the next level. Cultivators can't afford to spend all their time learning new methods when their lifespan is slowly ticking away."

But with my system, I might be able to learn multiple methods quickly. If I can find compatible techniques, I could have a massive edge.

"Thank you for the explanation, Sect Master," Kai said, bowing his head. "I'll be sure to focus on mastering our sect's methods before considering anything else."

The Sect Master nodded, then his expression shifted to one of mild surprise. "Ah, before I forget – congratulations on becoming a Novice Alchemist, Kai. Elder Xiao was quite impressed by your performance."

Kai blinked, caught off guard by the sudden change of topic. "Oh, thank you, Sect Master. I'm honored by Elder Xiao's praise."

From the corner of his eye, Kai noticed Shen Yu watching him. The other disciple's face remained neutral, showing no signs of surprise.

Either he already knew I was going to become an alchemist by now, or he heard about it through the sect grapevine. It's not like it was a secret – becoming an alchemist in just three days probably got people talking.

"I must admit," the Sect Master said, "I thought you were more interested in formations than alchemy. What prompted this change?"

Kai shrugged, trying to appear casual. "I'm still interested in formations, Sect Master. But I figured alchemy might be a quicker way to earn spirit stones in the short term."

And to create some useful pills for myself, he added silently.

The Sect Master's eyes narrowed slightly. "A practical approach. Just be sure not to neglect your cultivation, Kai. All the spirit stones in the world won't help if your foundation is weak."

"Of course, Sect Master," Kai said quickly. "I won't let my cultivation suffer, I promise."

The older man nodded, seemingly satisfied. Then his expression grew serious as he looked at both disciples.

"There's something else I need to discuss with you both," the Sect Master said, his voice taking on a graver tone. "Cultivation is about more than just sitting and meditating. You will face trials not only outside the sect but within it as well."

Kai and Shen Yu exchanged a quick glance before returning their attention to the Sect Master.

"I hope you understand," he continued, "that if you have trouble with other cultivators, you should not expect me to intervene. Problems between the younger generation must be resolved by the younger generation."

Kai nodded, keeping his face neutral. He's talking about my issues with Su Fang. Clearly, he doesn't care that Su Fang's cultivation is higher than mine. He's not going to step in.

But that's fine. I never planned on involving him anyway. I'll deal with Su Fang myself.

"I don’t require anyone’s help,” Shen Yu said bluntly, breaking the momentary silence.

The Sect Master nodded. "Good. That's the attitude I expect from my legacy disciples." He paused, looking at them both. “Do you have any questions?"

Kai shook his head. "No, Sect Master. I'll focus on opening the final three meridians."

Shen Yu remained silent.

"Very well," the Sect Master replied. His gaze moved between both disciples. "However, I must caution both of you. Do not attempt a breakthrough to Foundation Establishment without speaking to me first. I can assist you with the necessary preparations."

"We understand, Sect Master," Kai said, bowing his head respectfully. "We'll be sure to seek your guidance before attempting the breakthrough."

Shen Yu nodded once more.

"Good. Unless there's anything else, you're both dismissed."

As Kai and Shen Yu left the pavilion, Kai's mind raced. He needed to talk to Shen Yu privately, but he couldn't be obvious about it. The Sect Master was likely still listening.

Kai stretched casually, then said, "Man, all this cultivation talk has made me hungry. I could really go for some of those spicy dumplings from the dinner hall."

He glanced at Shen Yu, hoping the other disciple would catch his hint. "Want to grab a bite?"

Shen Yu's face remained impassive. "No, thank you. I have matters to attend to."

Hmm, I don’t know if he is taking me literally or he doesn’t want to talk, but I'm not giving up that easily.

As they turned the corner, Kai tried again. "Actually, Shen Yu, I was hoping to ask your advice on something. There's this tricky part of the Heavenly Thunderstorm technique I'm struggling with. Maybe we could discuss it on the way to the training grounds?"

Kai held his breath, hoping this approach would work. But Shen Yu's expression didn't change.

"Perhaps another time," Shen Yu replied coolly. "You should speak to the Sect Master, I have my own training to focus on."

Before Kai could come up with another excuse, Shen Yu turned to him. His voice was low, lower than even a whisper. "Your cultivation is low. Too low. You need to be faster."

Before Kai could process what he'd heard, let alone ask for clarification, Shen Yu was gone.

Kai's eyes narrowed as he stood alone.

What the hell was that about? If Shen Yu really is a regressor, is this some kind of warning? Does he know something's coming, something I need to be prepared for? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it. Maybe he's just trying to get under my skin, pointing out how far behind I am.

He shook his head, a determined look settling on his face.

It doesn't matter what his motivation is. He's right. I do need to speed up my cultivation, and it also wouldn’t hurt to prepare in case there is some big event coming up.




Most likely an event would happen with an invasion of the demonic cultivators. Also wouldn’t he simply progress to the next realm because of his system.