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Kai sat cross-legged on the floor of his pavilion, the Heavenly Thunderstorm cultivation method scroll unfurled before him. He scanned the text once more:

Meridian of the Thunderclap Location: Lower Dantian (Abdomen)

Method to Open: "Thunder Clap Meditation" – Perform a series of physical exercises that simulate the movement of thunderclaps. This vigorous activity helps to channel lightning qi into the lower dantian, gradually opening the meridian.

Unlike many of his fellow gamers back on Earth, Kai had never shied away from physical exertion. His mind drifted briefly to memories of university kickboxing sessions.

This should be interesting, he thought, cracking his knuckles in anticipation.

He read through the three exercises outlined in the scroll:

  • Thunderclap Stance

  • Skyward Reaches

  • Electric Dragon Twists

"Alright," Kai muttered to himself, "let's get started."

First, he needed to close his Lower Dantian meridian. He'd done this several times now with other meridians, so the process went smoothly. As he finished, a familiar blue message appeared in his vision:

Your cultivation has dropped to Qi Refining Stage 7

"Here goes nothing," Kai said, standing up and shaking out his limbs.

He began with the Thunderclap Stance. Planting his feet firmly on the ground, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, Kai bent his knees and lowered his center of gravity. He formed fists with both hands, then thrust them downward in a synchronized motion.

Imagine striking the ground with immense force, he reminded himself, visualizing shockwaves of energy traveling up through his legs and into his lower dantian.

Kai held the stance, focusing on deep, rhythmic breathing. He tried to sense the gathering of energy in his abdomen, but... nothing happened.

"Hm," he frowned, straightening up. "Maybe I'm not visualizing it strongly enough?"

He tried again, this time closing his eyes to better focus on the mental image. As he thrust his fists down, Kai pictured bolts of lightning striking the ground, sending ripples of electric energy through the earth and up into his body.

Still nothing.

"Okay," Kai muttered, "let's try the next one. I might have more success with that one"

He moved on to the Skyward Reaches exercise. Standing with his feet shoulder-width apart and arms relaxed at his sides, Kai slowly raised his arms above his head. He stretched upwards, imagining his fingers grasping at lightning bolts in the sky.

As he reached up, Kai took a deep breath, visualizing himself pulling down energy into his body. On the exhale, he brought his hands down slowly, trying to guide the imagined energy towards his lower dantian.

He repeated this fluid motion several times, focusing intently on the stretch and the imagined flow of energy. But after several minutes, Kai still felt no different.

"Come on," he grumbled. "What am I missing?"

Determined not to give up, Kai moved on to the final exercise: Electric Dragon Twists. He widened his stance, placed his hands on his hips, and began slowly twisting his torso from side to side.

As he reached the peak of each twist, Kai visualized a coiled dragon wrapping around his abdomen, releasing bursts of lightning qi into his lower dantian. He gradually increased the speed and intensity of the twists, maintaining control and focus.

After several minutes of this, Kai stopped, breathing heavily. He waited, hoping to feel some change, some spark of energy in his core. But there was nothing.

"Damn it," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "What am I doing wrong?"

Kai paced the room, his mind racing. He'd followed the instructions to the letter, hadn't he? Maybe he was missing something obvious. He returned to the scroll, reading through the descriptions again more carefully.

As he studied the text, he realised something. "Wait a minute," he murmured. "These exercises are supposed to simulate thunderclaps, right? But I've been too focused on lightning."

He pondered this realization. Thunderclaps weren't just about the flash of lightning – they were about the boom, the vibration, the raw power of nature.

"Let's try this again."

He returned to the Thunderclap Stance. This time, as he thrust his fists downward, Kai didn't just visualize lightning. He imagined the earth-shaking rumble of thunder, the way it could be felt as much as heard.

As his fists connected with an imaginary ground, Kai let out a loud, "BOOM!" startling himself with the volume of his own voice.

To his amazement, he felt a slight tremor in his lower abdomen. It was faint, barely perceptible, but definitely there.

"Yes!" Kai grinned. "That's it!"

Encouraged, he moved on to the Skyward Reaches. As he stretched upwards, Kai didn't just picture grasping lightning – he imagined the sky itself rumbling with the promise of an oncoming storm. With each exhale as he brought his arms down, he let out a low, rumbling sound from deep in his chest.

The sensation in his lower dantian grew stronger, a buzzing energy slowly building.

Finally, Kai tried the Electric Dragon Twists once more. As he twisted from side to side, he synchronized his movements with imagined claps of thunder. Each twist was punctuated with a sharp exhalation, like the staccato beats of a thunderstorm.

The energy in his core intensified, spreading warmth throughout his body. Kai could feel his qi responding, swirling and condensing in his lower dantian.

"It's working!" he panted, increasing the speed of his twists.

Sweat beaded on his forehead as Kai pushed himself, repeating the three exercises in sequence. Each time through, he focused on the multisensory experience of a thunderstorm – the flash of lightning, the rumble of thunder, the electric charge in the air.

Hours passed, though Kai barely noticed the passage of time. His world narrowed to the rhythm of the exercises and the growing power in his core. The energy built and built, like a storm gathering strength.

Just when Kai thought he couldn't continue any longer, when his muscles burned and his lungs heaved for air, something shifted and then suddenly the energy in his lower dantian exploded outward.

Kai gasped, his eyes flying open. Blue-white light crackled across his skin, and for a moment, he could have sworn he heard the boom of thunder echoing in the small room.

As quickly as it had come, the surge of power faded. Kai collapsed to his knees, panting heavily. His whole body tingled with residual energy, and he could still feel a new warmth pulsing in his core.

Slowly, a grin spread across Kai's face. "I did it," he whispered, then louder, "I actually did it!"


You have successfully opened the Meridian of the Thunderclap!

Cultivation returned to Qi Refining Stage 8

Lightning Affinity increased to 40%

Skill Leveled Up: Crown of Lightning (Level 6)

Effect: A temporary, visible aura of lightning can form around the cultivator's head during meditation, boosting the cultivator's qi regeneration by 30%.

Skill Leveled Up: Sky's Favor (Level 6)

Effect: The cultivator's qi absorption rate increases by 30% whenever they are under an open sky, this increases to 35% when under stormy weather.

Skill Leveled Up: Electric Immunity (Level 6)

Effect: The cultivator gains 30% resistance to lightning-based attacks, reducing the damage taken from electric or lightning-based techniques.

You have gained 300 XP!

Kai’s smile faltered slightly as he realized yet again, he hadn't gained any new skills.

I guess I shouldn't keep expecting new skills every time.

But his disappointment was short-lived as he noticed the increase in his lightning affinity by yet another 5%.

Kai's gaze then fell on his XP total, and his excitement returned full force. He was now at 3900 XP, just 100 away from breaking through to the Peak of Qi Refining!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," he called out, still catching his breath.

Chen Wei entered, his eyes widening as he took in Kai's disheveled appearance and the faint traces of electricity still crackling in the air.

"Senior Brother Kai," Chen Wei said, bowing slightly. "Sorry, I didn’t know you were cultivating.”

Kai chuckled, pushing himself to his feet. "It’s fine, Chen Wei. If I hadn’t finished, I wouldn’t have responded.”

Chen Wei nodded. "Thank you. I came to inform you that Lin Yue is here to see you."

Kai's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Lin Yue? The Inner Disciple you met in Greenleaf Village?"

"The very same," Chen Wei confirmed. "He said it's about business. Should I tell him you're available?"

Kai considered for a moment. He was tired from opening the new meridian, but his curiosity was piqued. What could Lin Yue want? Was it related to this Su Fang?

"Yes, tell him I'll see him," Kai decided. "But give me a few minutes to clean up first."

As Chen Wei turned to leave, Kai called out, "Oh, and Chen Wei? Could you bring some tea? I have a feeling we might need it."

Chen Wei nodded and left to fetch Lin Yue and prepare the tea.

Alone once more, Kai quickly straightened his robes and smoothed down his hair. He took a few deep breaths, centering himself.

This Lin Yue is a Foundation Establishment cultivator like Su Fang, I can’t let my guard down…


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