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Kai stared at the glowing vial in his hand, a tired smile spreading across his face.

New Item Created: Thundercore Elixir

Description: An elixir that awakens the Storm's Core meridian, enhancing lightning-based cultivation.

"Well done, Disciple Kai. It took three days, but you finally did it," Elder Xiao smiled at him.

Kai nodded, his gaze shifting to the system messages that had appeared before him. He watched as each of his five basic alchemy skills leveled up to 4.

Essence Extraction has reached Level 4!

Elemental Fusion has reached Level 4!

Qi Infusion has reached Level 4!

Stability Control has reached Level 4!

Spiritual Resonance has reached Level 4!

You have gained 1000 XP!

Two whole levels from creating an Intermediate Elixir? Kai’s eyes widened. Not bad at all.

"Thank you for your guidance, Elder Xiao," he said, bowing his head. "I couldn't have done it without your patience and instruction."

The elder waved his hand dismissively, but there was a small smile on his face. "You have talent. But talent alone isn't enough. It was your persistence that saw you through."

Kai nodded, remembering the countless failed attempts over the past three days. Each failure had been frustrating, but also instructive. He'd learned to fine-tune his Essence Extraction, balancing it delicately to draw out just the right amount of power from each ingredient. His Elemental Fusion had become more precise, allowing him to blend the volatile components without causing unwanted reactions.

"Elder Xiao," Kai began, a question forming in his mind. "Now that I can create an Intermediate Elixir, does that mean I'm close to becoming an Intermediate Alchemist?"

"Ah, the impatience of youth,” the elder chuckled. “No, you still have a long way to go. Creating a single Intermediate Elixir is impressive, but to become an Intermediate Alchemist, you must master a wide range of elixirs and pills. Not to mention, your foundational skills need to be honed further."

How much further do I need to go? Kai glanced at his skill levels, all now at 4. Maybe I need to get them all to level 9, or even 10, to be considered an Intermediate Alchemist.

"I understand, Elder," Kai said. "There's still much for me to learn."

"Indeed," Elder Xiao nodded. "But don't be discouraged. You've made remarkable progress in a short time. Many disciples spend years just to reach where you are now. You can't expect to rush through the ranks overnight."

Kai smiled, with the aid of the system and enough resources, he knew he probably could.

He then glanced at his XP bar. Only 500 left before I break through to the next level. I'm so close.

As if reading his thoughts, Elder Xiao cleared his throat. "Well, what are you waiting for? Off you go and use that elixir. No point in crafting it if you're not going to put it to use."

Kai blinked, snapping out of his thoughts. "Of course, Elder. Thank you again for everything."

He bowed deeply, then turned to leave the alchemy room. As he walked through the door, he heard Elder Xiao call out, "And Kai? Don't forget to come back for more lessons. You may have created one Intermediate Elixir, but there are many more to master!"

"I won't forget, Elder. I'll be back soon."


Reaching his pavilion, Kai quickly entered and sealed the door behind him. He didn't want any interruptions during this crucial moment. He moved to the center of the room and sat cross-legged on the floor, placing the vial of Thundercore Elixir in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, Kai closed his eyes and began to meditate. He needed to prepare his body and mind for the coming transformation. As he sank into a meditative state, he felt his qi circulating through his meridians.

After what felt like hours but was probably only minutes, Kai opened his eyes. He was ready. Following the instructions from the Heavenly Thunderstorm technique, he began to close off his core meridian.

It was always a strange sensation, like trying to dam a river with his bare hands, but slowly, ever so slowly, he felt his qi flow diminishing, the warmth in his core fading.

Your cultivation has dropped to Qi Refining Stage 7

Okay, step one complete. Now for the main event.

He reached for the vial of Thundercore Elixir, uncorking it with slightly trembling hands. The liquid inside glowed with a soft blue light. Kai lifted the vial to his lips.

Here goes nothing, he thought, and drank the elixir in one swift gulp.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, a sensation like liquid lightning coursed through Kai's body. He gasped, his back arching involuntarily. Every nerve felt like it was on fire, every muscle taut with electric energy.

Kai's eyes squeezed shut as he fought to maintain his concentration. He could feel the elixir's power surging through him, seeking out his closed core meridian. With monumental effort, Kai directed the energy, guiding it to where he wanted it to go.

In his mind's eye, Kai could see his qi channels lighting up like a network of glowing blue veins. The energy from the elixir flowed along these channels, converging at his solar plexus. There, where his core meridian had been closed off, the energy began to pool.

Kai felt a pressure building in his chest, growing more intense by the second. It was like trying to contain a storm within his body. Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, when the pressure threatened to tear him apart from the inside, something... shifted.

With a sensation like a dam breaking, the energy burst through the barrier of his closed meridian. Kai's eyes flew open, a gasp escaping his lips. Blue-white light poured from his eyes and mouth, and arcs of electricity danced across his skin.

For a timeless moment, Kai hung suspended between agony and ecstasy, his body a conduit for raw elemental power. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over.

He slumped forward, panting heavily. His whole body tingled, and he could still feel traces of electricity crackling through his veins. But more than that, he felt... different. Stronger. More alive.

He looked up, his eyes seeking out the familiar blue rectangle of his status window. A series of messages greeted him:


You have successfully opened the Storm's Core meridian!

Cultivation returned to Qi Refining Stage 8

Lightning Affinity increased to 35%

Skill Leveled Up: Crown of Lightning (Level 5) Effect: A temporary, visible aura of lightning can form around the cultivator's head during meditation, boosting the cultivator's qi regeneration by 25%.

Skill Leveled Up: Sky's Favor (Level 5) Effect: The cultivator's qi absorption rate increases by 25% whenever they are under an open sky, this increases to 30% when under stormy weather.

Skill Leveled Up: Electric Immunity (Level 5) Effect: The cultivator gains 25% resistance to lightning-based attacks, reducing the damage taken from electric or lightning-based techniques.

You have gained 300 XP!

Kai let out a long, slow breath. He'd done it. He'd successfully opened the Storm's Core meridian. But as he read through the system messages, a small frown creased his brow.

No new techniques? he thought, a twinge of disappointment in his chest. He'd been hoping that opening the Storm's Core would unlock some new lightning-based skills.

Then his eyes caught on the Lightning Affinity increase. Wait a minute... my Lightning Affinity went up by 5%? That's... that's actually huge.

Kai's disappointment quickly turned to excitement as he realized the implications. Increasing elemental affinities was notoriously difficult. Most cultivators could only do so with OP cultivation methods like his own or by finding extremely rare treasures like an elemental fruit.

This is worth way more than a new skill. I can always learn new techniques with skill scrolls, but increasing affinities? That's not something you can just buy or learn easily.

As the initial euphoria of his success began to fade, Kai became aware of a bone-deep weariness settling over him. The process of opening the Storm's Core had taken more out of him than he'd realized. He glanced out the window, not the least surprised to see that night had fallen. How long had he been at this?

The others must have already sold the pills. There’s no rush, I can meet up them with tomorrow, right now, I need some must deserved sleep…

With a groan, Kai pushed himself to his feet. His legs felt wobbly, like he'd just run a marathon. He stumbled over to his bed and collapsed onto it, not even bothering to change out of his sweat-soaked robes.


Author's Note

Hey everyone, just checking in to see how you're finding the story so far. I've been really busy just writing and writing so sorry if I haven't replied to your comments, 3 chapters daily isn't easy. From next week, I would like to do a chapter daily so I can write DSE as well.

I was hoping those of you who have enjoyed reading the story would leave a review on Royal Road, I would greatly appreciate it and it always motivates me to write more.

Thank you and see you tomorrow!
