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Kai sat cross-legged in his pavilion, his gaze sweeping over the three figures seated before him. He reached into his robes and produced a small pouch. He opened it carefully, revealing twenty small, round pills.

"Here are the Low-Grade Qi Gathering pills.”

Chen Wei's eyes widened slightly as he looked at the pills. He nodded, a hint of familiarity in his expression. "Thank you, Senior Brother Kai. I've had the opportunity to use one before."

Kai then noticed a flicker of hesitation cross Chen Wei's face. The young disciple seemed to be wrestling with something, his fingers tapping nervously on the table's surface.

"What is it, Chen Wei?" Kai asked, raising an eyebrow. "You look like you have something on your mind."

Chen Wei took a deep breath before speaking. "It's about the deal we made, Senior Brother. Regarding how the profits are split."

Kai's eyes narrowed slightly. "Are you not happy with the 10%?" He couldn't help but notice the confused looks that passed between Liu Wei and Zhi-Zhi at this mention of profit sharing.

Chen Wei quickly shook his head. "No, no, it's not that. It's just... now that we're part of the guild, I don't think it's fair for me to have a share of the profits while the other guild members don't."

Is he asking for the others to get a split too? Or is he saying he doesn't want a share at all? Kai fell silent as he tried to decipher Chen Wei's intentions.

As if reading Kai's thoughts, Chen Wei continued, "Since we're all in this together now, I... I don't want a share anymore. I think it would be better if the profits went to the guild as a whole."

Kai blinked, genuinely surprised. He knew the Azure Sky Sect was considered a righteous sect, but he hadn't expected such... selflessness. I certainly wouldn't do the same in his shoes, or in this case, sandals. Well, this only benefits me so why not?

After a moment of consideration, Kai nodded slowly. "You're right, Chen Wei. Since we're no longer just business partners but a guild, this makes sense. Sometimes we need to do things for the better of the guild as a whole."

Chen Wei's face lit up with a smile, clearly relieved that Kai understood and agreed with his suggestion.

Kai turned his attention to the group as a whole. "Now, let me explain how this is going to work. Each of you will receive a Low-Grade Qi Gathering pill for your own cultivation after you complete this job."

Liu Wei and Zhi-Zhi perked up at this news, while Chen Wei nodded.

"But more importantly," Kai continued, his voice taking on a serious tone, "your work will contribute to your trident mark. As you know, this mark is crucial. Once your contribution is high enough, it will allow you to condense qi."

All three of them nodded eagerly.

Turning his attention back to the task at hand, Kai addressed Liu Wei. "Now, Liu Wei, do you have the list of potential buyers?"

Liu Wei nodded, producing a small notebook from his robes. He flipped it open and began to read. "Yes, Senior Brother Kai. I've compiled a list of 30 potential buyers, all of whom have expressed interest in Qi Gathering pills."

As Liu Wei read out the names, Kai listened, his mind already working on strategies. When Liu Wei finished, Kai nodded thoughtfully.

"Good work, Liu Wei. However, we only have 20 pills right now." Kai's brow furrowed slightly as he considered their options. "Our competitors are selling the same pill for 30 spirit stones, and it takes 15 spirit stones to make one pill. To make a respectable profit, we need to sell for at least above 20 spirit stones."

Chen Wei leaned forward, "What price should we aim for, Senior Brother?"

Kai turned to Chen Wei. "Here's what we'll do. Let the 30 potential buyers argue amongst themselves. It's unlikely any of them will pay higher than 27 or 28 spirit stones, so aim for 25 spirit stones per pill."

Chen Wei nodded.

"However," Kai added with a sly smile, "if someone is willing to pay more, we have no problem with that. Just don't push too hard and risk losing a sale."

Liu Wei looked slightly nervous. "But what if they try to haggle? Some of these buyers are known for their... aggressive negotiation tactics."

Kai's smile widened. "That's where our secret weapon comes in. Chen Wei, if you encounter any issues or resistance, don't hesitate to use my title as Legacy Disciple. It should give our sales pitch some extra weight."

Chen Wei's eyes widened. "Are you sure, Senior Brother? I know you were trying to keep things quiet."

Kai nodded. "I'm sure. Besides, I'm now a Novice Alchemist. That, combined with my status as a Legacy Disciple, should be more than enough to smooth over any difficulties you might encounter."

Zhi-Zhi puffed up his small chest. "And I shall act as Chen Wei's protector again! I did a good job last time, did I not?"

Kai couldn't help but smile at the tortoise's enthusiasm. "Yes, you did, Zhi-Zhi. Your presence adds an…intimidation factor that can be quite useful in negotiations. Just remember, your primary role is to protect Chen Wei, not to show off."

Zhi-Zhi deflated slightly but nodded. "Of course."

With the plans set, Kai looked at each of his guild members in turn. "Does everyone understand their roles?"

They all nodded.

"Excellent," Kai said. "You're dismissed. Good luck, and remember, your success is the guild's success."

As Chen Wei, Liu Wei, and Zhi-Zhi stood to leave, Kai called out one last time. "Oh, and Chen Wei?"

The young merchant turned back. "Yes, Senior Brother?"

Kai's expression softened slightly. "Your idea about the profit-sharing... it was a good one. The kind of thinking that will help our guild thrive."

Chen Wei's face broke into a wide smile, and he bowed deeply before following the others out of the pavilion.

Once alone, Kai turned his attention to his cultivation. From within his robes, he produced an ancient-looking scroll: the Heavenly Thunderstorm technique. He carefully unrolled it, his eyes scanning the text until he found the section he was looking for.

Meridian of the Lightning Core

  • Location: Solar Plexus

  • Method to Open: "Storm's Core" - The cultivator consumes a Thundercore elixir made from Lightning Lotus petals, concentrating on the solar plexus. The elixir induces a powerful surge of qi, awakening the core meridian.

Kai's eyes narrowed as he reread the passage. The Storm's Core was different from the typical core that cultivators developed during Core Formation. This core meridian, located at the solar plexus, was opened much earlier in the cultivation process – during the Qi Refining realm.

Everyone opens a core meridian eventually, Kai mused. The difference is that mine will have a lightning element infused into its very essence.

However, as Kai continued reading, he felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. The Thundercore Elixir required to open this meridian was far beyond his current alchemical skills. As a Novice Alchemist, he simply didn't have the expertise to brew such a complex concoction.

Kai sighed, rubbing his temples. I'll need to buy it with spirit stones. Which, unfortunately, I'm severely lacking at the moment.

He stood up, pacing the pavilion as he considered his options. The soft swish of his robes against the floor was the only sound as he thought.

Perhaps... An idea began to form in Kai's mind. Elder Xiao, the Alchemy Master. It shouldn't be too difficult to convince him to give me the elixir on loan. I could always pay the spirit stones back later. For an elder of his standing, it's hardly a significant amount.

Kai nodded to himself, his decision made. He would seek out Elder Xiao and present his case. With his status as a Legacy Disciple and his performance in alchemy exam, surely the elder would see the wisdom in investing in Kai's progression.

He seems pretty interested in my cultivation anyways, it shouldn’t be too hard to convince him.



David Ellis

Kai might accidentally reveal to the Elder how he is spending his stones, since he *probably* should have enough for that elixir at the moment.