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Kai stood in the hallway of the Alchemist Pavilion, his eyes darting from one corner to another. Unlike the Celestial Herb Pavilion, this place buzzed with activity. Everywhere he looked, he saw alchemists hurrying about.

Wow, this place is like an anthill, Kai thought, observing the organized chaos around him. Reminds me of crafting districts. Always busy, always productive.

The air was thick with the scent of herbs and minerals, a complex mix that tickled Kai's nose. He could hear the distant clanging of mortars and pestles, the bubbling of concoctions, and the occasional hiss of steam.

As Kai stood there, taking in the sights and sounds, a young man in blue robes approached him. The man's eyes widened slightly as he noticed Kai's black robes.

The blue-robed man bowed deeply. "Greetings, Legacy Disciple. This humble one is Ye Tao, a Novice Alchemist. How may I be of service?"

"Hello, Ye Tao," Kai replied, his voice calm and measured. "I'm Kai, I’m looking to learn some alchemy. I heard you have some novice guides available?"

Ye Tao's eyes widened, surprise evident on his face. He quickly schooled his expression, but not before Kai caught the reaction.

Interesting. Looks like none of the other Legacy Disciples have shown any interest in alchemy.

"Of course, Senior Brother Kai," Ye Tao said. "We have several excellent guides for beginners. May I ask what sparked your interest in the art of alchemy?"

Kai considered his response carefully. No need to reveal too much. A vague answer should suffice.

"I've always been fascinated by the process of transformation," Kai said, his tone nonchalant. "Turning simple ingredients into powerful elixirs... it's quite remarkable, don't you think?"

Ye Tao nodded vigorously. "Indeed, Senior Brother! Alchemy is truly a wondrous art. The ability to refine and transmute, to create something greater than the sum of its parts... it's nothing short of magical."

He's certainly passionate about it

"Well said, Ye Tao," Kai replied with a small smile. "Now, about that novice guide..."

"Ah, yes!" Ye Tao exclaimed. "Please, follow me. I'll show you to our collection of beginner texts."

As they walked through the bustling hallways, Kai took mental notes of everything he saw. Alchemists of various ranks hurried past, some carrying stacks of scrolls, others balancing trays of bubbling vials.

This place is a goldmine of information. I'll need to come back here when I have more time to explore.

Ye Tao led Kai to a quieter section of the pavilion. The walls here were lined with shelves, each filled with scrolls and books of various sizes.

"Here we are," Ye Tao said, gesturing to the shelves. "These are our beginner texts. Is there any particular aspect of alchemy you're interested in? Herbal remedies? Qi-enhancing elixirs? Poison crafting?"

"I think it's best to start with the fundamentals," Kai replied. "Don’t you have a comprehensive guide that covers the basic principles of alchemy?"

Ye Tao's face lit up. "We do have just the thing. Please, wait here a moment."

The young alchemist hurried off, leaving Kai alone in the quiet section. Kai took the opportunity to examine the shelves more closely.

Interesting titles, he thought, reading the labels on the scrolls. "A Beginner's Guide to Herbal Infusions", "Fundamentals of Mineral Refinement", "Qi Circulation in Alchemical Processes"... I could spend weeks just reading through these.

A few minutes later, Ye Tao returned, carrying a thick scroll. He presented it to Kai with both hands, a look of reverence on his face.

"This is our finest guide for beginners," Ye Tao said, his voice filled with pride. "It contains the most important basic five techniques needed for alchemy. If one were to master these techniques to their peak, it would be enough to become an Advanced Alchemist."

Kai took the scroll, feeling its weight in his hands. This is the one Chen Wei was referring to.

“What are these five techniques?"

Ye Tao's eyes sparkled as he began to explain.

"The first technique is 'Essence Extraction'. This is the foundation of all alchemy, teaching you how to draw out the purest essence from herbs, minerals, and other materials. The second is 'Elemental Fusion'. This technique allows you to combine different elemental properties in your concoctions, creating more potent and complex effects. Third is 'Qi Infusion'. This technique teaches you how to imbue your creations with Qi, enhancing their potency and allowing for the creation of cultivation aids."

Now we're getting to the good stuff, Kai mused. This is probably crucial for making those Qi Gathering pills.

"The fourth technique is 'Stability Control'. This is vital for preventing your concoctions from becoming unstable or explosive during the creation process."

Ah, the safety measures. Definitely important.

"And finally," Ye Tao said, his voice filled with awe, "there's 'Spiritual Resonance'. This advanced technique allows you to attune your creations to specific spiritual frequencies, creating pills and elixirs tailored to individual cultivators or cultivation methods."

Interesting. That sounds like it could be incredibly useful for customizing pills for the guild members. I could focus on that later down the line…

"These five techniques form the core of alchemy," Ye Tao concluded. "Master them, and you'll have a solid foundation for any pill."

Kai nodded, impressed. "That does sound comprehensive. How much does this scroll cost?"

Ye Tao hesitated for a moment before answering. "This particular scroll is quite valuable. It's priced at 500 low-quality spirit stones."

That's exactly what Chen Wei said but I should probably negotiate a bit.

"That's quite expensive for a beginner's guide," Kai said, his tone casual. "Are you sure there isn't a more... economical option?"

"I assure you, Senior Brother, this scroll is worth every spirit stone,” Ye Tao replied. “The techniques contained within are distilled from centuries of alchemical wisdom. Many have used this very scroll as the foundation for illustrious careers in alchemy."

“Is there anyway we could make it more affordable?” Kai asked.

Ye Tao shook his head firmly. “The prices are set by the Head Alchemist; it would be a violation of the rules to manipulate the prices, even for a Legacy Disciple…”

Kai sighed for a moment then nodded. "Very well. I'll take it."

"An excellent decision, Senior Brother! You won't regret it."

Kai reached into his inventory and retrieved the 500 low-quality spirit stones. He handed them over to Ye Tao, who accepted them with a deep bow.

"Thank you, Senior Brother," Ye Tao said. "Is there anything else you need?"

Kai was about to decline when a thought struck him. Wait a second. There's usually some kind of certification process for crafting professions. I should probably check if that applies here too.

"Actually, Ye Tao," Kai said, "I have a question. Once I've learned these techniques, would I be able to start creating and selling pills immediately?"

Ye Tao's eyes widened in surprise. "Ah, I see you're thinking ahead! You’re right, there is one more step before you can officially sell pills."

Kai raised an eyebrow, encouraging Ye Tao to continue.

"Before anyone can start selling pills," Ye Tao explained, "they must pass an alchemy exam and become a certified Novice Alchemist."

I knew it. There's always a quest or a test to unlock new professions.

"I see," Kai said aloud. "Can you tell me more about this exam? What does it entail?"

Ye Tao nodded eagerly. "Of course. The exam to become a Novice Alchemist consists of three parts."

Kai nodded as he listened intently.

"The first part is a written test," Ye Tao began. "It covers basic alchemical theory, herb identification, and safety procedures. You'll need to demonstrate a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of alchemy."

That shouldn't be too hard. With the system, I can probably learn all that information quickly if they’re skill scrolls.

"The second part," Ye Tao continued, "is a practical test. You'll be required to create a basic pill under observation. Usually, it's something simple like a minor healing pill or a low-grade Qi replenishment pill."

"And the final part?"

Ye Tao smiled. "The final part is an oral examination. A senior alchemist will ask you questions about your creation process, your understanding of alchemical principles, and how you would handle various scenarios that might arise during alchemy."

Ah, the classic 'defend your work' part of any exam. I'll need to be prepared to explain my methods clearly.

"I see," Kai said aloud. "And how often are these exams held?"

"The exams are held monthly," Ye Tao replied. "The next one is in 3 days, but I’d suggest you practice for a few months at least…"

Kai considered for a moment. Three days... that's cutting it close. But with the system's help, it might be possible.

"I'll see how it goes," Kai said with a confident smile. "One more question, Ye Tao. What are the benefits of becoming a certified Novice Alchemist?"

"Oh, there are many benefits!” Ye Tao's eyes lit up. “First and foremost, you gain the legal right to sell your alchemical creations within the sect. You also gain access to the Alchemist Pavilion's resources - our libraries, our ingredient stores, and our practice rooms. You'll be able to take on alchemy-related missions from the sect. These can be quite lucrative and often involve creating specific pills or researching new alchemical formulas."

Missions that can be completed within the sect is one of the main reasons I was interested in becoming an Alchemist or a Formation user, but with the system, it shouldn’t take me to long to become both, at least to the Novice level.

"And of course," Ye Tao added, "there's the prestige. Alchemists are highly respected. Even a Novice Alchemist commands a certain level of respect."

Respect is good, but the access to resources and missions is the real prize here.

"Thank you, Ye Tao," Kai said. "You've been incredibly helpful. I think I have everything I need for now."

"It's my pleasure, Senior Brother. If you have any more questions as you begin your alchemical journey, please don't hesitate to ask. We're always happy to assist a budding alchemist, especially one of your status."

Kai nodded, then paused as a thought struck him. "Actually, Ye Tao, there is one more thing. Do you have any recommendations for practice materials? Things I could use to experiment with as I learn these techniques?"

"For beginners, I would recommend starting with some common herbs and minerals. Things like Spirit Grass, Yin Berries, and basic Qi Crystals are perfect for practicing Essence Extraction and Qi Infusion,” Ye Tao answered.

Those are the exact ingredients for a low-grade Qi Gathering pills, Kai thought, pleased. This works out perfectly.

"For Elemental Fusion," Ye Tao continued, "you might want to try working with elemental essences. We have starter kits available that contain small amounts of various elemental materials. They're quite safe for beginners."

"And what about equipment? What sort of tools would I need to start practicing?" Kai asked.

"For basic practice, you don't need anything too elaborate," Ye Tao explained. "A good quality mortar and pestle, a set of measuring tools, and a few heat-resistant containers should be sufficient to start. Oh, and of course, a small furnace for pill refinement."

"I see, is it possible to purchase the equipment here at the Alchemist Pavilion?"

Ye Tao's face brightened. "Of course! We have complete beginner's sets available. They include everything you'd need to start your alchemical journey."

"And the cost?" Kai asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A full set, including the small furnace, would cost 1000 low-grade spirit stones," Ye Tao replied. "It's a bit of an investment, but the quality is excellent, and it will serve you well as you learn."

1000 spirit stones…that's more than I can afford right now. But maybe there's another option...

"What about practice space?" Kai inquired. "You mentioned practice rooms, is it possible to rent a room here to use the equipment?"

"Absolutely!” Ye Tao clapped his hands. “We have practice rooms available for rent. They're fully equipped with all the necessary tools and safety measures."

"And the cost for that?"

"The rooms can be rented for 5 spirit stones per hour," Ye Tao explained. "It's quite reasonable, especially for beginners who aren't ready to invest in their own equipment yet."

Perfect, Kai smiled. I can practice the techniques at home, then come here to actually create pills when I'm ready.

Author's Note

Sorry for the late chapters, had some unexpected real life stuff come up. I'll get a chance to write more and should be back up to 20+ chapters ahead of Royal Road in a few days. See you tomorrow!


David Ellis

Dude, you are so much more profligate than any other writer I subscribe to; I am having a hard time with keeping up with your pace just reading the chapters!


Agreed, you're fine on pace of releases, take care of yourself if ya need to!