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The Sect Master turned his full attention to Kai. "Now, Kai, let's discuss your progress. You seem to be having trouble with the third meridian?"

Kai took a deep breath. "Master, I've been struggling with the Meridian of Rolling Thunder for three days now. I haven't made any real progress."

The Sect Master's eyebrows rose slightly. "I see. Can you describe what happens when you attempt to open it?"

Kai nodded, thinking back to his many failed attempts. "I chant the incantation as instructed. I can feel my qi moving towards my throat, but... nothing happens. The meridian doesn't open."

The Sect Master tapped his chin, his eyes narrowing in thought. "Interesting. Tell me, Kai, how do you perceive thunder?"

The question caught Kai off guard. He blinked, trying to understand its relevance. "Thunder? It's... loud and rumbling, I suppose."

The Sect Master shook his head. "Think deeper, young disciple. What is the true nature of thunder?"

Kai furrowed his brow, recalling thunderstorms from both his old world and this new one. "Well... it's not just one sound, is it? There's the initial crack, followed by the rumble. And sometimes it's a low growl, other times a sharp boom."

A smile tugged at the corners of the Sect Master's lips. "Exactly. Thunder is complex, with layers and interplay between different tones and vibrations. It's not simply a single, continuous sound."

Of course, Kai thought. It's like sound design in a game. You don't just use one audio file for thunder - you layer multiple sounds to create a realistic effect.

The Sect Master stood up, his robes rustling softly. "Perhaps a demonstration will help clarify things. Watch closely."

Kai leaned forward, eager to see what the Sect Master would do. The older cultivator closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and began to chant.

"Grum-bul-lum-bum, kra-ka-thoom..."

At first, the chant sounded similar to what Kai had been doing. But then, the Sect Master's voice changed. It cracked like lightning, then rumbled low like distant thunder. The sound rose and fell, sometimes a whisper, sometimes a roar.

Kai watched as the Sect Master's throat vibrated visibly. The air around them seemed to thrum with energy.

When the Sect Master finished, he opened his eyes and looked at Kai. "Do you understand now?"

Kai nodded slowly. "I think so. It's not about making a continuous sound. It's about building and releasing energy, like real thunder does."

"Precisely," the Sect Master said, looking pleased. "The Meridian of Rolling Thunder isn't about constant power. It's about the ability to build, release, and resonate."

Just like combo moves in a fighting game, Kai thought. It's not about mashing one button, but about stringing together different actions.

The Sect Master gestured for Kai to stand. "Now, try it again. Let your voice crack and rumble. Feel the vibrations shift in your throat."

Kai got to his feet, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. He took a deep breath, centering himself. Okay, let's do this. Think of it like adjusting audio settings, finding the right balance.

He began the incantation, this time focusing on varying his tone. He let his voice fluctuate, sometimes high and sharp, sometimes low and rumbling. As he chanted, he paid close attention to the sensations in his throat.

At first, nothing seemed different. But then, Kai felt a tingling sensation deep in his throat. It grew stronger, spreading outward. Energy built within him, rising and falling like waves.

Kai's voice grew stronger, more resonant. The air around him began to vibrate, just as it had for the Sect Master. The tingling in his throat intensified, becoming almost uncomfortable.

And then, with a sensation like a dam breaking, Kai felt something shift inside him. His voice boomed out, a perfect mimicry of rolling thunder. The sound filled the room, making the walls tremble slightly.

As the last echoes faded, Kai stood there, breathing heavily. He looked at the Sect Master, who nodded with satisfaction.

"Well done, Kai. You've successfully opened the Meridian of Rolling Thunder."

A familiar notification popped up in Kai's vision:


You have successfully opened the Meridian of Rolling Thunder!

Cultivation returned to Qi Refining Stage 8

Lightning Affinity increased to 27%

Skill Leveled Up: Crown of Lightning (Level 3)

Effect: A temporary, visible aura of lightning can form around the cultivator's head during meditation, boosting the cultivator's qi regeneration by 15%.

Skill Leveled Up: Sky's Favor (Level 3)

Effect: The cultivator's qi absorption rate increases by 15% whenever they are under an open sky, especially during stormy weather.

Skill Leveled Up: Electric Immunity (Level 3)

Effect: The cultivator gains 15% resistance to lightning-based attacks, reducing the damage taken from electric or lightning-based techniques.

New Skill Unlocked: Thunder Voice (Level 1)

Description: Your voice can now mimic the sound and power of thunder, potentially stunning or intimidating opponents.

You have gained 400 XP

"Thank you, Sect Master," Kai said, bowing deeply. "Your demonstration was incredibly helpful. I don't think I would have figured it out on my own."

The Sect Master waved off the thanks. "You did the work, Kai. I merely pointed you in the right direction. Remember this lesson - in cultivation, understanding the deeper mechanics is often crucial."

Kai nodded, filing away the advice. Makes sense. It's like knowing the underlying game mechanics instead of just button-mashing.

"Now," the Sect Master continued, "I want you to work on the next three meridians. Try to complete the sixth meridian by our next lesson. If you encounter any difficulties, don't hesitate to come to me."

"Yes, Sect Master," Kai replied. "I'll do my best."

As Kai turned to leave, the Sect Master spoke once more. "And Kai? Well done today. You show promise."

Kai bowed again and left the room. As he walked back to his quarters, he couldn't help but reflect on the lesson.

Despite his ulterior motives, I have to admit - he's a damn good teacher.

Kai shook his head, pushing those thoughts aside for now. He had work to do. Three more meridians to open.

As he entered his pavilion, Chen Wei jumped to his feet. "Senior Brother! How did your lesson go?"

Kai smiled at his eager servant. "It went well, Chen Wei. I opened the third meridian."

Chen Wei's eyes widened. "That's amazing, Senior Brother! You're progressing so quickly!"

If only he knew, Kai thought wryly. I'm actually behind Shen Yu.

"Thank you, Chen Wei," Kai said aloud. "But I still have a lot of work to do. I need to open three more meridians before my next lesson with the Sect Master."

Chen Wei nodded enthusiastically. "Is there anything I can do to help, Senior Brother?"

Kai thought for a moment. "Actually, yes. Could you bring me some food and water? I'll need to keep up my strength while cultivating."

"Of course!" Chen Wei exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement. "I'll be right back!"

As Chen Wei hurried off, Kai sat down on his meditation mat. He pulled out the Heavenly Thunderstorm scroll, unrolling it to the section on the fourth meridian.

Meridian of the Thunderous Heart

  • Location: Heart Center

  • Method to Open: "Electric Pulse" - The cultivator places their hands over their heart, focusing on the rhythmic pulse. They must visualize bolts of lightning striking their heart, aligning their heartbeat with the rhythm of thunder.

Kai's eyes widened as he read the instructions. He let out a low whistle, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well, that's certainly one way to stop my heart," he muttered dryly. "Nothing says 'cultivation' quite like self-induced cardiac arrest."

This world's cultivation methods are insane, Kai thought. This should definitely come with a warning label: 'Caution: May cause death or severe electrocution. Attempt at your own risk.'

He reread the instructions, trying to wrap his head around the concept. The idea of deliberately visualizing lightning strikes to his heart made him more than a little uneasy.

"I wonder if there's a cultivation insurance policy," Kai sighed, a wry smile on his face. "Or maybe a 'lightning strike survivor' achievement?"




I am wondering if this sequence is showing us, and Kai, why not using his game system is a bad idea. He stands no chance what so ever of keeping up with the true geniuses of the cultivation world like this, oh sure the reincarnator protagonist has quite the leg up on him but this is just som mid tier sect. In the peak tiers, without the game system, the top tier of those places would leave him in the dust too, maybe not Quite to the same degree, but yeah... Also, not trusting his own system is a silly notion. It is either on his side and he should leverage it for absolutely every advantage he can get Or it is just using him in which case he is screwed. The system has literally revived him from death twice now and fricking reversed time the second time. If the system is an enemy he is 1000% hosed so no point worrying about it. Also also, just to be clear, loving the story and excited to see where it goes :D