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The first rays of sunlight peeked through the windows of Kai's pavilion, gently rousing him from his sleep. He blinked a few times, adjusting to the light. As he sat up, stretching his arms above his head and yawning, he heard a voice from outside.

"Senior Brother Kai? Are you awake?" Chen Wei called softly. "I've left a warm basin of water outside for your morning wash."

Kai smiled to himself. Chen Wei is certainly taking his duties seriously.

"Thank you, Chen Wei," Kai called back. "I'll bring it in now."

He stood up, his muscles still a bit stiff from the previous night's cultivation. The events came flooding back - the storm, the lightning, the awakening of his Crown Meridian. Kai's fingers tingled at the memory.

I wonder if I'll ever get used to this cultivation stuff, he mused as he made his way to the door.

Opening it, Kai found a steaming basin of water waiting for him. He carefully lifted it, appreciating the warmth seeping through the ceramic.

"Is there anything else you need, Senior Brother?" Chen Wei asked, hovering nearby.

Kai shook his head. "This is perfect. Thank you."

Carrying the basin back into his room, Kai set it down and dipped his hands into the warm water. splashing some on his face. The sensation was familiar yet strange.

Back on Earth, he'd have stumbled to the bathroom, turned on the tap, and had instant hot water. Here, someone had to heat the water over a fire and carry it to his room.

It's like camping, except the camping never ends.

He continued his morning ablutions, using a soft cloth to wash himself. As he did, he couldn't help but compare it to his time in the Misty Waterfall Village.

At least I'm not jumping into a freezing lake anymore, Kai thought with a chuckle. Though I bet some cultivators would say that's good training.

Once he finished bathing, Kai dried himself off and donned a fresh set of black robes.

As he stepped out of his sleeping area, a delightful aroma wafted through the air. Kai's stomach growled in response, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since before his cultivation session at Thunderpeak Plateau.

In the main room of the pavilion, Kai found a low table set with various dishes. Steam rose from bowls of rice and soup, while plates of vegetables and meat dishes waited invitingly. Standing nearby, looking nervous, was Chen Wei.

"Good morning, Senior Brother," Chen Wei said, bowing slightly. "I... I prepared breakfast for you."

Kai nodded, taking in the spread before him. "It looks great, Chen Wei. Thank you."

Despite his words, Kai didn't immediately sit down to eat. Instead, he stood there, eyes slightly unfocused as he examined each dish.

Name: Rice Porridge

Description: A nutritious dish made from rice cooked in water until soft and creamy.

Effects: None detected

Name: Steamed Vegetables

Description: A mix of local vegetables lightly seasoned and steamed to perfection.

Effects: None detected

Name: Grilled Fish

Description: Freshwater fish grilled with herbs and spices.

Effects: None detected

Kai nodded to himself, satisfied with the results. No poison detected. Not that I really expected Chen Wei to try anything, but better safe than sorry.

This was a precaution he had decided to take after hearing about the mysterious disappearances of genius disciples over the years. It might seem paranoid, but Kai preferred caution to ending up as another statistic.

"Senior Brother?" Chen Wei's worried voice broke through Kai's thoughts. "I... I'm sorry if the food doesn't look good. I can try to make something else if you prefer."

Kai blinked, realizing how his behavior must appear. "No, no, it's not that at all. Everything looks delicious. I was just... taking it all in. It's been a while since I've had such a nice breakfast."

Relief washed over Chen Wei's face. "Oh, I see. I'm glad you think it looks good, Senior Brother."

Kai sat down at the table, gesturing for Chen Wei to join him. "Come on, let's eat. You must be hungry too after last night's adventure."

Chen Wei hesitated for a moment before sitting across from Kai. "Thank you, Senior Brother. But... are you sure it's appropriate for me to eat with you?"

Kai waved off his concern. "Of course it is. You're my servant, but we're both cultivators here."

As they began to eat, Kai couldn't help but savor each bite. The rice porridge was creamy and comforting, the vegetables crisp and flavorful, and the fish perfectly cooked.

This beats instant ramen any day.

He had never given much thought to cooking back on Earth, living off mostly on takeout and microwave meals. But he could appreciate the skill that went into preparing a meal like this from scratch.

"This is really good, Chen Wei," Kai said between bites. "Where did you learn to cook like this?"

Chen Wei's cheeks reddened slightly at the praise. “My family runs an inn back home. I grew up helping in the kitchen and tending to guests."

"How'd you end up joining the sect then?" he asked.

"A cultivator stayed at our inn," Chen Wei explained. "He sensed I had some aptitude and recommended I apply to join the Azure Sky Sect. My parents were overjoyed - they saw it as a chance for me to have a better life."

Kai nodded thoughtfully. It was a common story in this world - talented youths plucked from obscurity and given a chance to pursue immortality through cultivation.

Kind of like getting a scholarship to a prestigious university back on Earth. Except with more lightning bolts and qi…

"And how are you finding sect life so far?" Kai asked.

Chen Wei's eyes lit up. "It's amazing, Senior Brother! There's so much to learn. Though..." He hesitated.

"Go on," Kai encouraged.

"Well, it can be a bit overwhelming at times," Chen Wei admitted. "Some of the other disciples look down on those of us from common backgrounds. And the cultivation techniques are so complex..."

Kai nodded. He could relate to feeling out of his depth in this new world.

"You'll get the hang of it," Kai assured him. "Just take it one step at a time. And don't let anyone make you feel inferior. Talent and hard work are what matter in cultivation, not your background."

Chen Wei smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Senior Brother”

They continued eating in comfortable silence for a while. Kai found himself relaxing, enjoying the simple pleasure of a good meal shared with someone else.

It's nice, almost like having a roommate. Except this roommate can shoot fireballs and probably bench press a car.

As he ate, Kai's mind wandered to his cultivation plans for the day. He needed to further refine his newly opened Thunder Crown meridian. And then there was the matter of opening the next lightning meridian...

One step at a time, he reminded himself. No point rushing and making mistakes.

Kai’s thoughts then turned towards Chen Wei. And I need to sort out this whole servant situation. Having him cook every meal is a waste of his potential as a cultivator.

Once they finished their meal, Kai leaned back, patting his stomach contentedly. "That was excellent. Thank you."

Chen Wei beamed, clearly relieved and pleased. "I’m glad you enjoyed it, Senior Brother. Shall I prepare lunch and dinner as well?"

Kai shook his head. "Actually, Chen Wei, I don't think you need to cook for me all the time."

The young servant's face fell, his earlier joy evaporating in an instant. "Oh... I see. Was the food not to your liking after all? I promise I can improve-"

"No, no," Kai quickly interjected, realizing his mistake. He let out a small laugh. "The food was delicious. That's not the issue at all."

Chen Wei's brow furrowed in confusion. "Then... why, Senior Brother?"

Kai leaned back, considering how to explain. "Chen Wei, you're a cultivator first and foremost. Yes, you're my servant, but that doesn't mean you should neglect your own cultivation. Cooking takes time – time you could be using to train and grow stronger."

"But serving you is my duty," Chen Wei protested weakly.

"And you're doing an excellent job," Kai assured him. "But think about it this way – the stronger you become, the more useful you'll be to me. A powerful servant is far more valuable than a good cook, wouldn't you agree?"

Chen Wei's eyes widened as understanding dawned. "I... I hadn't thought of it that way, Senior Brother."

Kai nodded. "Besides, I don't mind going to the dining hall for meals. There's no need for you to spend hours cooking when we have that option available."

"Are you sure, Senior Brother?" Chen Wei asked, still seeming uncertain.

"Absolutely," Kai confirmed. "Your cultivation should be your priority. Of course, I still appreciate your help with other tasks, but let's focus on what's truly important for both of us – getting stronger. That's an order from your Senior Brother."

A determined look came over Chen Wei's face. "I understand, Senior Brother. I'll do my best to become stronger!"

"Good," Kai said, standing up. "Now, I'm going to be doing some cultivation of my own. Don't disturb me unless it's an emergency, alright? Use this time to cultivate yourself."

Chen Wei nodded eagerly. "Yes, Senior Brother!"

As Chen Wei began clearing the table, Kai retreated to his private cultivation area. He settled down on a comfortable cushion and pulled out the Heavenly Thunderstorm cultivation manual.

Alright, time to get back on the grind!


David Ellis

Kai's master a few days later: "You opened all of your thunder meridians... And you didn't tell me!?"