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As Kai unrolled the scroll, he half-expected a system prompt to appear, asking if he wanted to learn its contents instantly. But no such message came.

Not that it matters. I couldn't exactly explain a vanishing scroll to the librarian.

The parchment crackled softly as Kai began to read:

"The Qi Refining Realm: Foundation of Immortality

To step onto the path of immortality, one must first master the Qi Refining Realm. This initial stage of cultivation is divided into nine levels, each representing a significant milestone in a cultivator's journey.

The first and most crucial step is to awaken one's ability to sense and absorb qi. This marks the transition from mortal to cultivator, opening a world of possibility previously hidden from view.

As the cultivator progresses through the nine stages of Qi Refining, they must activate nine key meridians within their body:

  • Crown of the Head
  • Third Eye
  • Throat
  • Heart Center
  • Solar Plexus
  • Lower Dantian
  • Sacral Region
  • Legs
  • Soles

Each meridian serves as a conduit for qi, allowing the cultivator to channel and manipulate this vital energy with increasing skill and power. The order in which these meridians are awakened can vary, though many choose to focus on the Third Eye early to develop their spiritual sense..."

Kai paused in his reading, a soft smile playing on his lips. Looks like I got lucky, he mused. Waking up in this world with the first stage of Qi Refining already unlocked saved me a lot of trouble.

His eyes drifted to the strange trident mark on his wrist. Was this the source of his head start? Or was it just a side effect of whatever or whoever it was that brought him to this world? Kai shook his head, pushing the questions aside for now. He had more pressing matters to focus on.

Returning to the scroll, Kai continued reading about the Nine Meridians. He'd already unlocked eight of them through his system-assisted levelling, leaving only one – the Heart Center – still dormant.

But that's not my priority right now, Kai reminded himself. I need to follow the Azure Sky Legacy Lightning method, which means starting with the Crown of the Head.

He continued reading, his eyes widening as he came across a section on spiritual sense:

"Spiritual sense, awakened through the opening of the Third Eye meridian, allows a cultivator to perceive qi and spiritual energies beyond their physical senses. This extrasensory ability is crucial for advanced techniques such as Qi Detection, enabling cultivators to sense the presence and strength of others from a distance."

Kai's brow furrowed as he considered this. So that's what Qi Detection is based on. Interesting... but my map function seems way more powerful. Even if Immortals can hide from it, it's still better than spiritual sense that Foundation Establishment cultivators can fool.

Still, Kai knew better than to rely solely on his system abilities. He'd need to develop his spiritual sense eventually, even if it wasn't his immediate focus.

The next section of the scroll detailed the process of closing meridians:

"Closing a Meridian: Temporary Regression for Greater Growth

While it may seem counterintuitive, there are times when a cultivator must close an awakened meridian. This process temporarily limits one's cultivation, reducing it by one stage for each closed meridian. However, this regression allows for the reawakening of meridians using specialized techniques, potentially leading to greater power and deeper understanding of one's chosen cultivation path.

To close a meridian, follow these steps:

  • Enter a deep meditative state, focusing your awareness on the chosen meridian.
  • Visualize the flow of qi through the meridian as a stream of light.
  • Gradually narrow this stream, constricting the flow of qi.
  • When the stream has become a thin trickle, imagine a barrier forming, blocking the flow entirely.
  • Hold this visualization until you feel a subtle 'click' within your body, signaling the meridian's closure.

Caution: Closing multiple meridians simultaneously can leave a cultivator vulnerable. It is advisable to close and reopen meridians one at a time, maintaining a stable level of power throughout the process."

Kai nodded to himself as he finished reading. Smart advice. I'm definitely not leaving myself defenseless in a sect full of cultivators who might decide I'm more valuable as a cultivation resource than a disciple.

He set the scroll aside and straightened his posture, preparing to attempt the meridian closure technique. He closed his eyes, trying to focus on the Crown of the Head meridian.

Alright, let's do this step by step.

But as Kai tried to sense the meridian, he realized he had no idea what he was looking for. His brow furrowed in concentration.

Come on, it should be right there at the top of my head. Why can't I feel anything?

He took a deep breath, attempting to sink into meditation. He tried to visualize the flow of qi through his body, but all he saw in his mind's eye was a vague, indistinct blur.

This is ridiculous. I'm at Qi Refining Stage 8. I should be able to do this easily.

But Kai had never had to actually feel his meridians before. The system had always just... handled it. He'd level up, and suddenly he'd have a new meridian open. No effort required.

Maybe I'm overthinking this. Let's try again.

He focused all his attention on the top of his head, straining to sense even the slightest tingle of energy. For several long minutes, he sat there, trying over and over again.

Just as he was about to give up, Kai felt... something. A faint whisper of energy, so subtle he almost missed it.

Is that it? It has to be.

Latching onto that faint sensation, Kai tried to follow the scroll's instructions.

Narrow the stream... constrict the flow...

But how do you narrow something you can barely feel? Kai gritted his teeth, pushing his concentration to its limits. In his mind, he imagined squeezing that whisper of energy, trying to force it into a trickle.

For a moment, nothing seemed to happen. Kai was about to let out a frustrated sigh when suddenly, he felt a subtle shift within him. It was like a door quietly clicking shut, but so faint he almost thought he'd imagined it.

Kai's eyes snapped open. "Did it work?" he muttered, unsure if he'd actually accomplished anything or just given himself a headache.

To his relief, a message appeared:

Meridian Closed: Crown of the Head

Cultivation reduced to Qi Refining Stage 7

"Well, that was a little harder than I expected” Kai murmured as he stood up, stretching to work out the stiffness from sitting so long. Now came the real test – reawakening the meridian using the Azure Sky Legacy method.

"Time to find myself a storm," he muttered, heading for the door.

As Kai stepped outside, he was startled to see Chen Wei hurrying towards him. His eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion.

"Chen Wei? I thought I dismissed you earlier. What are you doing here?"

The young disciple fidgeted nervously, his eyes darting around. "I... I'm sorry, Senior Brother. It's just... my friends said..."

Kai raised an eyebrow, waiting for Chen Wei to continue.

Chen Wei took a deep breath and blurted out, "They said I might lose my position as your servant if I wasn't here to help you when you needed it! I didn't want to risk disappointing you, so I came back to check if you needed anything."

Kai's expression softened slightly as realization dawned on him. Oh right, he should be staying in the servants’ quarters. I completely forgot about that.

He'd been so focused on his own cultivation that he'd neglected to properly settle his new servant.

"Chen Wei," Kai said, his voice gentler now. "You don't need to worry about losing your position. But... I realize I forgot to offer you proper accommodations. There's a servants' quarter in my pagoda. You're welcome to stay there if you'd like."

Chen Wei's eyes widened in surprise and relief. "R-really? You'd let me stay in your pagoda, Senior Brother?"

Kai nodded, feeling slightly awkward about the whole situation. "Of course. It's meant for my personal servant, after all. You should have a place to rest nearby."

"Thank you, Senior Brother!" Chen Wei exclaimed, bowing deeply. "I... I accept your kind offer."

As Chen Wei straightened up, Kai decided to change the subject. "Now that you're here, I actually could use your help. I need to find a place with constant storms for my cultivation. Any ideas?"

"Of course!" Chen Wei beamed. "Follow me, Senior Brother, I'll take you to the Thunderpeak Plateau."

As they walked, Kai decided to probe for more information. "Tell me, Chen Wei, have you ever trained at Thunderpeak Plateau?"

The young disciple's enthusiasm dimmed slightly. "Ah, no, Senior Brother. As an Outer Disciple, I'm not allowed there without special permission. It's mainly for Core Disciples and above."

Kai raised an eyebrow. "But you're my servant now. Surely that grants you some privileges?"

Chen Wei's eyes widened. "I... I hadn't thought of that! Do you think it would be okay for me to accompany you?"

"We'll soon find out," Kai said with a slight smile. No harm in bringing the kid along. He might prove useful, and if nothing else, it'll build some loyalty. Even though he is my servant, the system hasn’t added him to my Follower list…

As they neared the edge of the sect grounds, the air began to crackle with charged energy. In the distance, Kai could see dark clouds swirling around a towering plateau.

"There it is," Chen Wei said, his voice filled with awe. "Thunderpeak Plateau."

Jagged bolts of lightning danced between the clouds, occasionally striking the plateau's peak. The constant rumble of thunder filled the air.

"Impressive," Kai murmured. If this doesn't open the meridian, nothing will.

As they approached the base of the plateau, a disciple in purple robes stepped forward to block their path.

"Stop right there," he commanded. "This area is restricted to—" The disciple's eyes widened as he noticed Kai's black robes. "Forgive me, Legacy Disciple. I didn't realize... Please, go right ahead."

Kai nodded, then gestured to Chen Wei. "My servant will be accompanying me."

The guard hesitated for a moment, then bowed. "As you wish."

As they passed, Kai could hear Chen Wei's excited whisper. "Did you see that, Senior Brother? He just let us through!"

Kai simply nodded, not surprised.

They began climbing the path up the plateau. With each step, the air grew thicker and thicker with electrical energy. Kai could feel his hair starting to stand on end.

"Senior Brother," Chen Wei called out, his voice slightly strained. "How long do you plan to stay up here?"

Kai glanced back at his servant. The boy's face was pale, his eyes darting nervously at each flash of lightning.

"Not too long," Kai assured him. "Just long enough to complete a cultivation session. You don't have to come all the way up if you're uncomfortable."

Chen Wei shook his head firmly. "No, I want to help however I can!"

Brave kid, Kai thought approvingly. Or maybe just desperate to prove himself. Either way, it could be useful.

As they neared the summit, the storm intensified. Lightning bolts struck closer and more frequently, the thunder now a constant, deafening roar.

Kai spotted a flat area near the peak, partially sheltered by an overhanging rock. "There," he shouted over the storm. "That looks like a good spot."

They hurried to the shelter, Chen Wei visibly relieved to be out of the direct path of the lightning.

"Alright," Kai said, settling into a cross-legged position. "I'm going to meditate now. Keep watch and make sure no one disturbs me."

Chen Wei nodded eagerly. "Yes, Senior Brother! I won't let you down."

As the young disciple took up a vigilant stance at the edge of their shelter, Kai closed his eyes and focused on his breathing.

Now, let's see what this Heavenly Thunderstorm cultivation method can do.

Kai recalled the instructions from the Azure Sky Legacy scroll:

"To awaken the Crown Meridian with lightning, one must become a conduit for the storm's power. Open yourself to the raw energy of the heavens, letting it flow through you like a living lightning rod..."

Taking a deep breath, Kai extended his senses outward.

Come on, he thought. I'm right here. Hit me with your best shot.



David Ellis

Fire awaaaaaaaaaaay!