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Kai sat cross-legged on his cultivation pillow, the scroll the Sect Master handed him resting in his hands. His eyes flicked between the parchment and the glowing message floating before him:

New technique available: Azure Sky Legacy Lightning Technique (Level 1)

Would you like to learn this technique?

[Yes] [No]]

He tapped his fingers against the scroll, weighing his options.

If I accept, I'd master level 1 instantly. A few hours of practice and I could ask for the next level. But...

His brow furrowed as he considered the downsides.

The scroll would vanish. How would I explain that to the Sect Master? He might think I sold it and leaked sect secrets.

A chill ran down Kai's spine as he imagined the consequences.

These cultivators are nuts, they guard their techniques like dragons hoarding gold. They might even kill me over it.

He shook his head, cutting off that train of thought.

What am I thinking? I'd never risk my life over something so stupid.

With a sigh, Kai unfurled the scroll. His eyes widened as he saw the elegant Chinese characters covering the parchment. For a moment, the foreign script swam before his eyes. Then, as if by magic, the characters blurred and reshaped themselves into familiar English words.

Gotta love that system translation, Kai thought with a smirk. I don't have to learn an entire language on top of everything else.

His gaze fell on the title at the top of the scroll:

"Heavenly Thunderstorm Cultivation Method"

Cultivators and their dramatic names. Everything has to be 'Heavenly' this or 'Divine' that.

He began to read the description, his eyebrows rising higher with each line:

"The Heavenly Thunderstorm Cultivation Method is a legendary technique passed down through generations of the Azure Sky Sect. This profound method harnesses the raw power of lightning, allowing cultivators to channel the very essence of storms through their bodies.

As practitioners advance through the nine levels of this technique, they will find themselves drawing ever closer to the fundamental truths of the universe. Those who reach the pinnacle of this cultivation path will transcend mortal limits, becoming one with the primal forces of nature.

At the ninth and final level, the cultivator achieves a state of enlightenment where their qi becomes indistinguishable from lightning itself. They embody the unstoppable power of the tempest, their every action as swift and devastating as a thunderbolt."

Kai couldn't help but chuckle. Sounds impressive, but cultivators always exaggerate. I wonder how much of this is actually true?

As if in response to his thoughts, a new system message appeared:

Name: Heavenly Thunderstorm Cultivation Method

Rank: Legendary

Description: A lightning-based cultivation technique. Masters of this method gain unparalleled control over lightning, eventually merging their essence with the primal forces of storms.

"Huh," Kai muttered, genuinely surprised. "Guess it wasn't exaggerating after all."

He shook his head in amazement. If it's really this powerful, I definitely need to learn it.

Turning his attention back to the scroll, Kai focused on the first layer of the technique:

"Name: Lightning Meridian Awakening

Description: This initial stage focuses on opening and reinforcing the meridians to handle the volatile nature of lightning qi. The cultivator must master special breathing techniques to circulate lightning qi through their body, gradually strengthening their spiritual pathways.

Key Technique: 'Electric Meridian Flow' - Use controlled bursts of lightning qi to gradually open and fortify the meridians."

Kai nodded to himself.

Makes sense. I'll need to start from Qi Refining 1, but at least I don't have to completely destroy my current cultivation. The transition in cultivation methods should be quite smooth.

The Basic Qi Gathering Method is popular for a reason, Kai mused. It's like the tutorial level in a game – simple, effective, and doesn't lock you into any particular path.

He recalled what he'd learned about the technique. Unlike specialized methods that focused on specific elements or styles, the Basic Qi Gathering Method was universal. It taught cultivators how to sense, gather, and circulate qi without attuning it to any particular affinity.

This neutrality made it the perfect starting point for novice cultivators. They could build a solid foundation without committing to a specific path too early. When they were ready to specialize, they could easily transition to more advanced techniques without having to start from scratch.

If I'd picked a fire-based method or something similar right from the start, I'd be in trouble now, Kai thought. I'd have to break down my entire cultivation base and rebuild it from nothing to switch to a lightning path.

Kai then continued reading, his eyes fell on the description of the first meridian:

"1. Meridian of the Tempest

  • Location: Crown of the Head

  • Method to Open: 'Thunder's Crown' - The cultivator must meditate under an open sky during a storm, allowing raindrops and the natural energy of the tempest to strike the crown of their head, gradually awakening the meridian."

Kai's eyes widened slightly. Meditate in a storm? With lightning striking my head? That sounds like a death sentence.

He took a deep breath, calming his nerves. Relax. I'm at Qi Refining Stage 8. If it’s created for mortals, it won't kill me... probably.

As he stared at the scroll, he thought of a new idea.

I wonder... if I copy out the technique myself, would the system let me learn it that way?

It was worth a try. Kai glanced around his room, spotting a writing desk in the corner. He walked over and began rummaging through the drawers.

Come on, there's got to be something to write with in here.

After a moment, his hand closed around a long, feathered object. He pulled out a quill pen, turning it over in his hands with a look of curiosity.

A quill. Of course. No ballpoint pens in this world.

For a brief moment, Kai entertained the thought of trying to invent modern writing implements. The image of himself leading an industrial revolution armed with nothing but half-remembered high school science flashed through his mind.

He snorted, shaking his head. Yeah, right. I'm no super-genius with the entire history of technology memorized. I'll leave the world-changing inventions to someone else.

Settling himself at the desk, Kai dipped the quill in a nearby inkwell and positioned it over a blank sheet of parchment.

Okay, how hard can this be? Just... write.

The moment the quill touched the parchment, Kai realized he had severely underestimated the difficulty of using such an archaic writing tool. The ink blob splattered across the page, creating a mess that looked more like a Rorschach test than writing.

"Damn it," Kai muttered, reaching for another sheet of parchment.

His second attempt wasn't much better. The quill scratched and caught on the paper, leaving a trail of uneven lines and ink splotches. Kai's handwriting, never particularly neat to begin with, now resembled the scrawlings of a drunken chicken.

This is harder than it looks, he thought, gritting his teeth in frustration.

As he worked, memories of his old life flashed through his mind. Typing on a computer, tapping out messages on his phone – it all seemed so effortless compared to this struggle.

I never thought I'd miss homework, but right now I'd kill for a word processor.

After what felt like hours but was probably only about twenty minutes, Kai finally managed to produce a somewhat legible copy of the first layer of the technique. He leaned back, massaging his cramped hand and surveying his handiwork.

Not exactly calligraphy, but it'll do.

He picked up the parchment, half-expecting it to glow or trigger some kind of system response. But as the seconds ticked by, nothing happened. No messages appeared, no options to learn the technique materialized.

Kai sighed, setting the parchment back down. Well, it was worth a shot.

He leaned back in his chair, pondering his next move. Maybe it needs to be written in Chinese? Or more likely... the person writing it might need to have mastered the technique first.

As he mulled over his options, Kai realized he was at a crossroads. He could try to find someone else who knew the legacy technique and ask them to write it down – the Sect Master, his new senior brother Wang Lin, or even Shen Yu once he'd learned it. Alternatively, he could attempt the traditional method of learning through trial and error.

After a moment's consideration, Kai made his decision. I'll try the traditional way first. It can't hurt to be less reliant on the system.

He glanced at the glowing interface only he could see. While the system hadn't shown any signs of manipulating him so far, Kai knew better than to take anything for granted in this world.

What if I encounter another situation where the system doesn't work? Like with those immortal treasures...

The memory of his encounter with artifacts that could affect or bypass his system sent a shiver down his spine. It was a brutal reminder of how little he truly understood about his new reality.

Before I start training, I should learn more about this world. It's time I paid a visit to the library.

Decision made, Kai stood up and stretched. His stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since before the Sect Master's tea ceremony.

Food can wait, he thought. First things first – I need more information.

With that decision made, Kai headed for the door and stepped out into the garden.

I need to approach this systematically, he thought. Start with the basics – history, geography, common cultivation practices. Then I can move on to more advanced topics.

He couldn't help but chuckle at himself. Listen to me, planning out a study schedule like I'm back in college. Some things never change, I guess.



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