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"Let's do this."

Kai placed his right foot on the first step, bracing for the pressure. It slammed into him immediately, but this time he was prepared. He gritted his teeth and pushed through, lifting his other foot to the second step.

Okay, this is just like those high-gravity training rooms in anime, Kai thought, gritting his teeth as the pressure doubled. I've got to push through it.

He focused on his Iron Skin skill, willing his body to become more resilient. A faint metallic sheen covered his skin as the skill activated, the pressure was still immense, but it no longer felt like his bones were about to snap.

Good to know my skills work here, Kai mused. Now, let's see what else I can use.

He closed his eyes, focusing on his Swift Wind Step skill. As he activated it, he felt a sudden lightness in his limbs. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself moving more smoothly, almost gliding to the next step.

"Now we're talking," Kai grinned, picking up the pace.

But the staircase wasn't done with him yet. As he climbed higher, the pressure intensified, threatening to overwhelm him once more. Kai gritted his teeth, feeling the strain in every muscle.

Come on, focus. You've got this.

Despite the mounting pressure, Kai's mind remained clear, his thoughts sharp and focused. He silently thanked his passive Mental Fortitude skill for keeping his head in the game.

"One step at a time," Kai reminded himself, pushing onward. "Just like grinding levels in a game."

He settled into a rhythm, using Swift Wind Step to move more efficiently as he climbed. The steps blurred beneath him as he ascended, his breaths coming in controlled gasps.

By the fortieth step, Kai was drenched in sweat. His muscles screamed in protest with each movement. He paused, leaning against the wall for support.

"This... isn't... so bad," Kai muttered between breaths, trying to convince himself.

But even as the words left his mouth, he looked up, squinting into the darkness above but there was still no end in sight.

"Okay," he admitted to the empty air. "Maybe I spoke too soon."

Just then, he heard a voice echoing from somewhere above.

"Having trouble already? Pathetic."

Kai's head snapped up, trying to locate the source of the voice. "Who's there?" he called out.

A mocking laugh was his only answer.

Frowning, Kai quickly pulled up his map interface, but it showed only empty space around his lone marker.

Weird. No one else here, at least according to this.

Kai glanced back up into the darkness. Either this is part of the test, or there’s another unfathomable being trolling me.

He pushed himself off the wall, determined to continue. As he climbed, the voice continued to taunt him.

"You'll never make it to the top," it sneered. "Why don't you just give up now?"

Kai gritted his teeth, refusing to respond. This has to be part of the test, he reasoned. They're trying to break me mentally.

The voice grew more insistent as Kai climbed higher. It hurled insults, mocked his efforts, and tried to plant seeds of doubt in his mind.

"You're not good enough," it hissed. "You don't belong here. You're just a fraud pretending to be a cultivator."

That last barb hit a little too close to home. Kai faltered, nearly missing a step.

No, he thought fiercely. I might not be from this world, but I've earned my place here. I won't let some disembodied voice tell me otherwise.

Kai pressed on but as he climbed, he noticed something strange. The pressure seemed to fluctuate slightly with each step. Sometimes it would increase dramatically, other times it would ease up just a bit.

There's a pattern here, Kai realized. If I can figure it out, maybe I can use it to my advantage.

He began to pay closer attention to the changes in pressure. After a few more steps, he started to see the pattern.

It's like a rhythm, Kai thought excitedly. Three steps of increasing pressure, then one step where it eases up slightly.

Armed with this knowledge, Kai adjusted his climbing strategy. He would push hard through the three high-pressure steps, then use the brief respite on the fourth to catch his breath and prepare for the next cycle.

This new approach made the climb more manageable, but it was still grueling work. Kai's muscles burned with exertion, and his qi reserves were starting to run low.

I need to conserve energy, he realized. Who knows what's waiting for me at the top?

Kai began to ration his qi usage more carefully. He only activated his skills when absolutely necessary, relying more on his physical strength and endurance.

As he climbed higher, the taunting voice grew more desperate in its attempts to discourage him.

"You're going to fail," it snarled. "Just like you've failed at everything else in your life."

Kai couldn't help but laugh at that. "Nice try," he called out to the darkness. "But you'll have to do better than that."

The voice fell silent for a moment, seemingly taken aback by Kai's response.

That's right, Kai thought with a smirk. You can't break me that easily.

He continued his ascent, feeling a renewed sense of confidence. The pressure was still intense, but Kai had found his rhythm. He moved steadily upward, one step at a time.

As he climbed, Kai's thoughts drifted to the others who must be taking this trial. I wonder how Liu Wei is doing, he mused. And Shen Yu... I bet this is a cakewalk for him.

The thought of his fellow recruits spurred Kai on. He didn't want to fall behind, especially not to that arrogant Sun Jun.

After what felt like hours, but was probably only about a few minutes, Kai noticed a change. The oppressive darkness seemed to be lightening slightly. He could just barely make out the outline of the steps ahead of him.

I must be getting close to the top, Kai thought with excitement.

But as the light grew stronger, so did the pressure. Each step now felt like he was trying to move through solid rock. Kai's progress slowed to a crawl.

"Come on," he grunted, forcing himself to take another step. "Just... a little... further."

The taunting voice had gone quiet, replaced by the sound of Kai's heavy breathing and the pounding of his heart.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Kai saw it – a faint glimmer of light ahead. The top of the staircase was within reach.

With a final burst of effort, Kai dragged himself up the last few steps. When his foot met level ground, the oppressive pressure vanished so abruptly that he almost fell forward. He stumbled, catching himself at the last moment.

"I... I made it?" Kai whispered, hardly daring to believe it.

He stood still for a moment, catching his breath and letting his eyes adjust. The darkness here was different - not quite as absolute as it had been on the staircase. Kai could make out vague shapes and outlines.

As his vision cleared, Kai's eyes widened. Before him, sitting on what appeared to be a throne, was a figure. But as the figure slowly stood and faced him, Kai realized with a start that it wasn't a person or a beast. It was literally just a black silhouette, featureless and somehow more terrifying for its lack of details.

What in the world...? Kai thought, his mind racing to process what he was seeing.

Before Kai could think anything further, the figure appeared before him with startling speed. Its right hand, if you could call it that, was outstretched reaching towards Kai's face.

Oh shit!


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