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Before Zhi-Zhi could finish his story, a hush fell over the crowd. The air seemed to grow heavy, charged with qi that made the hairs on the back of Kai's neck stand up.

This pressure... Kai thought, instinctively tensing. It's similar to what I felt from Zhi-Zhi's mother, but not quite as overwhelming.

Zhi-Zhi, who had been mid-boast, suddenly went quiet. His tiny eyes widened, and he quickly retreated into his shell, peeking out cautiously.

A figure appeared at the top of the grand staircase leading up to the central palace. Even from this distance, Kai could feel the immense power radiating from the newcomer. The Outer Elders immediately bowed their heads in respect.

"Greetings, Nascent Soul Elder Tao.”

The Nascent Soul elder descended the stairs with graceful steps, each movement seeming to bend the very air around him. As he drew closer, Kai could make out his features—a face that looked no older than thirty, but Kai had no doubt that the elder had lived for centuries.

"Elder Feng," the Nascent Soul cultivator spoke, "I trust your journey was... eventful?"

Elder Feng bowed deeper. "Yes, Elder Tao. We encountered some difficulties, but thanks to the resourcefulness of my recruits, we overcame them."

Elder Tao's gaze swept over the gathered recruits, lingering for a moment on Kai. A slight furrow appeared in his brow, so quick Kai almost missed it.

Did he sense something about me? Kai wondered, trying to keep his expression neutral. Or am I just being paranoid?

Before Kai could ponder further, more figures appeared at the top of the staircase. Other Inner Elders, each radiating an aura of power that made the Outer Elders seem like children in comparison.

A translucent blue screen materialized before his eyes as he looked at the first elder.

Elder Tao

Level: Early Nascent Soul Realm

Age: 940 years

Early Nascent Soul, huh?

Kai quickly scanned the other Inner Elders, noting that most of them registered as mid to late Nascent Soul cultivators. The memory of the colossal tree spirit, with its Peak Nascent Soul status, flashed through his mind.

The power scaling in this world is still insane. But at least I have some frame of reference now. Whilst these guys are powerhouses, they’re still a step below the ancient tree spirit.

As the Inner Elders took their places, a new pressure filled the air. It was unlike anything Kai had felt before—a presence so vast and overwhelming that it seemed to distort reality itself.

Oh boy, Kai thought, his heart racing. I think I know who this is.


Zhi-Zhi, who had been unusually quiet, suddenly popped his head out of his shell. "Oh my," he whispered. "It's been a long time since I felt power like this. Not since I arm-wrestled the Jade Emperor himself. Though, of course, his was much more impressive."

Kai resisted the urge to facepalm. Even now, Zhi-Zhi? Really?

A figure appeared at the top of the stairs, shrouded in mist that seemed to defy the laws of nature. As the mist parted, it revealed a black-haired man—or perhaps something beyond a mere man. He appeared neither young nor old, his sharp features perfect and timeless. His black eyes, when they opened, seemed to contain entire universes.

The Outer Elders fell to their knees. Even the Inner Elders bowed deeply. Kai felt an irresistible urge to prostrate himself before this being, but he managed to resist, settling for a deep bow instead.

"Greetings, Sect Master," the elders called out.

Sect Master, Kai repeated in his mind, trying to process what he was seeing. A being whose cultivation surpasses even the Nascent Soul realm. Just how powerful is he?

Unknown Entity Level: ???

Unable to identify.

Entity's level exceeds your perception ability by a significant margin.

Not surprising, Kai thought, remembering his encounter with the forest critter. But let's check something else...

When he opened up his map, he was surprised to see the Sect Master's position was clearly marked. There was an impossibly large green dot, but a dot nonetheless.

Well, that's interesting, Kai mused. The forest critter didn't show up on the map at all, but the Sect Master does. So, he's incredibly powerful, definitely beyond Nascent Soul, but not quite at the level of that strange creature.

As Kai turned his focus back to the elders before him, he caught a glimpse of Shen Yu out of the corner of his eye. The usually impassive boy's eyes had widened slightly, a flash of... something passing across his face. Recognition? Fear? Anger? It was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

Does Shen Yu know something about the Sect Master? Or is he just as overwhelmed as the rest of us?

The Sect Master's gaze swept over the crowd, seeming to pierce through each person it fell upon. When it reached Kai, he felt as if his very soul was being examined. It took every ounce of his willpower not to flinch away.

Finally, the Sect Master spoke, his voice somehow both a whisper and a thunderclap. "Thank you all for attending the Azure Sky Sect trials."

This is it, Kai thought, his mind already racing with possibilities. The start of my cultivation journey in this world. Well, the official start, anyway.

He glanced around at the other recruits, noting their reactions. Some looked eager, others terrified. Liu Wei was fidgeting nervously beside him, while Shen Yu maintained his usual impassive expression.

The Sect Master raised a hand, and silence fell instantly. "Before we begin," he said, his voice carrying effortlessly across the plateau, "I would like to remind you all of the purpose of these trials."

Kai listened intently, not wanting to miss a single word. In games, the quest-giver's speech often contains crucial information. I doubt this will be any different.

"The Azure Sky Sect seeks not just talent, but potential," the Sect Master continued. "We look for those who can grow, adapt, and overcome challenges. These trials will test not only your current abilities but your capacity to learn and evolve. And remember to pay attention to your surroundings. The sect has hidden aids and hints throughout the trial grounds. Those with keen observation skills may find their path... easier."

Hidden aids and hints? Kai thought excitedly. That's practically screaming 'secret quests' and 'bonus objectives'. I'll definitely need to keep my eyes open for those.

The Sect Master's gaze swept over the crowd once more. "Remember, while competition is natural, these trials are not meant to pit you against each other. Your true opponent is yourself—your limits, your fears, your doubts."

Zhi-Zhi nodded sagely, as if he had been the one to come up with this wisdom.

Classic motivational speech, Kai thought. But in a world of cultivators and qi, I wonder how literally I should take that 'your true opponent is yourself' bit.

"Now," the Sect Master said, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth, "let us begin with the first trial."



David Ellis

Kai had clearly never visited Zombo.com otherwise he would know that he can do anything (at Zombo.com) and the only limit is himself.