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As Kai, Liu Wei, and Zhi-Zhi reached the top of the final hill, the Misty Waterfall Village came into view. The architecture, a unique blend of fantasy and historical elements, no longer shocked Kai as it had weeks ago. Now, it felt almost... familiar.

"Home sweet home," Kai murmured, a small smile tugging at his lips.

Liu Wei, with Zhi-Zhi sat comfortably on his head, stepped up beside him. "It's good to be back, Master Kai."

Zhi-Zhi looked down at the village, his tiny eyes narrowing. "This is where you're from? I thought you'd be from one of the big cities."

Kai chuckled. "Surprised? Us village boys are no less than city folk."

If only that were true in this world, Kai thought. Back on Earth, maybe. But here? A Foundation Establishment cultivator could rule a place like this. In a big city, they'd be lucky to sweep the streets.

"It's quite... quaint," Zhi-Zhi said, clearly trying to be diplomatic.

Liu Wei patted the tortoise's shell. "It may not be grand, but it's peaceful. After my time with the bandits, I've learned to appreciate that."

As they made their way down the hill, Kai found himself smiling at the memory of Liu Wei's battle with the crab-like spirit beast. The young man had shown real potential.

A system notification popped up in Kai's vision:

Liu Wei's Loyalty 85/100

The poor kid's been through a lot. A little positive attention, and he's practically eating out of my hand. In any other situation, I'd feel bad about manipulating him like this, but in this world... I need all the allies I can get. As long as he doesn’t betray me, he can join me in reaching the peak.

"Master," Liu Wei spoke up, interrupting Kai's thoughts. "Do you think the village elders will be upset we were gone so long?"

Kai shook his head. "I doubt it. We were only gone about a week. That's pretty fast for a round trip to the Whispering Woods."

As they entered the village, Kai noticed something... off. The usual bustle was subdued. People moved with an air of... was that nervousness?

What's going on here? Kai wondered. It's like everyone's on their best behavior. Could it be...

His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Zhang Wei hurrying towards them. The old man's eyes widened as he noticed Zhi-Zhi.

"Kai, my boy! You're back!" Zhang Wei exclaimed, before his gaze fixed on the tortoise. "But... what is a spirit beast doing here?"

Before Kai could respond, Zhi-Zhi puffed up his tiny chest and spoke in what he clearly thought was an impressive voice. "I am their master."

Zhang Wei's jaw dropped. He looked from Zhi-Zhi to Kai, then back again. Seeing no one contradict the tortoise, he bowed deeply. "Forgive me, honored spirit beast. I didn't realize-"

Kai couldn't hold back his laughter. "Stand up, Elder Zhang. There's no need for that. We helped Zhi-Zhi out of a tight spot, and now he's traveling with us. That's all."

Zhi-Zhi deflated a bit. "I didn't need help," he muttered. "No one can break my shell."

Ignoring the pouting tortoise, Kai turned back to Zhang Wei. "Now, what's got everyone so worked up? The village feels... tense."

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up. "Ah, yes! I'm so glad you made it back in time. The Outer Elder from the Azure Sky Sect arrived a few hours ago. Tomorrow, he'll be testing the youth of the village for cultivation potential!"

"That's great news," Kai replied. "But I assume Liu Wei and I don't need to be tested?"

Zhang Wei nodded. "Correct. You've both already entered the Qi Refining Realm. But..." He lowered his voice. "I've arranged for you to meet the Outer Elder tonight. At my house. For dinner."

"Tonight?” Kai blinked. “Elder Zhang, I appreciate the thought, but we've been traveling for days. We're tired, dirty-"

"Nonsense!" Zhang Wei waved off Kai's concerns. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! You need to make a good first impression if you want to go far. Now, listen carefully. There are some things you need to know about proper etiquette..."

For the next several minutes, Zhang Wei rattled off a list of do's and don'ts that made Kai's head spin.

"Always address him as 'Honored Elder.' Never speak unless spoken to. Keep your eyes lowered, but not so low that it seems disrespectful. If he offers you a cup of tea, accept it with both hands. Sip it slowly, but not too slowly. If he asks you a question, answer truthfully, but don't volunteer information..."

Jesus Christ, Kai thought. I grew up in America. What do I know about all this bowing and scraping?

But Kai knew the stakes. One wrong move, one perceived slight, and he could kiss his cultivation dreams goodbye. Or worse, get slapped into paste by an offended Outer Elder.

"...and whatever you do, don't mention the Crimson Phoenix Sect. The Azure Sky Sect has a blood feud with them going back three thousand years. Got all that?" Zhang Wei finally finished, looking expectantly at Kai.

If it wasn't for cultivation boosting my memory, I wouldn't have a prayer of remembering all this, Kai thought. But outwardly, he just nodded. "I understand, Elder Zhang. Thank you for the guidance."

Zhang Wei beamed. "Excellent! Now, go get cleaned up. I need to prepare for dinner. Oh, and Kai?"

"Yes, Elder?"

"I'm proud of you, boy. You've come a long way in a short time. I know you'll make a good impression tonight."

As Zhang Wei hurried off, Kai felt a warmth in his chest that had nothing to do with qi cultivation. He pushed the feeling aside, focusing on the task at hand.

"Liu Wei," he said, turning to his companion. "Get some rest. We've got a big night ahead of us."

Liu Wei bowed. "Yes, Master Kai. And... thank you. For everything."

As Liu Wei headed off to his own hut, Kai was left alone with Zhi-Zhi. The little tortoise looked from Kai to the simple mud-brick structure that served as Kai's home.

Zhi-Zhi sighed dramatically. "You really are a village boy, aren't you?"

Kai just shook his head, smiling. "Come on, oh wise and ancient one. Let's get you settled in."

Inside the hut, Kai quickly set about cleaning himself up. As he splashed water on his face from a wooden basin, he caught sight of his reflection. The face that looked back at him was leaner, harder than it had been just a few weeks ago.

I've changed, he realized. This world is changing me.

"So," Zhi-Zhi's voice piped up from where he was exploring the small space. "This is how mortals live? It's so... primitive."

Kai dried his face with a rough cloth. "Not all mortals. Just us simple village folk."

"Hmph," Zhi-Zhi snorted. "I still can't believe you're not from a big city. You seem too... I don't know. Worldly?"

"There's a lot you don't know about me," Kai laughed.

More than you could possibly imagine, he added silently.

As Kai changed into his cleanest set of robes - which, admittedly, weren't that clean - he found his mind wandering to the upcoming dinner. Meeting an Outer Elder of the Azure Sky Sect... it was a big deal. Possibly a game-changer.

I need to play this smart, he thought. Make a good impression.

"Hey," Zhi-Zhi called out, interrupting Kai's musings. "What am I supposed to do while you're at this fancy dinner?"

Kai turned to the tortoise, considering. "You know, that's a good question. I don't think bringing a spirit beast to dinner would be appropriate. Even if you are our 'master.'"

Zhi-Zhi puffed up indignantly. "I am a noble spirit beast! Descended from the great Dragon Turtle! I should be the guest of honor at any dinner!"

"Uh-huh," Kai said, unconvinced. "And how many great and noble spirit beasts do you know who live in mud huts and eat porridge?"

Zhi-Zhi deflated. "Well... when you put it that way..."

"Tell you what," Kai said, kneeling down to the tortoise's level. "Why don't you stay here and meditate? Work on your cultivation. I'm sure a wise and powerful being like yourself has many profound insights to contemplate."

Zhi-Zhi's eyes lit up. "You're right! I shall enter deep meditation and unravel the mysteries of the universe!"

That should keep him occupied, Kai thought with amusement. And out of trouble.

As the sun began to set, Kai made his way to Zhang Wei's home. The old man's dwelling was larger than most in the village, befitting his status as an elder, but it was still modest by any real standard.

Liu Wei was already there, looking nervous but clean in a set of borrowed robes. Zhang Wei ushered them inside, fussing over their appearance.

"Remember," the old man hissed as he straightened Kai's collar. "Address him as 'Honored Elder.' Keep your eyes lowered, but not too low. And for heaven's sake, don't mention-"

"The Crimson Phoenix Sect," Kai finished for him. "I remember, Elder Zhang. Don't worry."

Zhang Wei nodded, but he still looked worried. "Good, good. Now, let me go check on the food. You two wait here."

As Zhang Wei bustled off to the kitchen, Kai turned to Liu Wei. The young man was fidgeting with the sleeves of his robe.

"Nervous?" Kai asked.

Liu Wei nodded. "I've never met anyone important before. Well, except you, Master Kai."

Kai raised an eyebrow. "I'm not that important, Liu Wei."

"You are to me," Liu Wei said quietly. "You saved me from the bandits. Gave me a chance at a real life. At cultivation."

Kai felt that warmth in his chest again. He pushed it aside. Focus, he told himself. You can't afford to get attached. This is just a game. A very dangerous, very real game.

"Just follow my lead," Kai said aloud. "And remember what Elder Zhang told us. We'll be fine."

Before Liu Wei could respond, there was a commotion outside. The sound of raised voices, shuffling feet. Then, a presence. It was like the air itself grew heavier, charged with an invisible energy.

Qi, Kai realized. I'm sensing his qi.

The door swung open, and a figure stepped through. He was tall, imposing, dressed in blue and white robes. His face was ageless, neither young nor old, with eyes that held the wisdom of centuries.

This, Kai knew without being told, was the Outer Elder of the Azure Sky Sect.


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