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Chen Yan's lips curled into a sneer. "Oh, so you're one of those bleeding hearts who can't bear to see a poor little animal get hurt? Trust me, kid, in this world, it's kill or be killed."

If only you knew, I've probably killed more digital creatures than you've had hot meals, Kai thought like that counted for something.

"I'm well aware of how the world works," Kai said. "But that tortoise is more valuable alive than dead. You're just too short-sighted to see it."

“If we can’t have it then no one can,” Huang Lei's said as his eyes narrowed. "But what do you know about it?"

Kai smirked. "More than you, apparently.”

Without warning, Chen Yan lunged forward, her hands glowing with a pale blue energy. Kai barely had time to dodge as she unleashed a flurry of strikes, each one trailing wisps of frost.

Ice-type skills? Kai rapidly countered with a Flame Palm Strike, the heat from his hand melting the frost on Chen Yan's fingers. She hissed in pain and jumped back.

Huang Lei seized the opportunity to charge in, his earth-infused fists swinging in wide arcs. Kai activated his Swift Wind Step, narrowly avoiding a punch that left a small crater in the ground where he'd been standing.

These guys aren't messing around, Kai thought. Time to get creative.

He focused his qi, condensing it into a long staff. Chen Yan and Huang Lei's eyes widened in surprise.

"What kind of technique is that?" Chen Yan demanded.

Kai smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

He twirled the staff, using it to keep both opponents at bay. Huang Lei tried to close in, but Kai swung the staff low, sweeping the man's legs out from under him.

Chen Yan took advantage of the distraction to unleash another ice attack. Kai raised his staff to block, but the frost began to creep along its length.

Crap, didn't think that through, Kai realized. He quickly dissipated the staff, letting the ice shatter harmlessly on the ground.

"Interesting trick," Chen Yan said, her eyes narrow. "But parlor tricks won't save you."

She began weaving complex patterns in the air, frost trailing from her fingertips. The temperature around them plummeted.

She's charging up for a big attack, Kai thought. Can't let her finish.

He condensed his qi into a bow and arrow, taking aim at Chen Yan. Her eyes widened in shock as he loosed the arrow.

At the last second, Huang Lei leaped in front of his companion, a wall of earth rising to block the shot. The arrow shattered against the impromptu shield.

"Nice try," Huang Lei growled. "But we've got each other's backs."

Teamwork, Kai thought as he gritted his teeth. Always complicates things.

He glanced at the spirit tortoise, still withdrawn into its shell. Come on, little guy. A little help would be nice.

Chen Yan finished her technique, unleashing a wave of freezing energy that swept across the clearing. Kai activated his Iron Skin technique, feeling the cold wash over him without penetrating.

Huang Lei, protected by his earth abilities, charged through the frost. His fist, now encased in stone, swung towards Kai's head.

Kai ducked under the blow, feeling the wind of its passage ruffle his hair. He countered with a Flame Palm Strike to Huang Lei's midsection, but the bigger man barely flinched.

Tough guy, Kai thought. Need to find a weak spot.

He backpedaled, trying to create some distance. Chen Yan pursued, ice daggers forming in her hands.

"You can't run forever," she taunted, flinging the daggers at Kai.

He deflected most with hastily condensed qi shields, but one slipped through, leaving a shallow cut on his arm. Kai hissed in pain, feeling the cold seep into the wound.

This is getting dicey, he thought. Time for some backup.

"Now, Liu Wei!" Kai shouted.

From the bushes came a volley of throwing knives. They weren't particularly accurate, but they forced Chen Yan and Huang Lei to break off their attack, diving for cover.

"Another one?" Chen Yan snarled. "How many of you are there?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Kai grinned.

He used the momentary distraction to close the distance to Chen Yan. His Flame Palm Strike caught her in the shoulder, and she cried out in pain as the heat seared through her clothes.

Huang Lei roared in anger, the ground trembling beneath their feet. Cracks spread across the clearing, forcing Kai to hop from one stable patch to another.

Terrain manipulation, Kai noted. Gotta be careful not to lose my footing.

He condensed his qi into a grappling hook, using it to swing to a nearby tree branch. From his new vantage point, he rained down qi arrows on his opponents.

Chen Yan wove a dome of ice to shield herself and Huang Lei. The arrows shattered against it, but cracks began to form in the icy barrier.

"We can't keep this up forever," Chen Yan panted. "We need to end this quickly."

Huang Lei nodded. "I've got an idea. Cover me."

As Chen Yan reinforced their ice shield, Huang Lei placed his hands on the ground. The earth began to rumble ominously.

What's he up to? Kai wondered.

Suddenly, stone spikes erupted from the ground, shooting towards Kai's perch. He leaped away just in time, the branch he'd been standing on impaled by the rocky projections.

Kai landed in a roll, coming up with qi daggers in hand. He flung them at Chen Yan, forcing her to dodge and breaking her concentration on the ice shield.

Huang Lei seized the opportunity to charge, his body now covered in a layer of living stone. Kai's eyes widened as the man barreled towards him like an unstoppable juggernaut.

Oh crap, Kai thought. That's gonna hurt.

He tried to dodge, but Huang Lei anticipated the move, changing direction with surprising agility for someone covered in rock. His stone-encased fist caught Kai in the ribs, sending him flying across the clearing.

Kai hit the ground hard, the air driven from his lungs. His vision swam as he struggled to his feet.

That... that wasn't fun, he thought dizzily. Note to self: don't let the big guy hit me again.

Chen Yan pressed the advantage, sending a barrage of ice shards his way. Kai managed to condense a shield just in time, the frozen projectiles shattering against it.

"Liu Wei!" Kai called out. "A little help here!"

More throwing knives came flying from the bushes, forcing Chen Yan to break off her attack. One knife found its mark, embedding itself in her thigh.

Chen Yan cried out in pain and anger. "You little rat! I'll freeze you solid when I find you!"

Kai used the distraction to catch his breath, his mind racing. Okay, think. What would I do in a game situation like this?

He glanced around the clearing, taking in the terrain. The spirit tortoise was still withdrawn in its shell, seemingly oblivious to the battle raging around it. Trees surrounded them on all sides, their branches reaching overhead.

The environment, Kai realized. I need to use the environment to my advantage.

He condensed his qi into a long rope, then flung it upwards, wrapping it around a sturdy branch. Using it like a vine, he swung towards Huang Lei, both feet extended.

The big man, still encased in his stone armor, didn't have time to dodge. Kai's kick caught him square in the chest, the momentum of the swing adding to the impact.

Huang Lei stumbled backwards, cracks appearing in his stone coating. He growled in frustration, trying to grab Kai, but the rope allowed him to swing out of reach.

Chen Yan, limping slightly from the knife in her leg, sent more ice attacks Kai's way. He used the rope to swing erratically, making himself a difficult target.

This is more like it, Kai thought. Now I've got the mobility advantage.

He released the rope at the apex of a swing, soaring over Chen Yan's head. As he passed, he unleashed a Flame Palm Strike downwards, catching her a glancing blow on the shoulder.

Chen Yan screamed in pain and rage, frost spreading from her in all directions. The temperature in the clearing plummeted, ice crystals forming on the grass and trees.

Kai landed and immediately had to dodge as icicles began raining down from the branches overhead. One caught him on the arm, leaving a nasty gash.

Okay, maybe pissing her off wasn't the best idea, he thought, wincing at the pain.

Huang Lei, his stone armor now repaired, charged at Kai once more. This time, Kai was ready. He condensed his qi into a tripwire, stretching it between two trees.

The big man, focused on Kai, didn't see the trap until it was too late. He tripped, his momentum carrying him forward to crash face-first into a tree trunk.

The impact shattered Huang Lei's stone armor, leaving him dazed and vulnerable. Kai seized the opportunity, unleashing a flurry of Flame Palm Strikes on the man's exposed back.

Huang Lei roared in pain, trying to swat Kai away. But without his armor, the strikes were taking their toll.

Chen Yan, seeing her companion in trouble, redoubled her efforts. She formed a massive spear of ice, hurling it at Kai with all her might.

Kai saw it coming at the last second. He dove to the side, feeling the rush of frigid air as the spear passed inches from his face. It embedded itself in a tree behind him, the wood creaking ominously from the sudden cold.

Too close, Kai thought, his heart racing. Need to end this soon.

He glanced at Liu Wei's hiding spot, then back at his opponents. An idea began to form.

"Liu Wei!" he called out. "Remember that move we practiced?"

There was a moment of confusion, then understanding dawned in Liu Wei's eyes. He nodded, readying his remaining throwing knives.

Kai charged towards Chen Yan, zigzagging to avoid her ice attacks. Just as he neared her, he shouted, "Now!"

Liu Wei's knives came flying from the bushes. Chen Yan, focused on Kai, didn't see them coming. Three found their mark, embedding themselves in her back.

Chen Yan screamed in pain and surprise, her concentration breaking. The ice forming around her hands shattered.

Kai seized the moment, closing the distance using Wind Step. His Flame Palm Strike caught her square in the chest, the heat searing through her clothes and skin.

Skill Leveled Up!

Wind Step (Level 3)

Your Agility increases by 30% when activated

Chen Yan's eyes widened in shock and pain. She stumbled backwards, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Then, without a sound, she collapsed to the ground.

Cultivator Chen Yan eliminated.

+100 XP.

As Kai stood over Chen Yan's body, his chest heaving from exertion, he felt a sudden warmth on his wrist. Glancing down, he saw that all three prongs on his trident-like mark had turned red.

Three lives, he sighed with relief.

He then turned to face Huang Lei, who was staring at Chen Yan's fallen form in disbelief.

"Chen Yan?" Huang Lei whispered, his voice cracking. Then his face contorted in rage. "You... you killed her!"

Why is he so shocked? Kai wondered. Isn't this what rogue cultivators do every day? Kill and rob others? Well, looks like I’m going to have to kill him even though killing him won’t give me another life, in these stories, leaving an enemy alive always leads to revenge plots. I can't take that risk.

"I did," Kai replied. "And you’re next.”

“You think I'd just let you kill me!" With a roar, Huang Lei slammed his fists into the ground. The earth trembled, and Kai watched in shock as Huang Lei's body began to change.

Rocks and soil swirled around the man, covering his skin. His muscles bulged, growing to inhuman proportions. When the transformation was complete, Huang Lei stood nearly twice his original size, his body a patchwork of stone and flesh.

A notification popped up in Kai's vision:

Warning: Enemy power surge detected

Huang Lei's stats have temporarily increased to Qi Refining Stage 8

Current stats:

Strength: 63

Agility: 40

Endurance: 60

Oh, you've got to be kidding me, Kai thought, his eyes widening. A rage-induced power-up? That's so cliché... and so dangerous.

Huang Lei's eyes, now glowing with an unearthly light, fixed on Kai. "I'LL CRUSH YOU!" he roared, his voice distorted and gravelly.

Kai barely had time to think before Huang Lei was upon him. A massive fist swung towards his head, and Kai knew that if it connected, it would likely take his head clean off.

He desperately condensed his qi into a shield, holding it up just as the blow landed. The impact sent shockwaves through Kai's body, and he felt the shield crack under the immense pressure.

This isn't good, Kai thought, gritting his teeth against the pain. I can't take many hits like that.

He tried to counterattack with a Flame Palm Strike, but against Huang Lei's stone-enhanced body, it barely left a scorch mark.

Huang Lei grinned savagely, grabbing Kai by the front of his shirt. "Burn this," he growled, before throwing Kai across the clearing.

Kai sailed through the air, unable to control his flight. He slammed into a tree trunk with bone-jarring force, stars exploding in his vision.

As he struggled to his feet, he saw Huang Lei charging towards him again, each footstep leaving small craters in the ground.

Shit, Kai thought, his mind racing. I'm going to lose a respawn now.

He tried to dodge, but his battered body was too slow. Huang Lei's fist, now the size of a boulder, came hurtling towards him.

In that moment, something unexpected happened. The spirit tortoise, which had remained inactive throughout the battle, suddenly appeared in front of Kai.

Kai, seizing the opportunity, grabbed the tortoise shell. He used it as a shield, feeling the impact reverberate through his arms as Huang Lei's fist connected.

But the shell held, not even a crack appearing on its surface.

Huang Lei's eyes widened in shock. "What? How-"

His moment of surprise was all Kai needed. With his free hand, he condensed his qi into a long, sharp spike. Before Huang Lei could react, Kai thrust the spike forward with all his strength.

The qi-formed weapon found its mark, piercing Huang Lei's throat. The big man's eyes bulged, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly. His stone armor began to crumble, revealing the man beneath.

Huang Lei stumbled backward, clutching at his throat. Then, with a final, gurgling gasp, he collapsed to the ground.

Kai stood there, panting heavily, the spirit tortoise's shell still held in one hand. He stared at Huang Lei's fallen form, a mix of emotions swirling within him.

Cultivator Huang Lei eliminated.

+200 XP

I did it, he thought, a wave of relief washing over him. I actually did it.

Quest Completed: Rescue the Spirit Shell Tortoise

Reward: 600 XP, Increased reputation with Spirit Beasts, New Skill Unlocked: Spirit Beast Communication (Level 1)

Level Up!

You are now Level 7



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