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Kai stepped out of his hut, squinting in the bright morning sunlight. The village bustled with activity, but his mind was focused on one task: finding Liu Wei. He had important news to share about the upcoming sect recruitments.

He made his way to the outskirts of the village, where Liu Wei usually trained. As he approached the small clearing, he saw his servant sitting cross-legged on the ground, eyes closed in deep meditation.

Kai paused, not wanting to interrupt. Interrupting a cultivator’s training was considered taboo, in worst cases it could even lead to Qi Deviation.

As he watched, Kai noticed a subtle change in the air around Liu Wei. The young man's qi, usually a gentle ripple, suddenly surged like a wave.

Is he... breaking through? Kai thought, eyes widening.

Sure enough, Liu Wei's eyes snapped open, glowing with power. The air around him shimmered for a moment before settling back down.

Kai couldn't help but smile. Not bad, kid. You've hit Qi Refining Stage 3.

Liu Wei blinked, seeming to come back to himself. He noticed Kai standing nearby and scrambled to his feet, bowing deeply.

"Master Kai! I... I didn't realize you were here," Liu Wei stammered, his face flushing.

Kai waved off the formality. "Relax, Liu Wei. And congratulations on your breakthrough."

Liu Wei rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Thank you, Master. I've been pushing myself hard since... well, since you took me in."

"It shows," Kai said, genuinely impressed. He pulled up Liu Wei's stats in his vision:

Liu Wei

Level: Qi Refining Stage 3

Qi: 50/50

Strength: 20

Agility: 24

Endurance: 20

Intelligence: 13

Wisdom: 10

Loyalty: 65/100


  • Basic Qi Gathering technique

  • Stealth (Level 2)

  • Lockpicking (Level 2)

  • Dagger Proficiency (Level 2)

Not bad at all, Kai thought. He's progressing faster than I expected. Maybe taking on a follower wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"So," Kai said aloud, "I actually came to find you because I have some news."

Liu Wei perked up. "News, Master?"

Kai nodded. "It seems the Azure Sky Sect and the Dark Moon Sect will be recruiting in the next few weeks."

At the mention of the Dark Moon Sect, Liu Wei's face paled visibly. Kai noted the reaction with interest.

"Don't worry," Kai continued, "I'm planning to join the Azure Sky Sect."

Liu Wei's shoulders sagged with relief. "Oh, thank the heavens," he muttered.

Kai raised an eyebrow. "Something wrong with the Dark Moon Sect?"

Liu Wei fidgeted nervously. "Well... they have a reputation, Master. I was... I was worried you might be considering them. And that I'd have to follow you into a demonic sect."

"And that would be a problem?" Kai pressed, curious.

Liu Wei nodded vigorously. "Being forced to be a bandit was torture enough, Master. I'm not cut out for the demonic path. The things they do... the cultivation methods they use..." He shuddered.

He's got a strong moral compass, Kai noted. That could be useful, or it could be a liability. I'll need to be careful how I use him.

"Well, you don't have to worry," Kai reassured him. "The Azure Sky Sect seems like a better fit for us."

Liu Wei's face lit up. "Really, Master? You'll let me come with you?"

Kai shrugged. "Why not? You've shown good progress, and I could use a trustworthy assistant in the sect."

Liu Wei bowed deeply again. "Thank you, Master! I won't let you down!"

Kai waved him off, still uncomfortable with the excessive formality. "Alright, alright. We'll need to prepare thoroughly."

Liu Wei nodded eagerly. "Of course, Master! What should we focus on first?"

Kai thought for a moment. "Let's do some qi sensing exercises. We'll both benefit from this."

Liu Wei nodded eagerly. "Yes, Master. What did you have in mind?"

Kai smiled, an idea forming. "We'll take turns. One of us will hide, masking our qi, while the other tries to find them using only qi sensing. It'll help us both improve our concealment and detection skills."

As Liu Wei darted off into the woods, Kai considered his options. A small icon in the corner of his vision caught his attention - his map function. For a moment, he was tempted to use it to locate Liu Wei easily.

No, Kai shook his head. That would be cheating. Besides, I can't rely too heavily on the map function. What if I face an enemy with an ability to hide from it? I need to hone my natural sensing abilities just in case.

When Liu Wei was ready, Kai began his search. He moved quietly through the forest, trying to extend his senses to detect any trace of qi. At first, he felt nothing but the natural energy of the forest.

This is harder than I thought, Kai mused. But I can't give up.

Pushing himself, Kai focused harder. After several minutes, he noticed a slight disturbance in the natural qi of the forest – a spot where the energy flow seemed just a bit too smooth.

Smirking, Kai approached the area. As he got closer, he could sense the faintest trace of Liu Wei's qi.

"Found you," Kai said, touching the trunk of a hollow tree. Liu Wei emerged, looking impressed.

"How did you find me so quick, Master?"

Kai explained his process, watching as understanding dawned on Liu Wei's face.

They spent the next few hours taking turns hiding and seeking, each time discussing their strategies and mistakes. By the time the sun was high in the sky, both were sweating and tired, but satisfied with their progress.

As they finished their final round, Kai felt a sudden rush of insight. It was as if something had clicked into place in his mind, a new understanding of qi and how to manipulate it.

Two notifications popped up in his vision:

New Skill Unlocked

Name: Qi Concealment (Level 1)

Description: Allows the user to mask their qi presence, making them harder to detect through qi sensing. At higher levels, this skill can completely hide the user's qi signature.

Current effect: Reduces detectable qi signature by 10%

New Skill Unlocked

Name: Qi Detection (Level 1)

Description: Enhances the user's ability to sense and identify qi signatures in their surroundings.

Current effect: Increases qi sensing range by 10 meters and improves accuracy by 10%

Kai's eyes widened. Now we're talking! he thought excitedly. Before unlocking the skill, he had been using a crude method of spiritual sense to detect nearby beings but now, he was able to sense qi from greater distances and with more precision.

"Liu Wei," Kai said, unable to keep a grin off his face, "I think we've made some real progress today."

Liu Wei nodded enthusiastically, wiping sweat from his brow. "I feel like I've learned so much, Master. Thank you for this training."

This kind of practical training is simple but incredibly effective, Kai thought. And having Liu Wei here to practice with makes all the difference. I never would have unlocked these skills so quickly on my own. Plus, I'm getting better at relying on my own senses rather than game mechanics. That could be crucial in the future.

As Kai was lost in his thoughts, a small window popped up.

Liu Wei

Loyalty: 65/100 (+5)

And there’s the other bonus with training with Liu Wei, Kai smiled.

After drinking some water, Kai remembered the other reason he had sought out Liu Wei.

"Oh, before I forget," he said casually, "prepare yourself. Tomorrow morning, we're going to scout out that treasure location."

Liu Wei's eyes widened. "Really, Master? You mean the map we found in the bandit camp?"

Kai nodded. "That's the one. It's time we checked it out."

Liu Wei could barely contain his enthusiasm. "This is amazing, Master! Do you think we'll find great treasures? Ancient cultivation techniques? Maybe even..."

Kai held up a hand, chuckling at Liu Wei’s reaction. "Calm down, Liu Wei. We're just scouting for now. We don't know what kind of dangers might be guarding the treasure."

Liu Wei's face fell slightly, but he nodded. "Of course, Master. You're right, as always. I'll prepare carefully."

As they wrapped up their training session and headed back to the village, Kai's mind wandered to the last time he had returned from the bandit hideout. The memory brought a smile to his face.

The villagers had been overjoyed when he produced some of their stolen belongings seemingly out of thin air. Their eyes had widened in amazement, having never seen anything like a storage ring before, let alone the concept of an inventory.

That was quite the scene, Kai recalled. I felt like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat.

He remembered the looks of awe on their faces, the tears of joy as families were reunited with precious heirlooms. It had been a good day.

As they entered the village proper, Kai noticed the way the villagers greeted him. There was respect in their eyes, gratitude in their smiles. Some even bowed slightly as he passed.

I guess saving the village from bandits and giving them back their belongings really boosted my reputation, Kai mused. In game terms, I'd say I've almost maxed out my starting zone rep.

Curious, he pulled up his status window:

Reputation: Misty Waterfall Village - 70/100 (Well-Liked)

Not bad, Kai mused. They've basically given me the role of village protector at this point.

As if on cue, a new notification popped up:

New Title Acquired: Village Protector

Effect: While in Misty Waterfall Village, gain +5 to all stats

Note: This title is temporary and will be lost upon leaving the village permanently

Titles with buffs? Kai's eyes widened slightly. Now that's interesting. I wonder what other titles I can earn...I bet there are all sorts of titles I could earn in the sect, Kai thought eagerly. 'Top Disciple', 'Sect Champion', that sort of thing. Each one could give me an edge over the competition. I'll need to keep an eye out for opportunities.

As they neared the center of the village, Kai's excitement faded slightly as he remembered a potential problem.

The Azure Sky Sect focuses on wind and lightning techniques, he recalled. I only have one wind technique. As for lightning techniques, the affinity itself is quite rare according to the locals, I doubt I could get access to any techniques before joining the sect.

He remembered his conversation with old man Zhang, who had confessed to Kai that he couldn't teach him any sect techniques. Breaking such an oath would have dire consequences in this world.

Kai sighed, running a hand through his hair. I'll have to hope I can pick up a few more elemental skills on our treasure hunt tomorrow. Or pray the Azure Sky Sect doesn't test us on that specifically.

He shook his head, pushing the worry aside. I know I have the talent to enter the sect. But I want more than that. I want to be the best, to catch the sect master's eye.

A familiar fire of ambition burned in his chest. If I can do that, I'll get a prestigious title with some fat buff, access to the best resources... everything I need to dominate in this world.

Kai's lips curved into a small, determined smile. After all, what kind of gamer would I be if I didn't aim for the top spot on the leaderboard?

As they reached the village square, Liu Wei turned to Kai with a questioning look. "Master, is there anything else you need me to do to prepare for tomorrow?"

Kai considered for a moment. "Make sure you have any equipment you might need for exploration. We don't know what we'll encounter."

Liu Wei nodded eagerly. "Of course, Master. I still have some tools from my... previous occupation that might be useful."

"You mean your bandit days?" Kai raised an eyebrow.

Liu Wei flushed, looking down. "Yes, Master. I'm not proud of it, but..."

Kai waved off his embarrassment. "Hey, those skills could come in handy. No shame in using what you've got."

Liu Wei looked up, surprise and gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Master. You're very understanding."

More like pragmatic, Kai thought. In games, every skill has its use. No point in handicapping ourselves because of some misplaced sense of morality.

Aloud, he said, "Just be ready at dawn. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

As Liu Wei hurried off to prepare, Kai found himself with some free time. He decided to take a walk around the village, observing the daily life of the inhabitants.

He passed by the village blacksmith, the rhythmic clanging of hammer on anvil filling the air. The smell of fresh bread wafted from the baker's shop, making his stomach growl.

It's like a medieval town from an RPG, Kai mused. Except everything's real. The sights, the smells... it's all so vivid.

As he walked through the village, he paused by the village well, watching as children played nearby. Their laughter filled the air, carefree and innocent.

This is what I'm protecting, Kai realized. These people, this peace... it's worth fighting for.

The thought surprised him. When he first arrived in this world, his only goal had been to survive and get stronger. But now...

Maybe I'm getting too attached, Kai thought, shaking his head. I can't forget my ultimate goal. I need to focus on getting stronger, on understanding this world. That's the only way I'll figure out how I got here...

He pushed his feelings aside. In a xianxia world, power was everything. He couldn't afford to let sentimentality hold him back. At least not yet.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the village, Kai made his way back to his hut. He had a lot to think about, and a big day ahead of him.

Once inside his room, Kai sat cross-legged on his bed, closing his eyes to meditate. He focused on circulating his qi, feeling the energy flow through his body.

I need to be at my best tomorrow, he thought. Who knows what we'll encounter on this treasure hunt, but it’ll probably be a boss-level beast…


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