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Kai's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the unfamiliar ceiling. He blinked, memories of the previous day flooding back. The forest, the village, Chen Lao's kindness - it all felt surreal.

He sat up slowly, taking in his surroundings. The guest house was small but comfortable, with simple furnishings and a window overlooking the village.

So, it wasn't a dream, Kai mused. I'm really in another world.

As he stretched, Kai realized something surprising - he didn't feel the pang of homesickness he'd expected. Earth, with its familiar routines and technology, seemed like a distant memory.

It's like I've stepped into one of my games, he thought, a small smile playing on his lips. Except now, I'm the main character.

Kai had always been more at home in virtual worlds than in reality. His friends were mostly online gaming buddies, their interactions limited to voice chats and strategy discussions. As for family...

Mom, he thought, a brief wave of sadness washing over him. She had passed away shortly after he finished college, leaving him alone in the world. His father had never been in the picture.

Kai shook his head, pushing away the thoughts. No use dwelling on the past. This is a fresh start, cultivation is just another game system to master. I've got my status window, and now I need to level up.

Name: Kai Thorn

Level: 1

Qi: 10/10

Strength: 10

Agility: 12

Durability: 10

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 10

Kai studied the numbers, his mind already whirring with possibilities. If this is anything like the games I've played, those stats are going to be crucial. Time to start grinding.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. "Kai?" Chen Lao's voice called out. "Are you awake?"

"Yes, I'm up," Kai replied, quickly pulling on the simple robes that had been provided for him. He opened the door to find the old man smiling warmly.

"Good morning," Chen Lao said. "I hope you slept well. My nephew is ready to show you around the granary if you're still willing to help out."

"Of course,” Kai nodded. “I'm grateful for your hospitality. It's the least I can do to repay you."




The granary was a large, sturdy building on the outskirts of the village. A young man with a friendly face was waiting outside, waving as Kai approached.

"You must be Kai," he said with a warm smile. "I'm Liang. Uncle Chen told me about you. Welcome to the Misty Waterfall Village!"

Kai smiled back and stuck out his hand. Liang looked at it oddly, seeming confused. Alex quickly realized his mistake - this wasn't how people greeted each other here. He lowered his hand and gave a small bow instead.

"Thanks for having me," Kai said. "I'm ready to work."

Liang returned the bow with a laugh. "Eager, I see! Well, we've got plenty to do. Come on, I'll show you around."

The next few days passed in a blur of activity. Kai threw himself into the work, helping to sort and store the newly harvested grains, repair damaged storage containers, and assist with inventory.

It was hard, physical labor - something Kai wasn't used to. But as the days went by, he found himself growing stronger, more agile. His status window reflected these changes:

Name: Kai Thorn

Level: 1

Qi: 10/10

Strength: 11

Agility: 13

Durability: 11

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 10

Not bad, Kai thought, studying the screen during a brief break. But I need to start working on my Qi if I want to make real progress in this world.

As if the universe had heard his thoughts, an opportunity presented itself that very afternoon. Kai was carrying a heavy sack of grain when he noticed an old man struggling with a similar load.

"Here, let me help you with that," Kai offered, setting down his own sack and moving to assist the elder.

The old man's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, thank you, young man. These old bones aren't what they used to be."

As Kai picked up the sack, he noticed something odd. The old man's frail appearance seemed at odds with the way he moved - there was a fluidity, a subtle grace that spoke of hidden strength.

Interesting, Kai thought. There's more to this guy than meets the eye.

"I'm Kai," he said, introducing himself as they walked. "I'm new to the village."

The old man nodded. "Ah, yes. I've heard about you. The young man with no memories. I am Zhang Wei."

There was something in Zhang Wei's tone that made Kai pause. A hint of... curiosity? Suspicion?

"That's right," Kai said carefully. "I'm afraid I don't remember much about my past."

Zhang Wei hummed thoughtfully. "Memory is a fickle thing, young Kai. But the body remembers what the mind forgets. Tell me, have you ever heard of Qi?"

Kai feigned ignorance, shaking his head. "Chen Lao mentioned it, but I'm not sure I understand."

"Ah," Zhang Wei nodded. "Memory loss can be a tricky thing, especially for cultivators. Sometimes a particularly intense breakthrough or battle can scramble one's mind." He leaned forward. "Would you allow me to sense your qi? It might help me understand your situation better."

Kai hesitated for a moment but then realising there was no downsides, he nodded. "Of course, Elder."

The old man reached out, placing a hand on Kai's wrist. Kai felt a strange tingling sensation, as if something was probing gently at his core.

After a moment, Zhang Wei sat back, his expression a mix of surprise and intrigue. "Fascinating," he murmured. "Your qi... it's at the level of Qi Refining Stage 1, but there's something unusual about it. Almost as if..." He trailed off, lost in thought.

Kai leaned forward, genuinely curious. "What is it, Elder Zhang?"

The old man shook his head. "It's hard to say for certain. But your qi feels... pure, untainted. As if you've never used any cultivation techniques at all, despite clearly having a strong foundation."

Well, that tracks, Kai thought wryly. Hard to have cultivation experience when you've only been in this world for a few days.

Aloud, he said, "I see. Is that... unusual?"

Zhang Wei nodded slowly. "Quite. Most cultivators at your level would have already begun shaping their qi according to specific techniques. Yours is like a blank slate." He studied Kai intently. "Tell me, young man, would you be interested in relearning some basic cultivation methods? It might help jog your memory."

Bingo, Kai thought. This is exactly what I need. But he kept his expression neutral. "I would be very grateful for your guidance, Elder Zhang."

And so, after finishing their work at the granary, Kai found himself following Zhang Wei to a small clearing just outside the village.

"Now," Zhang Wei said, his voice taking on a more authoritative tone, "Qi is the energy that flows through all living things. Cultivators learn to harness this energy, to strengthen their bodies and perform incredible feats."

Kai listened intently, pretending to absorb this information for the first time while his mind raced with possibilities.

Zhang Wei continued, "Close your eyes, young Kai. Try to feel the energy within you. It may be faint at first, but with practice, you can learn to sense and control it."

Kai did as instructed, closing his eyes and focusing inward. To his surprise, he could indeed feel something - a warm, tingling sensation that seemed to flow through his body.

Is this Qi? he wondered. It feels... familiar somehow.

"I... I think I feel something," Kai said hesitantly, opening his eyes.

Zhang Wei nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. "Good, good. Now, try to gather that energy. Imagine it pooling in your lower abdomen."

Kai concentrated, visualizing the energy as a glowing orb. To his amazement, he could feel the Qi responding to his will, slowly gathering as directed.

Zhang Wei's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Impressive! You're a natural, young Kai. Or perhaps... you're remembering skills you once knew."

Kai feigned confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Your control is too refined for a complete novice," Zhang Wei explained. "I suspect you were once a cultivator of some skill. Your current level seems to be that of Qi Refining Stage 1 but it’s likely it was previously higher."

Higher? You couldn’t be more wrong, old man, Kai thought with a smile.

Aloud, he said, "I... I'm not sure. It does feel somewhat familiar."

Zhang Wei nodded sagely. "The mind may forget, but the body remembers. Now, let's try something more advanced. Channel your Qi to your hand."

Kai complied, focusing on directing the energy as instructed. As he did so, he felt a strange tingling in his right wrist. Glancing down, he saw the mysterious mark glowing faintly.

What the...

Suddenly, the Qi in his hand seemed to solidify, taking on a vaguely sword-like shape.

Zhang Wei's eyes widened in shock. "By the heavens! Y-you’re condensing Qi!"

Kai stared at the shimmering energy construct in his hand, his mind racing. This... this could be a game-changer.

"I've never seen anything quite like it," Zhang Wei continued, his voice filled with awe. "Young man, your background must be extraordinary. You must come from a powerful sect indeed!"

Kai hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. "I... I suppose I must."

Better to let them think that, he reasoned. It might keep me safer in the long run.

"We must continue your training," Zhang Wei said eagerly. "Your talent is too great to waste. Meet me here again tomorrow, and we'll work on developing this ability further."

As Kai made his way back to the guest house that evening, his mind buzzing with possibilities. Qi Condensation... I can create weapons out of pure energy. The tactical advantages are enormous.

He spent the next few hours experimenting with his new ability, forming various weapons and tools from his Qi. Swords, spears, shields - each came with its own advantages and drawbacks.

I need to plan for every scenario, Kai thought, his strategic mind kicking into high gear. In close combat, a sword would be ideal. For ranged attacks, maybe I can form something like a bow. And a shield for defense...

As he practiced, Kai couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. This really is the ultimate game. And I intend to master it.

The next morning, Kai woke up early, eager to continue his training with Zhang Wei. As he made his way to the clearing, he ran through potential scenarios in his mind.

If I encounter a stronger cultivator, I'll need to rely on strategy rather than brute force. Maybe I can use the environment to my advantage...

"Ah, young Kai," Zhang Wei greeted him as he arrived. "Ready to continue your training?"

"Absolutely,” Kai nodded, a determined look in his eyes. “What's next?"

Zhang Wei smiled approvingly. "Let's work on refining your Qi Condensation skill. Try forming different shapes, focusing on stability and detail."

For the next few hours, Kai practiced diligently under Zhang Wei's guidance. He formed swords, spears, shields, and even attempted more complex shapes like chains and grappling hooks.

"Remarkable," Zhang Wei muttered, watching Kai create a detailed dagger of pure Qi. "Your progress is astounding. Almost like this all comes naturally to you. Are you sure you don't remember any of your past training?"

Kai shook his head, maintaining his facade of confusion. "No, it's all still a blank. But this... it feels right somehow."

"Your ability, your rapid progress... these are not traits of an ordinary sect," Zhang Wei nodded thoughtfully. "I suspect you may have connections to one of the major powers in our world. Perhaps even one of the hidden bloodlines!"

Kai's mind raced with the implications. Hidden bloodlines? That could be useful information.

Outwardly, he maintained a look of confused interest. "Hidden bloodlines? What do you mean?"

Zhang Wei lowered his voice, glancing around as if afraid of being overheard. "There are whispers of powerful cultivation families that operate in secret, away from the politics and conflicts of the major sects. They are all born with an ability unique to that family, this could explain your Qi Condensation skill. If you really do come from such a background, young Kai, you must be very careful. Such connections can be both a blessing and a curse."

Despite knowing he didn’t hail from such a family, Kai nodded. "I understand. Thank you for the warning, Master Zhang."

As they continued their training, Kai's mind was already formulating plans and strategies. If I can convince others that I have a powerful backing, it might deter potential enemies. But I'll need to be careful not to attract too much attention. It’s a delicate balance.

Over the next few days, Kai split his time between working at the granary and training with Zhang Wei. His progress was rapid, impressing even the old cultivator.

"Your talent is truly remarkable," Zhang Wei commented one afternoon as they took a break from training. "In just a few days, you've advanced to Qi Refining Stage 2. At this rate, you'll be ready for Foundation Establishment in no time."

Kai nodded, allowing a small smile of satisfaction to cross his face. His status window now showed:

Name: Kai Thorn

Level: 2

Qi: 25/25

Strength: 15

Agility: 17

Durability: 15

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 15

Not bad, he thought. But I need to keep pushing. In this world, power is everything.

"Master Zhang," Kai said, an idea forming in his mind. "You mentioned Foundation Establishment. I don’t know much about it, can you tell me more?"

Zhang Wei's expression grew serious. "Ah, Foundation Establishment. It's a critical step in a cultivator's journey. It involves solidifying your Qi foundation, creating a stable base for future advancement. But it's also incredibly dangerous. Many cultivators fail at this stage, their foundations crumbling under the pressure."

Kai listened intently, his mind already analyzing the risks and potential rewards. "I see. And what happens to those who fail?"

A shadow passed over Zhang Wei's face. "Best case scenario? They're left unable to advance further, their cultivation stagnating. Worst case... their cultivation can backfire, crippling or even killing them."

A high-risk, high-reward scenario, Kai thought.

“Is that what happened to you, Master Zhang? If you don't mind me asking."

Zhang Wei sighed. "Yes it is. I was once a promising disciple of the Azure Sky Sect. But when I attempted Foundation Establishment, my foundation crumbled. I was lucky to survive, but the sect had no use for a crippled cultivator. They cast me out, and I've been living here ever since. Now, I’m no better than a Qi Refining Stage 5 cultivator at best…"

The sects aren't as benevolent as they might want people to believe, Kai's eyes narrowed slightly. I don’t blame them though, cripples really don’t have much use, even the righteous sects have to be pragmatic.

"I'm sorry to hear that but thank you for sharing that with me," Kai gave a slight bow.

Even though the decision to expel the old man was logical, Kai still felt genuinely bad for him.

Zhang Wei nodded, a sad smile on his face. "Learn from my mistakes, lad. Don't rush into Foundation Establishment until you're absolutely ready. And be wary of the major sects. They can offer great opportunities, but their favor is fickle."

As Kai made his way back to the village that evening, his thoughts were focused on advancement. I need to get stronger, fast. I don’t know when the first boss battle will be. But I also need to be smart about it. No point in rushing to Foundation Establishment if it might kill me.

He spent the next few hours practicing his Qi Condensation skill, forming shapes and testing their durability. If I can create solid, lasting constructs, it could give me a significant advantage in combat.

As he worked, Kai found himself pondering his situation. It's strange. A week ago, I was just a gamer, living a normal life on Earth. Now, I'm training to become a cultivator in a world straight out of a fantasy novel.

But despite the strangeness of it all, Kai felt no real desire to return to his old life. What was there for me back on Earth, really? No family, no real friends... just games and a dead-end job. Here, I have the chance to become truly powerful. To make a real difference.

He formed a perfect replica of a longsword from his Qi, admiring its glowing edges. This is my game now. And I intend to win.


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