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Morvran blinked, as if just realizing his current position. He quickly stood up, allowing Fenlock to scramble to his feet. "Ah, my apologies, Master. After I told them you’re not available, I caught these two lurking around your courtyard. I assumed they were trying to sneak in and disrupt your breakthrough."

Fenlock, his face red with embarrassment, bowed deeply. "Master, it's not what it looks like! I was just showing Junior Sister Lenvari around the sect. We had no intention of disturbing you!"

Slifer's eyebrows rose. Junior Sister Lenvari? So Fenlock finally made a move, huh? He turned his attention to the young woman, who bowed respectfully.

"It's an honor to meet you, Supreme Elder," she said, her voice soft but clear. "I apologize for any misunderstanding we may have caused."

Slifer waved off her apology. "No harm done. Though I'm curious, Fenlock. When did you finally gather the courage?"

Fenlock's blush deepened. "Well, Master, you see... Junior Sister Lenvari and I... we've been spending a lot of time together lately, and I..."

"We're courting, Supreme Elder," Lenvari finished for him, a small smile on her face. "We hoped to seek your blessing."

Courting? The way this kid acts, it's like she's been his wife for centuries, Slifer thought, amused. Out loud, he said, "I see. And you thought the best time to ask was when I was supposedly in the middle of a breakthrough?"

Fenlock looked mortified. "No, Master! We didn't know you were... I mean, we wouldn't have... It's just that Boss Morvran said you might be in there for years, and we didn't want to wait that long, and..."

Slifer held up a hand to stop Fenlock's rambling. "Years? Morvran, what exactly did you tell them?"

Morvran straightened, a hint of pride in his voice. "I informed them that you were undergoing a breakthrough to the Immortal Realm, Master. Such a monumental achievement could take an indefinite amount of time."

Oh boy. This is going to be fun to explain, Slifer thought. "I see. Well, I appreciate your... enthusiasm, Morvran. But perhaps in the future, we should be a bit more careful about spreading such information."

"Of course, Master," Morvran said, bowing deeply. "I apologize if I overstepped."

Slifer turned his attention back to Fenlock and Lenvari. He took a moment to really look at the young woman, and he had to admit she was quite beautiful. Her jade-green eyes sparkled with intelligence, and her long, raven-black hair flowed like silk down her back.

Damn, Fenlock. Nice catch, Slifer thought, then immediately felt a pang of envy. Why can't I have any luck like that in this world? Stupid System, putting me in an old man's body. Even my clone, Zack, has girls drooling over him!

Pushing aside his personal frustrations, Slifer addressed the young couple. "So, you two want my blessing, huh?"

Fenlock nodded eagerly. "Yes, Master. It would mean the world to us."

Slifer pretended to consider for a moment, enjoying the way Fenlock squirmed nervously. Finally, he smiled. "Well, who am I to stand in the way of young love? You have my-"

Before he could finish, a familiar blue screen suddenly appeared before his eyes.


New Task: Guide the young couple to create a unique dual cultivation technique. Upon completion, their cultivation speed will be doubled when practicing together.

Reward: Every time they dual cultivate, you will receive a boost in your cultivation

Slifer blinked, momentarily caught off guard. Really, System? Right now? Talk about timing.

He glanced at the eager young couple before him, his mind racing. Well, well. Looks like Fenlock might be more important to this story than I thought. A unique dual cultivation technique, huh? That's definitely the kind of thing that makes a protagonist OP later on. Hmm, and it’ll benefit my own growth…not bad.

Clearing his throat, Slifer adopted a serious expression. "Fenlock, Lenvari, I'm glad to see your relationship blossoming. However, before I can give you my full blessing, there's a task you must complete."

Fenlock's shoulders slumped slightly, and he let out a small sigh. "I knew it," he muttered under his breath. "Master always has some strange quest..."

Lenvari squeezed his hand reassuringly. "It's okay, Senior Brother. Whatever it is, we'll complete it together."

Slifer pretended not to notice their reactions. "As cultivators, your path forward must be one of mutual growth and understanding. Therefore, to prove your compatibility and commitment, I want you to work together to create a unique dual cultivation technique."

Fenlock's eyes widened in surprise. "A... dual cultivation technique, Master? But that's..."

"Challenging? Unconventional? Perhaps even a bit scandalous?" Slifer finished for him, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Precisely. This task will test not only your cultivation skills but also your ability to work together harmoniously."

And it'll probably make for some entertaining scenes later in the story, Slifer thought to himself, suppressing a grin.

Lenvari's face had turned a delicate shade of pink, but her eyes narrowed with determination. "We accept your challenge, Supreme Elder. Right, Senior Brother?"

Fenlock nodded, his initial reluctance fading in the face of Lenvari's enthusiasm. "Yes, we do. We won't let you down, Master."

Slifer nodded approvingly. "Excellent. Take as much time as you need. I’ll let you know when you’ve completed the task.”

Fenlock's brow furrowed in confusion. "You'll let us know, Master? But... how will you know when we've finished?"

A sudden, horrifying thought struck him. He's not planning to... watch us, is he? Fenlock's face turned an even deeper shade of red than Lenvari's.

"Master," Fenlock said hesitantly, "you're not... I mean, you won't be... observing us, will you?"

Slifer blinked, momentarily taken aback by the question. Then he burst out laughing. "Heavens, no! What do you take me for, some kind of creepy old man?"

Though I suppose I am technically an old man in this body, Slifer held back a sigh.

"No, no," Slifer continued, waving his hand dismissively. "I have my ways of knowing these things. Trust me, when you've created a truly unique dual cultivation technique, I'll be aware of it."

Fenlock let out a sigh of relief, though he still looked slightly skeptical. "If you say so, Master."

Lenvari tugged gently on Fenlock's sleeve. "Come on, Senior Brother. We have a lot of work to do."

As the young couple bowed and prepared to leave, Slifer added, "Oh, and Fenlock? Remember what I taught you about thinking outside the box. Sometimes the most powerful techniques come from unexpected places."

Like protagonists, Slifer smiled. Always pulling game-changing abilities out of nowhere.

Fenlock and Lenvari bowed once more before hurrying off, their heads already bent together in discussion.

Morvran, who had been silent throughout the exchange, finally spoke up. "Master, isn't creating a dual cultivation technique a bit... advanced for disciples their age?"

Slifer waved his hand dismissively. "Nonsense, Morvran. It's never too early to start pushing one's boundaries. Besides," he added with a cryptic smile, "I have a feeling those two will come up with something amazing.”

As Morvran nodded, Slifer turned his gaze to where Fenlock and Lenvari had disappeared. Alright, System. Let's see what kind of protagonist-level nonsense those kids can come up with. This should be interesting.

"They make a good pair," Morvran observed, breaking into Slifer's thoughts.

"They do," Slifer agreed. He shook his head, refocusing on more pressing matters. "Morvran, I have a question for you."

"Of course, Master. What do you need?"

Slifer hesitated for a moment, wondering how to phrase his request without raising suspicion. "Who would you say is the best alchemist in our sect?"

Morvran's brow furrowed in thought. "That would undoubtedly be Elder Feng, Master. He's a Nascent Soul cultivator who's been with the sect for over seven hundred years. His skill in alchemy is unparalleled within the Black Rose Sect. It’s just unfortunate he hasn’t been able to break into the Origin Realm."

As Morvran spoke, memories from the original Slifer began to surface in his mind. Elder Feng... oh great. The original and that old coot didn't get along at all. Something about the original stealing a pill recipe…

"I see," Slifer said carefully. "And where does Elder Feng stay these days?"

"He stays in the Misty Cauldron Cave, on the eastern edge of the sect grounds," Morvran replied. "But Master, why are you looking for him? If you need any alchemical products, I'd be more than happy to get them for you."

Slifer waved off the offer. "No, no. I have some... personal matters to discuss with Elder Feng. Thank you for the information, Morvran. You're dismissed for now."

Morvran bowed deeply. "As you wish, Master. Please let me know if you need anything else."

As Morvran walked away, Slifer took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was sure to be an interesting encounter. Well, I'm the Supreme Elder now. Hopefully, that counts for something with the old alchemist.

With that thought, Slifer set off towards the eastern part of the sect grounds. As he walked, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the Black Rose Sect. The path was lined with the sect's namesake flowers.

I really don’t appreciate this place enough, It's like something out of a fantasy novel, Slifer thought, then chuckled at the irony. Well, I guess it technically is. Still, it's nice to appreciate the scenery once in a while.

As he neared the eastern edge of the sect grounds, the landscape began to change. The well-manicured gardens gave way to wilder growth, and a light mist began to swirl around his feet. In the distance, Slifer could make out the entrance to a cave, partially obscured by the mist.

That must be the Misty Cauldron Cave, he thought. Fitting name, I suppose.

As Slifer approached the cave entrance, he heard a commotion from inside. Suddenly, a body came flying out of the cave, landing with a thud on the ground just a few feet away from him.

The young man – clearly a disciple – groaned in pain, his robes singed and torn. Despite his obvious discomfort, he immediately began to kowtow towards the cave entrance.

"I'm sorry, Master Feng!" the disciple cried out. "I'll do better next time, I promise!"

Slifer raised an eyebrow. Well, I guess this isn't a good time for a visit. Maybe I should come back later...

Before he could make a decision, another disciple emerged from the cave. This one looked nervous, his eyes darting between Slifer and the cave entrance.

"M-Master Feng," the disciple called out, his voice shaky. "The Supreme Elder is here to see you."

There was a moment of silence, then a cranky voice echoed from within the cave. "Eh? What does he want?"

Slifer suppressed a sigh. This is going to be fun, he thought sarcastically. Raising his voice, he called out, "Elder Feng, I was hoping we could have a word. If you're not too busy, that is."

Another pause, then the sound of shuffling footsteps. A moment later, an old man emerged from the cave, his long white beard nearly touching the ground. Despite his age, his eyes were sharp and alert, sizing up Slifer with obvious suspicion.

"Supreme Elder," Elder Feng said, his tone neutral. "To what do I owe this... honor?"

Slifer put on his most charming smile. "Elder Feng, I was hoping to discuss a matter of some importance with you. Perhaps we could speak privately?"

Elder Feng's eyes narrowed. "Hmph. I don’t trust you, not after last time. But I guess I can’t say no the Supreme Elder, come in, then. But touch nothing! My experiments are delicate."

As Slifer followed the old alchemist into the cave, he couldn't help but feel like he was walking into the dragon's den. Well, here goes nothing. Time to see if I can charm this old coot into teaching me alchemy.

The interior of the Misty Cauldron Cave was a sight to behold. Shelves lined the walls, filled with jars of mysterious ingredients and glowing pills. Cauldrons of various sizes were scattered throughout the space, some bubbling with strange concoctions, others lying dormant.

Elder Feng led Slifer to a small clearing in the center of the cave, where two simple stone stools sat. The old alchemist settled onto one, gesturing for Slifer to take the other.

"Well?" Elder Feng grumbled. "What's this important matter you wanted to discuss?"

Slifer took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "Elder Feng, I'll be direct. I find myself in need of some... alchemical expertise. And I've been told you're the best our sect has to offer."

Elder Feng's eyebrows rose slightly. "Oh? And what sort of 'expertise' does the great Supreme Elder require? Surely one as powerful as yourself has no need for my humble skills."

Is that sarcasm I detect? Slifer thought. This old man's got some bite to him.

"On the contrary," Slifer said aloud, "I have great respect for the art of alchemy. In fact, I've recently taken an interest in learning more about it myself."

Elder Feng snorted. "You? Learn alchemy? At your age?" He shook his head. "Alchemy is not something you can pick up on a whim, Supreme Elder. It takes years of study, centuries of practice. It's not for dabblers or dilettantes."

Slifer felt a flicker of annoyance but pushed it down. Keep calm. You need this cranky old man's help.

"I understand that, Elder Feng," Slifer said, his voice level. "I'm not expecting to become a master alchemist overnight. But everyone has to start somewhere, right? I was hoping you might be willing to... guide me in the basics."

Elder Feng stared at Slifer for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Finally, he spoke, his voice dripping with skepticism. "And why, pray tell, has the Supreme Elder suddenly developed an interest in alchemy? Surely you have more important matters to attend to."

Slifer hesitated. He couldn't very well tell the truth – that he'd nearly blown himself up trying to refine a pill, no that was too embarrassing. But he needed a convincing reason...

"The world is changing, Elder Feng," Slifer said, deciding to play on the old man's pride. "I believe that to lead our sect effectively, I need to understand all aspects of cultivation. Alchemy is a crucial part of that. And who better to learn from than the most skilled alchemist in our sect?"

Elder Feng's expression softened slightly at the praise, but suspicion still lingered in his eyes. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Supreme Elder. But... I admit, your reasoning is not entirely without merit."

He stroked his long beard thoughtfully. "Very well. I will give you a test. If you pass, I may consider teaching you the basics of alchemy. If you fail..." He grinned, revealing a mouth with surprisingly sharp teeth. "Well, let's just say you'll wish you'd never set foot in my cave."

Slifer swallowed hard. What have I gotten myself into?

"I accept your challenge, Elder Feng," Slifer said, trying to sound confident. "What is this test?"

Elder Feng's grin widened. "Oh, nothing too difficult. I simply want you to identify these."

He reached into his robes and pulled out a small pouch. From it, he produced three small objects, placing them on a nearby table.

Slifer leaned in to get a better look. The first object was a leaf, deep green in color with jagged edges. The second was a small, round seed that seemed to glow faintly. The third was a piece of what looked like ordinary bark.

"Well?" Elder Feng prompted. "What are they?"

Slifer stared at the items, his mind racing. He had some knowledge from the original Slifer's memories, but it was fragmented and incomplete. He'd have to rely on his own observations and deductions.

Or I can just rely on the insight skill…


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