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Val, still perched on Slifer’s shoulder, chirped excitedly. "We're back! That was so cool, Master! Can we do it again?"

Slifer chuckled, patting the little dragon's head. "Maybe later, Val. Right now, we have work to do."

Leah stumbled slightly, looking a bit green. "Sect Master, I don't mean to complain, but... could we maybe use a more conventional method of travel next time?"

"What, you don't enjoy bending the fabric of space and time?" Slifer asked with a grin. "Kids these days, no sense of adventure."

He turned to face his companions, his expression growing serious. "Alright, listen up. What happened at the Black Death Sect stays between us for now. We need to be careful about who we trust with this information."

Leah nodded, her face pale but determined. "Of course, Sect Master. But... what exactly are we going to do?"

Good question, Slifer thought. I'm kind of making this up as I go along.

"For now," he said aloud, "we prepare. Something big is coming, and we need to be ready."

As if on cue, a familiar figure came hurrying across the courtyard towards them. Morvran, Slifer's right-hand man, looked as unflappable as ever in his bulky robes, his bald head gleaming in the sunlight.

"Welcome back, Master," Morvran bowed. "I trust your mission was successful?"

Slifer raised an eyebrow. "That depends on your definition of success, Morvran. How did things go with the Black Heart Sect after I left?"

A slow, innocent smile spread across Morvran's face. "Oh, they've been... properly disciplined, Master. I ensured they understood the consequences of disobedience."

I bet you did, Slifer thought, suppressing a shudder. Note to self: never get on Morvran's bad side.

"Good work," Slifer said aloud. "But we have a new priority now, I want you to screen the entire sect for any trace of demon energy. Every disciple, every building, every nook and cranny. If you find even the slightest hint of demonic qi, I want to know about it immediately."

Morvran's brow furrowed. "Demon energy? But Master, we're a demonic sect. Wouldn't that be... normal?"

Slifer shook his head. "Not the kind I'm talking about. Trust me, you'll know it if you find it. It's... different to demonic qi. More potent. More dangerous."

And hopefully not here at all, Slifer added silently. But after what I saw at the Black Death Sect, I can't take any chances.

"I understand, Master," Morvran said, though his expression suggested he didn't quite grasp the gravity of the situation. "I'll get right on it. Anything else?"

Slifer nodded. "Yes. I want you to adjust the training regimen for all disciples. From now on, we're going to focus more on combat skills."

Morvran's eyebrows shot up. "Combat? But Master, our sect has always prioritized cultivation techniques over fighting. Are you sure-"

"I'm sure," Slifer cut him off. "Times are changing, Morvran. We need to be prepared for... anything."

Morvran nodded slowly. "As you wish, Master. I'll make the necessary arrangements. But... may I ask why? Is there something we should be worried about?"

Slifer paused, considering his words carefully. "Let's just say I've received some... concerning information. It's better if we're prepared, even if nothing comes of it."

"I see," Morvran said. "Well, you can count on me, Master. I'll get started right away."

"Good," Slifer said, clapping him on the shoulder. "And Morvran? Keep this between us for now. No need to cause unnecessary panic among the disciples."

"Of course, Master.”

As Morvran hurried off to carry out his orders, Slifer turned back to Leah and Val. "Alright, you two. Get some rest. We'll talk more later."

Val nuzzled against Slifer's cheek before flying off, probably in search of something shiny to add to her hoard. Leah hesitated for a moment before speaking up.

"Sect Master... are we in danger?"

Slifer paused, considering his words carefully. "We're cultivators, Leah. We're always in danger. But knowledge is power, and now we know more than we did before. We'll face whatever comes together."

And hopefully by "we" I mean "someone else entirely," Slifer thought.

With that, Leah left, leaving Slifer alone in the hall. The Supreme Elder of the Black Rose Sect sighed, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

Time to level up, he thought, a determined glint in his eye. If I'm going to have any chance of surviving in this world of Immortals and demon invasions, I need to get stronger. Fast.


In a courtyard not so far away from Slifer, his disciple Fenlock paced back and forth, his hands fidgeting nervously. The gentle fragrance of blooming flowers filled the air, but it did little to calm his nerves. His gaze kept darting to the entrance of the garden, anticipation and anxiety warring within him.

She'll be here any moment now, he thought, his heart racing. What if she changed her mind? What if—

His thoughts were interrupted by the soft sound of footsteps. He turned, and his breath caught in his throat.

Approaching him was Lenvari, a vision of beauty that never failed to take his breath away. Her long, raven-black hair flowed like silk in the gentle breeze, and her jade-green eyes sparkled with curiosity. She wore a simple yet elegant white robe that seemed to accentuate her graceful movements.

"Senior Brother," she called out, a smile lighting up her face. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

Fenlock felt his face heat up. "N-not at all, Junior Sister Lenvari," he stammered. "I, uh, I just got here myself."

Lenvari's smile widened as she came to stand before him. "Is everything alright? You seem... nervous."

Nervous? Me? I'm just about to introduce the girl I love to my terrifying master. Why would I be nervous? Fenlock thought sarcastically.

Out loud, he said, "I'm fine, really. It's just... well, meeting Master Slifer is a big deal."

Lenvari reached out and gently took his hand, her touch sending a jolt through his system. "Senior Brother, breathe. It's going to be alright. From everything you've told me about your master, he seems like a reasonable person."

Fenlock couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Reasonable isn't exactly the word I'd use to describe Master Slifer. He's... unique."

"Unique how?" Lenvari asked, her head tilting slightly in curiosity.

Fenlock paused, trying to find the right words. "Well, he's not like other sect masters. He doesn't really care about all the formal stuff. And sometimes, he says the strangest things..."

"Like what?" Lenvari prompted, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Well, there was this one time during training," Fenlock began, a smile tugging at his lips despite his nervousness. "He told us to 'cultivate like our lives depended on it, because they probably did.' Then he muttered something about 'plot armor' not being thick enough yet."

Lenvari laughed. "He sounds interesting, at least. Not at all like the stuffy old masters I've heard about in other sects."

"Oh, he's far from stuffy," Fenlock agreed. “There was the time he tried to explain the concept of dao comprehension using food analogies. He said understanding the dao was like trying to describe the taste of water to someone who's never had it. Then he spent the next hour trying to get us to 'taste the dao' in various snacks he'd brought."

"Did it work?" Lenvari asked.

"Well, I'm not sure if I understood the dao any better," Fenlock admitted, "but I did develop a new appreciation for spicy cultivated snake chips."

Lenvari giggled. "He certainly sounds creative in his teaching methods.”

Fenlock nodded, feeling some of his tension ease. "He is interesting. And powerful. You should see him in action, Lenvari. It's... amazing."

"I’ve only seen him from afar, I’m looking forward to finally meeting him," Lenvari said, giving Fenlock's hand a reassuring squeeze. "But Fenlock, you still haven't told me why you're so nervous. Is there something else?"

Fenlock swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry. It's now or never, he thought.

"Junior Sister, I... there's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice shaky.

Lenvari's expression turned serious. "What is it, Senior Brother? You know you can tell me anything."

Fenlock took a deep breath. "Junior Sister, I... I have feelings for you. Strong feelings. I think... I think I'm in love with you."

There was a moment of silence that felt like an eternity to Fenlock. He stood there, his heart pounding, waiting for her response.

Then, to his surprise and delight, Lenvari's face broke into a radiant smile. "Oh, Fenlock," she said his name softly. "I was wondering when you'd finally say it."

Fenlock blinked, stunned. "You... you knew?"

Lenvari laughed, the sound filling the garden. "Senior Brother, you're many things, but subtle isn't one of them. I've known for a while now. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t noticed…"

"And... and how do you feel?" Fenlock asked, hardly daring to hope.

In response, Lenvari leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. "Does that answer your question?" she asked, her cheeks tinged with a delicate blush.

Fenlock felt as if he could fly without using any cultivation techniques. "Junior Sister, I... I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything," Lenvari replied, her eyes twinkling. "But maybe we should focus on meeting your master first? We can talk more about... us... after that."

Fenlock nodded, feeling as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "You're right. Let's go meet Master Slifer. Just... be prepared for anything, okay?"

"Like what?" Lenvari asked, a hint of nervousness creeping into her voice for the first time.

Fenlock thought for a moment. "Well, he might ask you to demonstrate your cultivation techniques. Or he might quiz you on obscure cultivation theories. Or..."

"Or?" Lenvari prompted when Fenlock trailed off.

"Or he might challenge you to a pie-eating contest," Fenlock finished with a straight face.

Lenvari stared at him for a moment before bursting into laughter. "A pie-eating contest? Really? That sounds like a mortal thing to do."

Fenlock shrugged, grinning. "With Master Slifer, you never know. He once said that a true cultivator should be able to channel their qi to expand their stomach capacity."

"Well," Lenvari said, still giggling, "I suppose I'd better be prepared for anything then. Lead the way, Senior Brother."

As they walked arm in arm towards Slifer's quarters, Fenlock couldn't help but feel that, no matter what happened next, everything was going to be alright. With Lenvari by his side, he felt like he could face anything – even his master.


Slifer sat cross-legged in his private chamber, his eyes closed in deep meditation. The events of the past few days weighed heavily on his mind, but he knew he couldn't afford to dwell on them. There were more pressing matters at hand.

It's time, he thought, opening his eyes. I've put this off for too long. If I'm going to face whatever's coming, I need to be stronger. Core Formation, here I come.

He stood up, stretching his limbs. "Morvran!" he called out.

A moment later, there was a knock at the door, and Morvran's bald head poked in. "You called, Master?"

Slifer nodded. "I'm going to be busy for a while. Make sure no one disturbs me, no matter what. Understood?"

Morvran's eyes widened slightly. "Are you... are you going to break through to the Immortal Realm, Master?"

Slifer froze, his mind racing. Immortal Realm? Oh crap, that's right. They all think I'm some kind of cultivation prodigy. How do I play this off?

"Immortal Realm? Uh, yeah... that's the plan..." Slifer replied, trying to keep his voice steady. He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "You know how it is, always reaching for the next level, right?"

Smooth, Slifer. Real smooth. Maybe I should just fake my own death and start a new sect at this point.

Morvran's face lit up with awe and excitement. "That's incredible, Master! To think I'll be witness to such a momentous occasion! Is there anything you need for your breakthrough? Sacred artifacts? Rare herbs? The blood of a thousand virgins?"

Slifer blinked, taken aback. Blood of a thousand virgins? What kind of cultivation novels has this guy been reading?

"No, no, nothing like that," Slifer said hastily. "Just... peace and quiet. You know, for concentration and stuff. Very important for reaching the, uh, Immortal Realm."

Morvran nodded vigorously. "Of course, Master! I'll make sure no one comes within a hundred meters of your chambers. Not even a fly will disturb your breakthrough!"

"Great, that's... great," Slifer said, forcing a smile. "Just remember, no matter what you hear or sense, do not enter this room. The process of becoming an Immortal is, uh, very delicate."

And by 'delicate,' I mean 'completely made up on the spot.'

"Understood, Master!" Morvran said with a salute. "Good luck with your breakthrough! The whole sect will be celebrating your ascension soon!"

As Morvran left, closing the door behind him, Slifer let out a long, shaky breath. Well, that's one way to raise the stakes. Now I really can't afford to fail this Core Formation breakthrough. Talk about performance pressure.

He slumped back down onto his meditation mat, running a hand through his hair. Alright, System. Let's see what you've got for me. Because apparently, I've got an Immortal Realm breakthrough to fake.

With a mental command, Slifer opened the System Shop interface. His eyes widened as he scrolled through the available items, stopping when he came across something unexpected.

Name: Core Formation Celestial Lotus Pill Recipe

Description: A high-level alchemical recipe for crafting pills to aid in breaking through to the Core Formation realm. Increases success rate by 50% and reduces cultivation time by 30%.

Cost: 5,000 credits

Slifer's eyebrows shot up. A Core Formation pill recipe? And one our sect doesn't have? This could be a game-changer.

He quickly checked the price of pre-made Core Formation pills in the shop, whistling low when he saw the cost.

35,000 credits for a single pill? That's highway robbery! Slifer thought indignantly. But if I can make them myself...

A slow smile spread across his face as an idea began to form. Who says I can't be an alchemist? It's not like I haven't picked up new skills in this world before. And having a reliable source of high-level pills could be invaluable.

Decision made, Slifer purchased the recipe. A flood of information filled his mind - ingredients, proportions, refining techniques. It was overwhelming at first, but as he sorted through the knowledge, he found himself growing excited.

This could work, he thought. And hey, who doesn't want to be friends with the guy who can make powerful cultivation pills? Might help smooth over some of those... strained relationships I've been cultivating lately.

Plus, he thought with a wry smile, no one wants to be enemies with the guy who can make their breakthrough pills. It's like being the only person with snacks at a party – suddenly, everyone's your best friend.

With renewed enthusiasm, Slifer began browsing the materials section of the shop. He carefully selected the ingredients needed for the Core Formation Celestial Lotus Pill:

Name: Celestial Lotus Petal

Description: Rare petals from lotuses grown in celestial springs. Enhances spiritual energy absorption.

Cost: 500 credits per petal

Name: Nine-Tailed Fox Essence

Description: Concentrated essence from a nine-tailed fox. Improves energy control and stability.

Cost: 500 credits per vial

Name: Thunderbolt Fruit

Description: Fruit infused with the power of lightning. Strengthens the body's meridians.

Cost: 1000 credits per fruit

Name: Dragon's Breath Crystal

Description: Crystallized dragon breath. Acts as a catalyst for spiritual energy transformation.

Cost: 1000 credits per crystal

Name: Void Lotus Root

Description: Root of a lotus grown in the void between realms. Enhances spatial awareness and control.

Cost: 1000 credits per root

Slifer purchased enough materials for three attempts, wincing slightly at the total cost but reminding himself of the potential benefits.

5000 credits for the recipe, 4000 credits per attempt versus 35,000 for a single pill, he mused. Even if I mess up a few times, I'll still come out ahead. Assuming I don't blow myself up in the process, of course.

With everything prepared, Slifer reached into his spatial ring and pulled out the green cauldron he had acquired earlier and set it down beside him.

Alright, Slifer thought, cracking his knuckles. Time to see if I've got what it takes to be an alchemist. How hard can it be, right? Just throw some ingredients in a pot and hope for the best.

As he began arranging the materials around the cauldron, a memory from his old world flashed through his mind - a high school chemistry class where he'd nearly set the lab on fire. He chuckled nervously.

On second thought, maybe I should start with some safety precautions...

Slifer spent the next hour setting up protective barriers around his workspace, just in case things went south. Better safe than sorry, especially when dealing with volatile spiritual ingredients.

Finally satisfied with his preparations, Slifer took a deep breath and faced the cauldron.

"Alright," he muttered to himself. "Let's do this."


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