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As if responding to his thoughts, a series of options appeared in front of Slifer.

Name: Exorcist's Fury

Description: Channels the wrath of ancient exorcists, releasing a torrent of spiritual energy that severely damages and weakens all demons within range to the user's cultivation realm for 60 seconds. Warning: this technique does not work on Immortal Realm demons.

Cost: 20,000 Credits

Name: Starfall Arrow

Description: Fires an arrow imbued with the power of a falling star. Early Ascendant Level attack.

Cost: 20,000 Credits

Name: Phoenix Feather Barrage

Description: Releases a storm of flaming phoenix feathers that hone in on the target. Mid Ascendant Level attack.

Cost: 25,000 Credits

Name: Soul Devouring Flames

Description: Engulfs the target in flames that consume both body and soul, ensuring complete annihilation and preventing resurrection. Flames can affect multiple targets. Late Ascendant Level attack.

Cost: 30,000 Credits

Slifer quickly dismissed the Soul Devouring Flames card. Nope, too expensive and way overkill. I just need to stop them, not erase them from existence. Save that for a rainy day.

He also ruled out the Starfall Arrow. Single target? Against this swarm? No thanks.

The Phoenix Feather Barrage seemed promising at first, but Slifer shook his head. Mid Ascendant level might not cut it. If even one of these ugly bat-wannabes dodges it and gets close, I'm toast.

That left the Exorcist's Fury. Slifer raised an eyebrow. Exorcists? In a xianxia world? What's next, vampire cultivators? He shook his head, pushing the thought aside. The demons were getting closer, their ugly features becoming clearer by the second.

Well, beggars can't be choosers, Slifer thought with a resigned sigh. System, I'll take the Exorcist's Fury.

A confirmation message popped up in his mind. Slifer grimaced as he felt the 20,000 credits drain away. This better work.

As the demons came within striking distance, their faces twisted with bloodlust, Slifer raised his hand. A subtle golden light emanated from his palm, quickly expanding outward to engulf the entire swarm.

The effect was instantaneous and terrifying.

The demons' screeches of bloodlust turned to wails of agony and fear. Their powerful auras, once oppressive and intimidating, flickered and dimmed like candles in a storm. Slifer watched with wide eyes as the demons' cultivation bases plummeted from Ascendant realm to... Foundation Establishment?

Holy crap, it actually worked! Slifer thought, a grin spreading across his face.

One of the demons, a particularly ugly creature with bat-like wings and the face of a deformed bull, snarled in a guttural language that Slifer could barely understand. "What... what is this? My power... it's gone!"

Another demon, this one resembling a twisted hybrid of a snake and an eagle, hissed in panic. "Flee! We must flee before—"

But it was too late. Slifer's smoky Nascent Soul armor materialized around him, and he shot forward like a bullet. His sword flashed, and the snake-eagle demon's head went flying.


You have killed an Early Ascendant Demon

You have gained 2000 Karmic Credits

2000 credits? Last time I killed an Early Ascendant, it was only 1000…is there a x2 modifier for killing demons?

Such a thing wouldn’t surprise Slifer, the System did seem to have a personal vendetta against anything demonic.

"Sorry, no fleeing allowed," Slifer quipped, turning his attention back onto his prey. "You guys wanted a piece of me? Well, come and get it!"

What followed was less of a battle and more of a slaughter. With their cultivation bases reduced to Foundation Establishment, the demons were no match for Slifer's speed and power. He darted between them, his sword a blur of motion, leaving dismembered limbs and severed heads in his wake.

A demon with the body of a man and the head of a wolf lunged at Slifer, claws extended. "Die, human scum!"

Slifer sidestepped the attack easily. "You know, that might have been scary a minute ago. Now? Not so much." His sword flashed, and the wolf-headed demon fell in two pieces.


You have killed an Early Ascendant Demon

You have gained 2000 Karmic Credits

As he continued his deadly dance among the demons, Slifer couldn't help but feel a bit... disappointed? Is this really what Ascendant realm cultivation is like? he wondered. Being able to swat aside enemies like flies? No wonder cultivators are always so arrogant.

A group of demons tried to gang up on him, surrounding him from all sides. Slifer just smirked. "Nice try, guys. But I've played enough video games to know how to handle a mob."

He spun in a circle, his sword leaving a trail of golden light. The demons fell back, their bodies dissolving into ash.

Man, if only the guys back in my old world could see me now, Slifer thought. From living in my mother’s basement and entering pie-eating competitions to being bona fide demon slayer. Talk about a career change.

As the last demon fell, Slifer landed lightly on the ground, his bloody sword resting casually on his shoulder.


You have killed a Mid Ascendant Demon

You have gained 3000 Karmic Credits

Slifer dismissed the multiple notifications and turned to Ace, who was still focused intently on the runes covering the obsidian spire.

"You about done down there," Slifer called out. "Because I'm all out of demons to kill up here."

Ace looked up, his eyes widening slightly as he took in the carnage around Slifer. "Hmm, as expected," he said, his tone neutral. "And yes, I've nearly finished. We need to reach the portal now. It will collapse any second. If we don't make it in time, we'll be trapped here."

Slifer's smug grin vanished. You've got to be kidding me. A little warning would have been nice!

"Right," Slifer said aloud, trying to keep the panic out of his voice. "Let's go then."

They both took to the air, flying towards the shimmering portal that would take them back to the Mortal Realm. Slifer pushed himself to fly faster, acutely aware that Ace was holding back to stay with him.

Come on, come on, Slifer urged himself. I have no idea if Dimensional Slide Level 2 will work in the Nether Realm and I definitely did not come all this way just to get stuck in demon hell forever!

They were almost there when the ground beneath them erupted. A massive form burst from the earth, sending debris flying in all directions. Slifer came to an abrupt halt, narrowly avoiding a chunk of obsidian the size of a car.

As the dust settled, Slifer got a good look at their new obstacle. It was a demon, it had the body of an enormous rat, easily the size of a house, with patchy fur that seemed to writhe and move on its own. Its face was a nightmarish fusion of rat and human features, with bulging red eyes and teeth like jagged daggers.

Oh come on! Slifer thought, exasperated. What is this, the final boss?

He quickly used his Insight skill, hoping to gauge the threat level of this new enemy. What he saw made his blood run cold.

Name: Unknown

Realm: Half-Step Immortal

Known Techniques: Unknown

Known Affiliations: Unknown

Disposition: Hostile

You have got to be kidding me, Slifer thought, his mind racing. A Half-Step Immortal? I don't have anything that can even scratch something that powerful!

He glanced at Ace, whose eyes had narrowed at the sight of the rat demon. Slifer could practically see the gears turning in the Heavenly Light Sect Master's head.

The rat demon's bulbous eyes fixed on them, its mouth splitting into a grotesque grin. "Well, well," it said, its voice a grating squeak that somehow managed to convey both amusement and malice. "What do we have here? Two little cultivators, so far from home."

Slifer swallowed hard. Okay, think. There's got to be a way out of this. Maybe if we—

His thoughts were cut short as Ace suddenly burst into motion. The Heavenly Light Sect Master's body blazed with the aura of five elements – fire, water, earth, wind, and lightning. He moved so fast that Slifer could barely track him with his eyes.

One moment, Ace was beside Slifer. The next, he was behind the rat demon.

There was a moment of absolute stillness. Then, slowly, the rat demon's massive head slid from its shoulders and fell to the ground with a sickening thud.

Slifer stared, his jaw hanging open. What... what just happened?

The rat demon's body swayed for a moment before collapsing, sending up another cloud of dust and debris. When it cleared, Ace was standing there, looking as calm and composed as ever.

"We need to hurry," Ace said, his voice betraying no sign of exertion. "The portal won't stay open much longer."

Slifer nodded dumbly, still trying to process what he had just witnessed. As they resumed their flight towards the portal, his mind was in turmoil.

That... that was insane, he thought. He took out a Half-Step Immortal like it was nothing. Is Ace actually an Immortal? No, no, that can't be right. It must be some kind of special technique. Yeah, that's it. Something he can't use too often. Because if he can...

Slifer shuddered, not wanting to complete that thought. The implications were too terrifying to contemplate.

They were almost at the portal now. Its swirling surface seemed to pulse and waver, as if it was struggling to maintain its form. Slifer could see glimpses of the Mortal Realm through it – the misty landscape of the Black Death Sect, so much more welcoming now than it had seemed before.

Almost there, Slifer thought, relief washing over him. Just a few more seconds and we'll be—

Suddenly, a pressure unlike anything Slifer had ever felt before slammed down on them. It was as if the very air had turned to lead, crushing down on him from all sides. Slifer gasped, finding it difficult to even breathe.

What... what is this? he thought, panic rising in his chest. It feels like I'm being crushed by a mountain!

With tremendous effort, Slifer managed to lift his head. What he saw made his blood run cold.

High above them, impossibly large and terrifyingly real, a massive red eye had opened in the sky. It stared down at them with an intensity that made Slifer feel like an insect under a microscope.

Beside him, Ace's eyes widened in shock and... was that fear? "Immortal!" the Heavenly Light Sect Master exclaimed, his usual calm demeanor cracking for the first time.

What? Slifer thought, his mind reeling. An actual, honest-to-god Immortal? Here? Now? What kind of dog-shit luck is this?


He quickly activated the skill, this would be his first time in the presence of a genuine immortal since he arrived in this xianxia world.

Name: Unknown

Realm: Immortal

Known Techniques: Unknown

Known Affiliations: Unknown

Disposition: Hostile


Before either of them could react further, the massive eye blazed with crimson light. A beam of energy, as wide as a building and blindingly bright, shot towards them.

Oh shit, Slifer thought. Let's hope that Critical Block Card is as "critical" as advertised. Would be nice if it works against Immortal-level attacks too!

The energy beam struck, and the world exploded into light and heat. Slifer felt himself being flung backward into the portal.

If I survive this, I'm definitely leaving a five-star review for that card...



You had many chances for a cliffhanger but didn't take them. Respect +1