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Darian's eyes fluttered open, his vision blurred and unfocused. He blinked a few times, the familiar marks on the ceiling gradually sharpening. He was in his bed.

Memories crashed over him - the shaman's cruel laughter, Rondar's head tumbling from that blood-soaked sack. Claws flashing, the agony of his throat tearing open...

Darian shot upright with a strangled gasp. His heart slammed against his ribs as he clutched at his neck, searching for wounds that were no longer there. Breathe. Just breathe.

But that was easier thought than done. He gulped air in short, sharp pants, the phantom pain of his death still clawing at his mind. Even though this was the third time, it never got any easier. The fear, the helplessness as everything went dark...

A shudder rippled through him. Nausea churned in his gut as the shaman's face swam before his eyes again. Darian squeezed his eyelids shut, trying to banish the image. It's over. It didn't happen. Not this time.

Slowly, his breathing began to even out. The frantic gallop of his pulse slowed down to a trot and the black spots faded from his vision. Okay. I'm okay.

But was he really? Darian had died - again - and woken up back at the start like it had all been some horrible dream. Except he knew with bone-deep certainty that it was real. As real as the ache in his muscles and the sheets tangled around his legs.

How was this possible? What was happening to him?

His thoughts drifted back to that strange blue box that had appeared before the world dissolved. Symbols shimmering in an alien script, resolving into words he could almost understand...

No sooner had the thought crossed his mind than a burning sensation appeared on Darian's chest. He yanked down his tunic, eyes widening as the hourglass-shaped birthmark over his heart pulsed with golden light.

Before Darian could do more than gape, the air in front of him rippled. Between one blink and the next, that same blue rectangle materialized, hovering at eye level. The strange script crawled across its surface, the characters seeming to twist and flow like living things:

Naer: Arkanias

Phaalowrss: 14 vielleon

[Aesvali kai'dari:]

Kyvral – ∞

Draesuun – ∞

Vaelkiir – ∞

Shanlui – ∞

Torwyn – ∞

Grothuum – ∞

[Maerdre shaelkiis:]

Zah'nier – ∞-1

Kae'lashi – ∞-1

Eil'thor – ∞-1

Vae'duur – ∞-1

Sylnae – ∞-1

[Kyshae v'elthyrin:]




- Shar'thaelar

- Zhor'kaenrir

- Vel'skaeleoth

- Naer'vyernh

Darian stared, heart thudding. The words seemed to buzz against his mind. He shook himself. I must be dreaming. I hit my head, or I've finally cracked...

Tentatively, he reached out to touch that glowing rectangle. But his fingers passed right through as if it were made of mist. The boy snatched his hand back as though it would bite him. Right. Not dreaming then.

As he watched, tongue-tied, the floating script shivered and then began to change. Letters twisted and reformed, realigning themselves into new patterns. Slowly, the incomprehensible runes morphed into something recognizable - Aerish, the common tongue of the kingdom.

Heart lodged somewhere in his throat, Darian read:

Name: Arkanias

Followers: 14 billion


Darian gaped. Arkanias? As in the God of Time? The one who'd been missing for centuries? Why-

But before he could complete the thought, the words shivered and warped again. In the next instant, half the text disappeared, replaced by a blaring warning:

[Error: Data Corruption Detected]


Darian blinked. Recalibrating? What in the hells does that-

The message vanished and new words scrolled across the screen:

Name: Darian


Again, the display glitched. Static fuzzed the edges and scarlet light pulsed in short bursts. When it stabilized, the line about followers had been deleted entirely. Another message flashed in its place:

[Error: Host is not a god]

The error message then blinked out of existence and new information appeared beneath his name.

Loop: 3


Strength - 6

Dexterity - 8

Vitality - 6

Perception - 3

Mana Capacity - 3

Mana Regeneration - 3

[Elemental Affinities:]

Earth – 0

Fire – 0

Lightning – 0

Water – 0

Wind – 0

Time – 2

[Divine Abilities:]

- Reset

Darian's eyes widened at that last one. Reset? Like what keeps happening to me?

Before he could ponder it further, the box juddered again. More text bled away, consumed by crackling red static. When it cleared, several new lines had appeared:

[Error: System Incomplete]

[Remaining Marks Required]

- Hidden

- Hidden

- Hidden

- Hidden

- Hidden

- Hidden

Darian stared at the floating words, head spinning. I don't...what is this? What does it mean, 'system incomplete'? And what ‘marks’?

He pressed his trembling fingers to the birthmark. It was no longer burning but a gentle heat, pulsing in time with his heartbeat. This has to be connected somehow. Is the 'mark' it mentioned my birthmark? Does that mean there are others out there?

A slightly hysterical laugh bubbled up his throat. Listen to yourself! Mysterious floating boxes and gods...you're going mad, Darian. Just like Old Kel.

Old Kel was the village loony who wandered about in rags, holding conversations with cats and declaring himself the long-lost prince of Avariae. Parents warned their children not to stare or poke fun, for fear that his addled wits were the gods' punishment for some unknown crime.

Was this how he became crazy - visions of floating words and gibberish about gods?

Darian gave himself a hard shake. No. Focus. He eyed the shimmering rectangle warily. I may not be able to touch this thing, but it seems to know something about what's happening to me.

His gaze fell on the line labelled 'Loop'. Three. This was the third time he'd gone back after dying. The box was keeping count, just like he was.

And those values...strength, dexterity, perception. It's quantifying my abilities somehow.

His mouth went dry as the implications began to sink in. If this is true...if I'm really resetting time itself...

His gaze fell to his softly glowing birthmark. The hourglass... my "mark"... it all has to be connected somehow. But what does it mean?

"Darian! Talia! Time to get up, my loves!" His mother's voice drifted up the stairs, jolting him from his racing thoughts. "Breakfast is ready!"

Panicking, Darian swiped a hand through the display. Go away, go away, Ma can't see, no one can know about this...!

But the stubborn thing remained exactly where it was, the golden light bathing his face. Hells! Go away, blast you!

The door creaked and Darian spun, heart in his throat. Mara's brow was crinkled in concern as she took in his wild expression.

"Darian? Are you alright, love?"

"Fine!" His voice cracked on the word, and he quickly cleared his throat. "I was…startled, that’s all.”

Mara's head tilted. Her eyes darted to where his hands were still flailing at the air and Darian felt his face flush. She's going to think I've lost my mind.

But his mother just sighed, shaking her head with a little smile. "You and those midnight snacks. I've told you before that old cheese will give you gas."

Darian blinked. Then blinked again. He glanced at the glowing rectangle, still merrily floating in plain view...but Mara showed no sign of noticing it. It was as if the thing were invisible to everyone but him.

Relief crashed through Darian, followed swiftly by annoyance. Cheese, Ma? Really?

But he bit back the reflexive protest. If a rumbling gut was the explanation she landed on, he'd take it. Better that than trying to explain his new-found propensity for mystical visions and time travel.

"Right," he mumbled instead, ducking his head. "Sorry. I'll be more careful."

"See that you are." Her tone was chiding, but her eyes twinkled. "Breakfast is on the table. You and your sister best hurry before Thomas scarfs the lot. That boy could eat a mountain troll out of house and home, I swear by the gods."

With a laugh, she turned to go.

Darian glared at the blue box, still hovering innocently. A little warning would be nice next time!

The thing gave no indication that it had heard him. Darian sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face. When his Ma was halfway out the door, a thought suddenly occurred to him.

"Ma?" he called hesitantly.

Mara paused, glancing back with a questioning hum. Darian licked his lips, mouth suddenly dry as old parchment.

"Is...has Rondar left yet?"

His mother's brow furrowed. "Who's Rondar?"

Darian went still. She doesn't remember him...just how far back did I go this time?

"Er, never mind," he said, forcing a smile. "I'll be right down, promise."

His mother gave him a last quizzical look, but left to head downstairs. Across the room, Talia yawned and stretched before padding out after her.

Darian stared at the glowing blue rectangle, his mind racing. Arkanias, the God of Time. That's what it had said before the words turned into gibberish. But that made no sense. Arkanias had been missing for nearly a thousand years. Why would this strange magic box think Darian was him?

Could I be...the Time God reborn? Is that why I keep going back when I die?

It sounded crazy. Like the mad ramblings Old Kel would spout after too much ale. Darian was just a village boy, not some reincarnated deity. And yet, the evidence floated right in front of his eyes, defying all logical explanation.

He thought back to the priests' tales he'd overheard as a child, huddled in the back of the temple. They spoke of souls returning, born again into new flesh to live new lives. Darian had always dismissed it as superstitious nonsense. But now, with time itself bending to his will...

No. Stop it. You're letting this magic box muddle your wits.

Darian shook himself firmly. Reincarnated god or not, he had more pressing concerns. Like figuring out just how far back he'd gone this time. Mara hadn't recognized Rondar's name, which meant it was before the dwarf had stumbled into their lives. But how long before?

I need to get downstairs, see if anything else has changed.

Decided, Darian pushed to his feet. The glowing rectangle bobbed after him as he grabbed his tunic, still damp with sweat from his nightmare. He glared at the thing, panic rising again.

"Go away," he ordered, feeling a bit foolish. "I can't have you following me around all day."

To his shock, the box actually listened. It faded away. Darian blinked.

Um. Good box?



I'd like to hear your thoughts on the system so far

Pablo Barbatto

I like the system so far. Hopefully he can customize it to certain degree to make sure he sees only the important information. Also will he get skill or command to represent self crafted spell for convince? Will they level up?