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Was NOT expecting all of this to happen in this episode lol, but a damn good one nonetheless. 



Calvin Lee Eastburn

I don't know exactly how the law works in Japan but from what I understand teachers are only allowed to teach at a school for certain number of years and then they have to transfer to another school.


For the sensei leaving part I think they wanted the viewers to deduce the possibility she could be leaving with a scene of a previous episode and with the scene in this one when all the students looked at her with a mix of confusion and fear when Haruno said "wow you didn't told them ?!", I don't think her leaving was clearly said before. In the Yui monologue at the end when she speaks about how she left things to Yukino and how that was the natural conclusion to whats happening to her right now, I THINK this refer to the season 2 finale when she tries to manipulate her into agreeing to not have "something genuine". It feels extra bad when you think her being heartbroken is her own fault because of what she did :( About the "help" talks, I believe the season 1 situation where she overworked herself was precisely the problem, she overworked herself without relying on others when she should have. Here in this episode, in my opinion it maybe looks similar but there is also a possibility she wants to do what she wants to do but without the overworking herself part. Plus when she said to Haruno "we get it" about her when she was about to say it was "codependency" but was interrupted by Yukino, I am pretty sure she also thinks the same and that adds fuel to the idea of working not necesseraly alone, but without Yui and Hachiman at least. You really had it rough going from season 2 episode 8 and this one in the same day LOL, great reaction !


The ED Lyrics have some absolute banger lines that are like genuinely some of my favourite Yui lines in the whole series lol (I'm just a real song lyrics fanatic in general in anime, songs tend to give the lines so much more power for me personally, idk why) "I reflexively fake a smile When the already vague line wavered With a naive cunning I made a bet to try and keep my dream alive" The fake smile is quite the Yui staple, "the vague line wavering" is such a perfect expression of what's happening in the scene and the bet being talked about is obviously about what she did in the season 2 finale. Absolutely beautiful lyrics to me "That silence we had back then was surely genuine" is a line that genuinely still has the power to make me tear up every time I hear it sung in the episode And then of course there's lines like "I'm drenched in lies" (Yui said in the 2nd episode this season she didn't actually want anything genuine as shown by s2 finale as well) and "See now, it's so bright that diamonds fall from my eyes" which are also very good


That hand motion at 51:33 actually explains your thoughts about the whole scene, brilliant. That Yui monologue always hits where it hurts, glad you also thought that the way it ends is beautiful writing, and also Yui's VA delivered it perfectly.


The sport where yui cries in the end off the episode in real life has printed screenshots of yui stuck to that metal fence and that will never not be funny to me. (The pictures where there when i was in inage but they may have been removed since then)


Hiratsuka is a single woman around 30 with a ~50000$ per year salary. Her being able to afford a lower high end car isn't that crazy, especially since there is nothing saying that she bought it new.


Ok, it's good to know Japan pays their teachers better, I had no idea if teacher salary was anything like it is here in the U.S. Because here, teachers get paid dirt essentially.

Isami To-uratto

Average annual salary in Japan IT and Software 8,045,000 円 Engineering 5,219,400 円 Accounting and Finance 6,500,000 円 Human Resource Management 4,491,233 円 Hospitality 2,535,000 円 Sales and Marketing 6,619,571 円 Healthcare 2,404,238 円 Teaching (Very depence of school itself ) 3,480,000 円

Jaden Rod

Even though I'm a longhorn, keep up the videos man. Good shit