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Great start to the magic exam arc. No idea if this will take the entire rest of the season, but if so I'm 100% along for the ride.

Also OP 2 is so good, that's all lol. 




A lot of name drops this episode so I'll give some translations: Übel: Means something like just generally "bad", but moreso related to the feeling of nausea, just in general associated with not so good things, so the moment I heard her name I knew she wasn't gonna be good news :P Wirbel: Means "whirl" or can also be associated with chaotic noises, but I imagine it's meant to be in association to "whirlwinds" Denken: Means "to think", pretty self-explanatory, he seems to be smart and wise Lawine: Means "Avalanche" which is pretty damn badass and makes a lot of sense in context with the line from Kanne of "Lawine is rough but she pulls me along with her" Kanne: She honestly got the short end of the stick cuz her name just translates to "can". Like, a literal can you put things in lmao. I don't know how this relates to her character but especially compared to Lawine she took a massive L there imo lol And "Stille", the bird's name, means silence. I guess they're birds so it makes sense but it also seems to be deceiving with how crazy those birds are lol


If I had to guess Kanne might directly translate with the item "can" but maybe it's supposed to be a play on what she said about how she CAN manage most things if she just does it, even if she's scared. That's probably not right but that just makes the most sense to me But also I love the attention to detail with names in this show, every name chosen for a character has something to do with their personality in some way. It's really cool honestly


I mean the german word for "can" in the sense of "being able to do something" is "Können" when it's a noun but "kann" in verb form which is pretty close to Kanne. There's also conjugations of "kann" like "kannst" or "könnt" but none of them end up with "Kanne" so to me it doesn't really feel like it's supposed to be related to "Können". Who knows though, it might still be supposed to be related to that.


Yeah great start to this new arc, interested to see how it will play out, here for it too. I wonder if Frieren appreciates Fern and Stark as party members even more now after dealing with these two for a bit lol.