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So I shared this in the discord but I thought it might be appropriate to do so here. I basically destroyed my ankle yesterday. Luckily it was just a really bad dislocation so they pushed that back into place, however they also found that there was a tiny break. So there's a chance I go into surgery to get that fixed and to help my tendons/ligaments heal correctly.

Anyway I say all of that to say, I hope you guys will cut me some slack on getting uploads done. I'm already behind on uploads such as Spice and Wolf and other shows but I plan on trying to catch up as soon as possible. So I hope you guys will have some leniency while I get this situation under control. Thank you :)



Yup what the others said, take care and get well soon!

Calvin Lee Eastburn

Take as much time as you need. You have to take care of yourself first.