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They really just want to make this even more painful, giving us some happy Yui moments when we know it can't last...




I'm not sure if you should watch the OVA for this season. Let's say it's... controversial 💀 So controversial in fact that I haven't watched it myself because I do not feel like disgracing the perfect ending the series had before that with something that seems to overall be a not very well liked continuation. For context, the Oregairu novels have continuations called "Oregairu Shin" and they are generally not super well liked within the community from what I have heard, though I have not read them myself. The OVA as far as I know adapts some parts of these novels, but in an extremely compressed format. So it's an extremely compressed adaptation of parts of a continuation that is already not very well received. Who knows, maybe you won't agree with the general opinion on it at all and really like it, so do with that info what you will, I think it's still fine to watch it but being aware of these things might be good before going into it lol.

Isami To-uratto

Maybe in eng community it’s controversial (like everything these days) I don’t hear or seen so much hatred towards Shin in jp community like in eng community


people are super unhinged about shin. it's a bunch of self-insert dipshits that talk big about how deep the show is and that they understand hachiman so well but then completely shit on character decisions that are perfectly in line with the characters and the themes of the show. to be fair, i haven't watched the OVA but it's like that for the LN versions.