업로드 일정 변경 안내 Upload schedule Changed (Patreon)
2024-09-18 09:11:43
안녕하세요 필리아입니다 ! 업로드 일정 변경 안내입니다 😔
To the supporters ! This is information about the upload schedule change 😔
● 변경 일정 Changed schedule
9/18 >> 9/21 - (NTR) 계급사회(단편) / Class society(Short)
9/22 >> 9/27 - (GTS) 여신-6 / Goddess-6
9/29 = 9/29 - (FD) 금기의 유혹(단편) / Seduction of the taboo(Short)
9/30 = 9/30 - (Ect.) 필리아의 썰-2 / Philia's episode-2
일정이 며칠 미뤄지는만큼 더 재밌게 그려보겠습니다!
Since the schedule has been delayed by a few days, I will try to draw it in a more fun way!