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I've gone off the rails, alas.

I think I'll format things like this as sketchbook updates from now on, since they ARE mostly sketches or quick pieces done in my evenings, and it means I can put them in a tag for consistency. I think they all took 1-3 hours.

I'm really enjoying painting and using some unusual colours in these. In most of them I laid down a flat bright colour and then used that as a base for the colour scheme, which has been helping me be more bold! I'm still pretty rotten at pulling colours from thin air, but my colour instincts are really good when I've got something to start me off lmao. Starting a piece with a bright red rather than a neutral skin tone is making things way more interesting.
I haven't really painted for real since charity case, since I've been using clip studio and hadn't found an equivalent brush to my photoshop brush, but turns out the one I was using for ink+colour pieces actually paints real nice. I find that if I overwork something it gets kind of flat and buttery rather than nice and textured, but tbh that just means I know when I'm fussing too much!




Halsin with surgery scars… 😳🥵❤️


[falls to my knees] This is so good!!! 😭😭😭😭