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I might change the frequency of sketches so I'm not so tied to a monthly structure, but for now, here's June! I've done the same with the spice tier and it's been nice to share things closer to when I made them, and I feel like I remember more about what I want to say haha!

A few studies here, I'm still trying to find a way I think is time-efficient for my next comic, I like how these ones are a lot simpler in colour to my previous experiments! I found a brush I really like (Last legs pen from the mono liners by true grit) which has enough grit for me, but also more stable in width so I don't hurt my hand pressing lol. I tend towards pencil brushes but they're not the best for Finished looking things and I've been on an endless hunt for ink brushes that I like. I drew the Billie in that brush too! (working on that cowboy thing for the spice tier ;P)

I feel like I probably said, but I've mentioned my 'next comic' a few times, but honestly I don't really know what that is yet. The hermit and the hiker is kind of too niche to appeal to publishers- at least while I'm kind of a nobody, so I've been trying to come up with something with more mass appeal. I still want to make it, but it's sadly on the backburner. I feel a little bit terrifyingly afloat, so I really do appreciate all the support on here (it's pretty much my only income...yikes).

Sharing more of my little design sketches too, I've been spending more time on craft stuff lately! I also made an entry for slocotions dyo jester contest, and won! (which means my little creature will be made into a real doll!!!)

(Orange character is Chloe from Belle of the Ball!)
