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Thank you all for reading, I know lots of you will have been hoping for more, but I hope you enjoyed the journey! Free pdf here- [password: CCFREE ]

[I've compiled everything here instead of splitting this into two posts, please read below for tier changes!]

I've been making this since 2018, for five years! I feel like the me from then was such a different person and artist to me now. Back then I took a chance and quit my part time job, making around the same wage from commissions and adoptables. Eventually those dried up, and I thought I’d try my luck at a webcomic & patreon. I have absolutely no idea how it worked, what a ridiculous idea, looking back! I'm so grateful to everyone that joined and somehow kept me out of working retail.

Bizarrely I had no real interest in making comics before I started. Charity Case was my first proper comic, I made a 16pg test comic beforehand and then jumped right in! I did Not expect this to take so long, I had the foolish assumption that if I wrote a vaguely 'movie length' plot, that it wouldn't be too long. I'd seen artists meander about and add side characters and arcs, and I thought cool, so if I script it out and stick roughly to it, I'll be done in a couple of years! Alas, haha! If I were to give myself some advice before starting it would be to make enough comic pages to understand my script to comic page translation. (How many speech bubbles, how much action on a page.)

Also... honestly don’t think I’ll paint a comic again, it’s so much work! I’ve been working hard trying to figure out an alternate style haha.
However, if it wasn't painted, I wonder if I would have gained such an audience, especially at the start! It definitely made it different from other comics at the time. I think about that often, if it wasn't poly, trans, visually distinct, how would it have done? I also had the insane chance to make a hearstopper guest comic, which has presumably been directing readers to my comic for years, thank you Alice for letting me ride your coat-tails!

I think I got incredibly lucky and I am so grateful for it!

I'm not entirely sure how printing the comic is going to look, honestly I did have a plan but it got derailed! I'll keep social media updated with any news, but I'm sorry I haven't got a solid answer yet!

Going forward, I'll be focusing on trying to entice some publishers into paying me to make graphic novels, and I'll definitely be taking some time to experiment more with styles, and figuring out what kind of stories I want to tell.

Tier changes and important stuff!

Since the $1 tier was primarily for comic pages, there’s absolutely no hard feelings if you cancel your pledge. I’ll continue to share sketchbook stuff, but I can’t guarantee a certain amount a month. I’m going to reframe it as a tip jar / sfw sketch tier, as I don’t really want to promote it as a proper reward tier, since some months there are only a few pages of doodles and I’ll feel guilty! In future I might move to making yearly sketch pdf’s on itch.io, but for now I’ll keep this tier around!

I’ll sadly be dissolving the $3 tier this month, since most of my process was from charity case pages and concepts, and I can’t really justify keeping it around! If you're in the $3 tier, you will be listed as no tier, and still be charged but get no benefits, so you'll need to change or cancel your pledge!

The $5 tier will become more of a focus, so…that's good for you guys haha!
I’ll be framing this as more of an adult patreon, with the $1 tip tier, and the $5 adult tier. Please keep that in mind, if you’re on lower tiers! The descriptions will reflect this, and the header and icon will be more geared in that direction, since it’s currently Julie :’).

Thank you all for everything! I cannot overstate how much your support has meant to me, you’re all amazing!
Mal <3

I’m happy to answer any questions here!


Some cheesy friend acknowledgements, since the print copy is nebulous! Thank you to Iz, Ebes, Eve and Isaac for eventually dragging me into comics by sheer exposure. Especially Iz for your patience and help back when I had no fcking clue how to make a comic. Thank you to Hari for the absolutely invaluable advice, time after time, you’re a star. And thanks to Jey, Ezra and Laurel for the top secret poly insider knowledge, and being my cheerleaders for years!




Congrats Mal!! Charity Case has been one of my favorite webcomics!! I’m sad to see it’s over but so happy to see these three come together in the end :D What a beautiful story


Congratulation! I can't believe it was five years, but after checking, I've been a patreon of yours since April 2018. Came here for the EraserMic, stayed for Charity Case! I will cancel my membership for the moment, so I can support another artists, but I'll keep an eye on your socials. I wish for the best in your future project!