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Thanks for your support this month! I've drawn more non- drawtober things than I thought I would, partly because of this sketchbook video (and older sketchbooks by them)-link They're so inspiring and freeing, I had a really good time drawing without pressure in between the scarier daily illustrations.

(and I'm probably carrying on the drawtobers til mid-november, I started a really long sequence that I want to finish...)

I really enjoyed drawing from life when I visited friends in Bristol, I live in a place where you can go for a walk and see nobody for an hour, so it was incredible to sit in a cafe and see people waiting at a bus-stop, people in the cafe, people walking past...I want to go back -_-!

The process sketch and steps for the daily inks are in the $3 tier, but there's a few thumbnails and explorative doodles in here too.




What’s Peggy’s deal? Why would she be unhappy about her partner receiving a nice, useful gift that they couldn’t afford on their own? That’s a good thing.


Hmm, there’s a few layers of context that aren’t in the comic that might make it make more sense, but a basic explanation is that Peggy is insecure about their relationship! For more detail though- She’s still trying to win Berthas affection, and it doesn’t seem to be working. Which...is a very valid concern because Bertha is basically using her and other girlfriends in the past as a cover. She treats them well, but never seems to really connect, because she’s still pining for Billie and can’t date her without attracting negative attention and losing her place in the community. (she’s respected as one of the older butches, and looked to as an example.) In Peggy’s eyes Billie is a fairly insignificant friend to Bertha, and a bit of a creep at that. So Billie getting an obviously way more expensive and also better present feels like a slight to her, and she’s also kind of weirded out by it! Bertha is also worried about the gift because Peggy will be paying more attention to her and Billies dynamic, and might notice her true feelings. (for another completely non textual bit of context, and I didn’t even get the emotions in this across well, Bertha was kind of surprised by the present from Peggy, because she’d actually been staring at it in the shop because she was thinking of buying it for Billie. Her initial reaction was quite muted, and she corrected herself by thanking Peggy again) (sorry for...the wall of text on a very small question)