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Hey! We had to take Josie (our cat) into the emergency vet on monday night, and they're still not sure what caused the issues, she's going to the vet again tomorrow. As expected, my focus is not great. I might not get pages out this week (or maybe there'll just be one!) I think I'm going to focus a bit more on personal sketches and stuff to keep my stress down, and I'll have the sketchbook out next week sometime! 

-- More cat vet detail for folks interested--medical issues cw etc--

Basically she had really really low potassium- which meant that she was *super* weak and not very responsive, I spent the evening trying to keep my anxiety at bay, assuming she was just a bit quiet or under the weather, but it became suddenly apparent that she was absolutely not ok when she got up, and we had to drive her to the city vet at midnight. They first thought it was anemia, possible internal bleeding, or heart problems, but they got her on an IV after tests showing her potassium, and she's back to normal now. However I am really quite traumatised, she's only a baby :').
She's going in again tomorrow to get her levels managed, and to see if she still has a heart murmur, or if it was to do with the low potassium. I'm really hoping to get good news to put my mind at ease :'I!




Well wishes for Josie! Of course take your time and rest, it’s so stressful to worry about a pet!


hopefully all goes well