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*both* my wrists have been angry at me these last couple of weeks- and this background copy paste is saving my ass haha

I've been sewing as a non-art hobby recently- because generally it's good for me, less repetitive small movements (on a sewing machine) and lots of varied elements to it, but I did a *lot* of cutting and pressing one day and both my wrists were like 'are we going to put up with this treatment?' 'Nay!'




oh no, i hope your wrists calm down again soon. there are quite a few good wrist and hand exercises on youtube. let me look one up that gave me instantly relief from the pain after i overworked it with too much art... then thought it's a good idea to replace the art with too much cooking, too much playing on my phone and too much cleaning the flat instead for a few days. needless to say, my hand was on total rest and in too much pain to do anything for almost two weeks after that 😅 i found one run through of the video (without additional sets) helped so much already. this is something you can do every day, to prevent pain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEf5AGef4yI she also has a video especially for pain relief when tendonitis is already on-going: https://youtu.be/E7vibxI3yZY additionally, she has a playlist with individual videos for wrist & shoulder exercises, so you can even create your own exercise/stretching routine for different parts of the body. 💕💕💕 i hope you get well soon! don't forget that scrolling on a phone is already sooo bad for the wrist and the thumb and we don't even realize how often we do it >_< it's not downtime or relaxing unfortunately. 💕💕💕


oooh thank you, I have a routine I follow every day- but theres some good extras here that I can add in! Also yeah, phones suck! I actually tried an autoscroller for a while but it was so annoying hahahaha. It's a thing I deal with pretty much all of the time, but hurting my left hand was new, I'm used to relying on it more than my right! I had to just do traditional art at the start of the week so I wasnt spamming that undo button XD