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I've also attached the hourlies scan! (see twitter for edited finals!)




Ugh, so good! I love & appreciate all the historical research that you put into your period pieces. I’m trans, & it’s just so awesome that I get to support an artist who honors trans and non binary queer history 😊 & yes, your characters can look kind of similar, but I think that’s true of pretty much all comic book artist, & I can say that I’ve previously noted the subtle differences that you put into your characters’ features and expressions.


It's something I never knew I was interested in, but I feel like the more you learn the more you want to learn! Also yeah, I think its a curse, artists can draw a few unique characters and then the rest end up looking like some kind of combination of those. I think humans in general have a lot of defining features that are more apparent in reality (like subtle depth and shapes), and translating them to a few lines flattens everyone down into 'eyes nose mouth' which tends to make it harder to make them feel unique! I do hope I can get better at exaggerating, though :P


Dang it, i forgot about hourlies again 😓 I loved seeing yours, your panel layout is so good! Also I love how you keep little leaves and planties in your sketchbook 😍


thank you so much! Yeah, it's kinda nice having leaves and stuff because I remember more about the day when I'm flipping back through