Charity Case Ch5:Pg2 process & high res (Patreon)
You can see I actually lost the sketch for this one! Thankfully I used part of it as an update post, and sent a bad photo of my screen to my partner so I was able to cobble together something! There's nothing more crushing than having to re-do a page from scratch. (it's only happened to me twice but Ouch)
Even though I carefully planned the colours in this scene to match, I ended up using some rim lighting to make characters stand out more in the chaos, especially Marnie in the second panel.
I'm leaving it at two pages this week (I know I sometimes do three) But I'll have a process for a small illustration up hopefully tomorrow, and I'm working on some concepts (aaah!) for the Hermit and Hiker, I'm just waiting til I have enough to make a proper post, so stay tuned!