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 Hey all, drop your suggestions for the poll here! If you can think of specifics (characters doing something etc!) that's great, but no worries if not <3. Fan stuff or my characters are both fine! 

You can also treat it like a Q&A if that floats your boat (like what's Juliens fav food etc)

And if you want to put an old idea up for voting again, or reword stuff, that's also cool! I will try to do more than one if I get chance, and I always keep suggestions in mind for future doodles!

(Sometimes- if there's only one or two suggestions I don't run a poll and just draw both, just a heads up haha)

 Suggestions are closed on the 15th of the month! 



The Charity Case characters playing in Autumn leaves would be lovely!


Charity case characters sleepy in their pyjamas would be very cute