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The penultimate chapter for my SSBBW stuck story:


“This is going to ruin your tuffet,” Kay observed as the water trickled down her. 

Mel was holding a flower watering can above her and Simone was scrubbing a bar of soap and loofa in between Kay’s side rolls, then they swapped and Simone held the watering can while Mel washed Kay’s rolls on her side.

“It’s worth it,” admitted Mel. 

Kay was absolutely smitten with their focus and determination to gently lift and caress every fold of flesh on her expansive body. She could get used to be worshiped. 

They were out of shampoo and conditioner, having used every bottled lubricant in the house to get Kay unstuck, but Mel still gave Kay’s hair a rinse and a head massage, while Simone washed Kay’s fat feet and gave her a foot massage. 

“Oh my god,” Kay moaned, “I can’t tell you when the last time I had a massage, oh my god.”

Mel moved her head massage to Kay’s neck and shoulders and back. 

“The full spa treatment” Kay laughed. 

Simone included Kay’s calves and thighs in her massage. 

“Do you mind if I lie down?” Kay was already moving down to the floor to lie on her front. Mel handed her a pillow and she and Simone nodded at each other to get to work. 

They both straddled Kay, back to back, Mel facing Kay’s feet and Simone facing Kay’s head and they started working their hands into Kay’s fat. Pushing and kneeding and pressing down down down until Kay moaned, or grunted, or giggled. 

Kay spread apart her legs so Mel could work her way entirely around her thighs and calves. 

Simone pushed with her entire body weight onto Kay’s back fat. 

“D-Don’t forget-“ Kay was breathing heavily now, “don’t forget my ass.”

Simone and Mel both spun around on Kay until they were facing each other in front of Kay’s mountainous cheeks.

“How could we ever forget this,” squeaked Simone.

“I’ll remember this as long as I live,” breathed Mel.

They both pressed deep into Kay’s ass.

Working the fat together, their heads came near and they looked at each other and kissed. 

Pushing down with their entire weight into Kay, they kissed again. 

“UHNGH-“ Kay grunted.

She wiggled her great body and the wobbling waves tossed Simone and Mel off of her onto the floor. 

“Okay, okay, we have to stop, or I’ll need to cum again and I can’t take anymore, I need to go.” Kay tried to lift herself off the floor but exhaustion had set in and she was having difficulty. Mel and Simone jumped to her aid and helped her along each step, getting one knee underneath her, then two, then lifting her torso, then onto on foot and then finally with much pulling and strain, up to her feet. 

“Y-you can spend the night if you want” offered Simone. 

“I can make breakfast in the morning” pleaded Mel.

“You two are too much” laughed Kay.

They helped her into her clothes, it took all three of them to pull her dress down over her belly-

“Tighter than when I arrived,” Kay blushed, and was immediately bombarded with kisses. 

Mel and Simone threw on some clothes as Kay took slow waddling steps towards the door.

“If I’m being honest,” Kay turned to face them, “I think I’m a little bit in love with you both,”

Simone grabbed Mel’s hand in a tight squeeze. 


“But?” Mel was terrified.

“But you two are very small and live a very small life,” Kay looked around their teeny tiny apartment.

“We can move out tomorrow,” exclaimed Simone.

“I’m not trying to turn your lives upside-down, I just-“ Kay took her time articulating, “I can only be with people who make room for me in their lives, and as you saw tonight, I take up a lot of room.”

“We will make room for you,” Mel said with absolute certainty. 

“Please give us a chance Kay, we do love you,” Simone said, her voice cracking.

“We do” assured Mel.

Kay blushed.

“I know we’ve never been in a relationship with anyone your size before, but we want to be, and we want to learn,” Simone got her voice back.

“Not everything is as fun and glamorous as getting stuck and fucked,” laughed Kay.

“We want it all, the highs and the lows, everything, we’re all in” said Mel unwaveringly. 

“Ok, well to start, can one of you please run down the hill and drive my car up for me please while the other walks me to the curb?” Kay dangled her car keys.

Mel snatched them out of her hand, kissed Kay and ran out the door with a dizzying speed that made Kay laugh.

She turned herself sideways and inched out their front door, pausing in the middle, the door jam pressing into her belly and butt, “tighter than when I arrived” she admitted. 

Simone had to kiss her, offering her the most gentle nudge to scoot her the rest of the way out the door. 

Down the street Mel jumped into Kay’s car, only to find herself unable to reach the pedals as Kay needed the chair all the way back. Mel pulled it forward nearly all the way front so she could drive up.

She parked the car in front of Kay and jumped out to hold the door for her while Simone held her hand.

Kay put one foot up on the edge of the car but stopped. 

Mel and Simone looked at each other, not getting it.

“Lesson one,” Kay laughed, “is the only way I can get in is with the seat pushed all the way back.”

“Sorry! Sorry, I couldn’t reach the pedals.” Mel scrambled past Kay’s leg and pushed the seat as far back as it could go.

“Perfect, now watch yourselves,” Kay inserted herself into the car with a great heave, causing the car to rock back and forth and the shocks to compress almost entirely. Mel and Simone had never seen anything like it. 

Kay filled the car entirely. Front seat nearly in the back seat, belly compressed against the steering wheel, “tighter than when I arrived” she blushed.

Mel and Simone showered her with kisses until she had to shoo them away, “now for the tricky bit, I need to lean this way to close the door,”

Kay heaved herself towards the passenger seat and Mel and Simone tried to slam the door shut but it bounced off of Kay’s still protruding hips.

“Oh god I’m sorry, did that hurt?” worried Mel. 

“I’m used to it, you really gotta put some umph in it!” Kay heaved herself to the side again while Mel swung the door and then Simone threw herself against it until it latched shut. 

Kay sat upright and caught her breath, “there we go, lesson one complete.”

“When do we get lesson two?” Simone couldn’t wait.

“When you find a new apartment,” winked Kay as she drove off down the hill. 

Mel and Simone leaned against each other in a crumpled heap watching the car disappear around the corner, they looked at each other and kissed.

“I’ll open up the rental listings” said Simone. 


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