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Chapter 12 of ?? of my SSBBW stuck story, The Missing Piece. 


Kay could hear Mel and Simone tossing empty moisturizer and shampoo bottles around. She could hear the spraying of empty bottles, and some worried whispers.

Simone reappeared sheepishly in the doorway, “all the bathroom bottles are empty.”

Mel joined her, running her finger along the frame, “maybe there’s enough shampoo still on the door jam?”

Kay wasn’t convinced, “it took A LOT to get me through the first time.”

“I can run to the store,” offered Simone.

But Kay rejected that idea, she didn’t want to burst the bubble of this absurd date, if someone had to leave and they were left waiting around, the magic would be lost, “anything slippery, motor oil, hell at this point I’d slather bacon fat on myself.”

Once again she immediately regretted using imagery that instantly turned Mel and Simone on.

“OH we have olive oil!” Mel announced.

“And butter!” joined Simone.

“It’s going to be messy though, are you okay with that?” asked Mel.

Kay laughed, slumped against a creaking dresser beside a demolished bed, “nothing about this evening has been clean, bring on the butter.”

Heaving herself upright off the dresser, Kay ponderously waddled towards the door as Mel and Simone rushed to the kitchen and returned, arms full of potential lube.

“Sorry, the butter’s cold” Mel unwrapped a stick, “should I melt it first?”

“I have a built-in warmer,” Kay lifted a fat roll on her side and presented it to Mel, who, blushing, inserted the stick of butter, Kay jumped, “ACK! Oh my god was it frozen!?”

They laughed as Simone approached with various bottles of oil, “we have sesame seed, olive, peanut…”

Kay played eeny, meeny, miny, moe with her finger “I’m sure we’ll use all of them in the end but let’s start with olive, pairs well with the butter.”

One arm against the wall and the other against the door jam, Kay stood, leaning, while Simone slathered her front with oil and Mel rubbed the softened stick of butter across her ass.

Kay ran a finger across her hip and licked it, amusing herself, “I’m delicious,” Simone and Mel lit up and both took excited mouthfuls of belly and ass.

EEEEEK Kay’s scream and laughter sent her jiggling which only increased Mel and Simone’s frenzied biting.

“Hahahahhaha- enough enough, stop stop stop” Kay was out of breath, “I’ve only got so much energy left and I can’t even go to sleep in this room after breaking the bed, I gotta get out of here.”

She swung her fat around, like a hippo throwing off two predator cats.

Simone stepped ahead of the Kay through the door and Mel followed behind.

“One. Last. Doorway.” Kay pressed her belly against the open door to compress it as much as possible while she squeezed one leg out the door, meeting immediate resistance. Behind her Mel began squashing Kay’s butt cheek into the door jam, feeding it through to Simone, who grabbed Kay’s hip fat and pulled.

With one heave forward Kay felt the frame of the door tighten around her, like pushing a ring onto her fat finger. She felt tired, she felt Heavy, she felt STUCK.

The wood creaked and strained as Kay lodged herself in the frame and stopped, breathing heavily. In between pushes and pulls, Mel and Simone got up on their tip toes to look across Kay and exchange a worried glance. Kay seemed heavier somehow, more immovable. The prolonged length and absurd acrobatics of the evening was taking its toll on their over-quarter-ton date, and they realized as they pushed and pulled, that it had actually been Kay doing most of the work all night, throwing her weight around to turn herself, lift herself, unwedge herself.

Without the force of Kay’s movements Mel and Simone weren’t going to be able to budge her.

Kay laid an arm across the door jam and rested her head on it. Simone touched her gently, “I know you’re tired hun, but just a few more goes and you’ll be through.”

Mel touched her on the other side, “you can do it Kay, you’re almost free.”

Kay knew that wasn’t true, she’d gotten stuck before and knew what stuck felt like and this was stuck. But Simone and Mel were so sweet and helpful, ineffectual as their help may be, she would rather end the evening with them instead of the fire department. She opened her eyes with renewed determination.

“Okay, okay.” Simone lifted herself onto Kay to meet her lips, Mel climbed up to kiss her. Kay alternated kisses from the two of them, rocking herself one way and then the other as they each climbed up her. She was getting horny again and the horniness was giving her a second wind.

With a great heave Kay threw herself towards freedom. Wood cracked but she didn’t budge. Mel pushed, Simone pulled. Kay caught her breath and heaved again. The hinges of the bedroom door splintered. The pins and screws fell to the ground.

“I broke your door.”

“Fuck the door, you’re doing so great honey, you’re doing it, you’re doing it,” Mel dove into Kay, not stopping lest they lose momentum.

UNGH! Kay heaved again and felt a suddenly release as the door fully came off its hinges. Mel grabbed the disconnected door and tossed it onto the broken bed, “It’s working!”

Kay’s incredible weight had broken many things in her fat life, but the sheer joy and pleasure and glee in which Simone and Mel seemed to accept her turning their beautiful apartment to ruins was thrilling. She couldn’t get herself unstuck, but maybe she could break herself free…

Another round of alternating kisses and pushing and pull and Kay heaved again, this time throwing her weight both outward and against the beam connecting the bedroom and bathroom doors. If she could get it to give, even slightly, maybe it would be enough to free her.

The creaks and cracks sounded, not off the beam but the bathroom door on the other side of the wall. The bending of the beam was causing the hinges to pop off that door as well, “I’m not even stuck in that door and I’m going to break it.”

“So break it, sweetie, do it, I know you can do it, rip that god damned door off its hinges,” Simone drove her tongue into Kay’s mouth, commanding her to action.

With a push and a pull Kay heaved again, the bathroom door collapsed in a shambles. The dividing beam continued to bend but not break.

“I can’t- I can’t- I’m so tired,” Kay was now fully stuck down the middle by the frame, one breast in, one breast out, one cheek in, one cheek out, wedged at her roundest point, she panted for breath, glistened with sweat, oil and butter. Tears of utter exhaustion rolled down her face.

Simone and Mel sprang onto her, “don’t stop now, Kay, you’re almost free, you can do it, you’re doing it, just one more-“

KISS “for me”

KISS “for me”

As they kissed her, she began rocking back and forth, to help with pushing and pulling Mel and Simone climbed back down off of her. Inspiration struck simultaneously as they both took Kay’s pendulous breasts into their mouths, biting her nipples. Kay closed her eyes, her breathing got heavier, she wanted desperately to cum but she knew neither of them could reach inside her wedged like this. She needed to get out. She needed to get unstuck so they could fuck her, so she could cum.

“O-Oh Mel, help m-me” Kay rocked back, creak-

“Oh Simone, h-h-help” Kay rocked forward, moan-

“I’m so- s-so“ creak- Creak-


The beam dividing the two narrow doors came unmoored, disconnecting from the ceiling and the floor. A puff of drywall dust and crumblings of plaster rained on their heads. The frame cracked open and Kay stepped forward.

“You did it!”

Mel and Simone helped push and pull the remainder of her through the broken doorway.

“You did it.”

In the narrow hall, Kay braced herself against the wall, Mel and Simone kissed her all over as she regained her breath.

“P-Please, please-“ Kay was shaking all over.

Mel and Simone kissed Kay, she couldn’t get the words out.

“I need- I need to-“ Kay swayed, wobbly, Mel and Simone steadied her.

“What is it hun,” Mel and Simone wanted to help “What is it sweetie”

Kay took both their hands and pulled them between her legs, “I’m so close-“

Simone and Mel dropped to their knees and reached up inside of Kay, the results were instantaneous.


Bent over, arms agains the walls Kay wobbled uncontrollably as Mel and Simone fisted her faster and faster.

“S-stop” Kay couldn’t take anymore, she’d lost count of the number of orgasms this evening, but more than she’d ever experienced at one time in her life and her stamina had run out.

She could feel herself getting dizzy, she worried she would fall. Standing back up Mel and Simone took her arms and guided her to the ottoman, the only furniture in the house strong enough to hold her. She took up the entire tuffet, so Mel and Simone sat on her legs and cuddled her.

They wished they could offer her a bed to sleep in. Mel wandered if they could drag the mattress of the broken bed onto the floor for her to sleep, but she feared the mattress was ruined as well. In her head she was mentally making a to-do list and she put purchasing a Big Fig mattress at the top.

“I’m such a mess.” Kay could feel the butter and oil dripping off of her with the sweat.

Simone had an idea but was too shy to suggest it, “we could- can we-“

She looked at Mel for help. Mel continued her thought, “can we wash you?”

Kay giggled, “oh my adoring subjects, of course you may wash the royal rolls,” she opened her arms with a flourish, presenting her fat, naked, sweaty, oiled body to them.


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