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Chapter 11 off ?? of my latest ssbbw stuck story:

CHAPTER 11: Requiem for a Bed Frame

Mel and Simone prided themselves with their furnishings, their style, their home decor. Every piece of furniture in their house was chosen in weeks and months and years at flea markets and cross country vintage treks and endless chasing of online ads and auctions.

Like the sofa in the living room, the bed was teak, 1960’s Danish mid century modern. It was one of the most expensive items in their tiny apartment.

That their apartment was so tiny was what allowed them to spend so much money on nice furniture.

It had taken years and paychecks to acquire this bed.

But no amount of time and money mattered to Simone and Mel tonight. Tonight all that mattered was that a very fat woman was going to destroy them and their favorite bed.

Kay had broken furniture before, always by accident, except for maybe one time where she thought it would be funny if she broke a lawn chair so she did. But she’d never sat on someone before, not fully. She’d teasingly “sit” on a girlfriend’s lap but it was always more like a squat, and even squatting seemed to be too much for most women to handle.

But Simone and Mel seemed like they could happily take any amount of punishment Kay could dole out. Kay had assumed they would snap like toothpicks if she leaned on them in the slightest, but she’d now fallen on top of or against both of them now and all they did was cry out for more.

Instead of worrying she might hurt a partner by putting her full weight on them, this was the first time ever Kay was excited to sit on someone, really sit on someone, let her full weight fly with reckless abandon. She wanted to squash Simone and Mel and feel them squirm underneath her. She wanted to hear their wooden furniture with its hairpin legs, snap beneath her.

Kay offered a fat hand to her two dyky twinks.

They both shook with anticipation. Kay thought they reminded her of perpetually nervous and cold Chihuahuas, her favorite breed.

“W-What do we do?” asked Simone as Kay brought them to the bed.

“Lie down”

Overly eager, Mel and Simone clumsily climbed into bed and lied side by side. Their breathing already heavy, Kay was worried one of them might pass out before she even got on top of them.

“Now, let’s see what this bed is made of,” Kay gingerly placed a hand and then a knee onto the bed, immediately greeted with creaks and moans of wood and springs. As she brought her other hand and knee onto the bed the mattress began to sink, bringing all three of them closer together.

She was now over Simone and Mel on all fours, but on all fours with Kay meant her breasts and belly hung down on top of them already, but softly, as she was still holding her own weight. Simone and Mel were both sweating and writhing, already enveloped by Kay’s belly, her breasts sitting on each of their chests, the suspense was killing them. Tears of excitement trickled down Simone’s cheeks, when Mel saw Simone crying she started crying. When Kay saw Simone and Mel crying SHE started crying.

Kay kissed Simone and then Mel, and Simone kissed Mel, then they both kissed Kay.

“Open your mouths.” whispered Kay.

Unquestioning, Simone and Mel opened their mouths.

Kay lifted one enormous tit and covered Mel’s face, inserting the nipple into Mel’s mouth. Watching it happen and then waiting for Kay to lift her other breast to her face, Simone almost hyperventilated.

Sucking and biting Kay’s nipples, their entire heads covered by Kay’s incredible breasts, Kay slowly lowered her weight onto them.

She could feel Simone and Mel wriggling underneath her, followed by their hands pawing on her fat when she figured they must need to breath again.

She put her arms back down and leaned her chest back to pull her breasts off of their faces.


Not letting her weight up, she enjoyed watching Simone and Mel catch their breath with only short shallow breathing as an option.

“I’m surprised the bed is still in once piece,” said Kay ominously, “but then I have been very careful so far.”

Kay scooted herself back off of the bed. Simone and Mel shared an excited worried glance, not knowing what was coming.

With the ease of moving a pillow, Kay grabbed Simone and Mel and pulled them towards the edge of the bed, so their legs hung off and their feet touched the ground but they were still lying down.

“This is your last chance to save your bed, say your goodbyes now,” Kay warned as she turned around, facing Simone and Mel with her ominously swaying hips and ass.

“goodbye” eeked out the two of them.


Kay flopped herself down onto the pair, ass first. The moment her cheeks landed on Mel and Simone’s chests the bed collapsed, but where as Kay had imaged the bed’s legs breaking first, it was actually the centre of the bed frame that snapped in half, throwing Kay backwards onto Mel and Simone’s heads and all their legs up in the air.

Kay squealed with laughter. Sunken in the middle of the bed, she found herself trapped, unable to rock herself to either side to get off her partners. This worried her for a moment until she felt Simone and Mel both grab hold of her thighs, which assured her they must still be alive under there.

It was then Kay noticed that the falling backwards onto their faces and the throwing their legs up into the air had presented Kay with a rather perfect presentation of Simone and Mel’s petite pussies right in front of her.

Assured by the squeezes on her thighs that Simone and Mel could still breathe, she began pressing on their clits with her tongue.

Immediately the squeezing and groping of her thighs intensified. She realized she could make short work of both of them. With her thumb on their clits she inserted two fat fingers inside them, more than enough girth to stimulate all sides.

Mel and Simone’s legs kicked in the air. Kay could hear muffled screams underneath her and the occasional bite on her asscheek.

The hands groping Kay’s inner thigh began to creep up her leg. In unison, Mel and Simone inserted their hands together into Kay’s wet and waiting pussy.

Kay hadn’t anticipated this. A full hand was a lot, two full hands, even petite ones such as these, were almost too much. Kay marveled how her two fat fingers were giving Mel and Simone as much pleasure as their two arms combined were giving her.

Having cum several times already this evening Kay was primed to cum again fast. She needed to make Mel and Simone cum soon before she lost her sense. She increased the rate of her thrusting and pressed harder on their clits.

In return their arms and legs spasmed, each twitch like a bolt of electricity through Kay.

Kay noticed Simone’s legs started shaking first, then she watched Mel’s toes curl. This was it, she made it, she could let go.


Kay came, she could feel Mel and Simone’s orgasms vibrating through her fat, wobbling her on top of them like a jelly mold.

She felt both of them go limp and managed to lean herself far enough to one side to release Simone. Simone in turn pulled Kay as hard as she could to tilt her the other way to free Mel.

Mel and Simone climbed on top of Kay, who acted as a bed in lieu of the bed she just destroyed. Kay enjoyed the sweaty out of breath snuggle, but felt compelled to interrupt it, “how do I get up?”

Sunken into the middle of a bed, her legs spread apart, her center of gravity back, how would she? How could she?

Simone took Kay’s hand and gave what for her was a mighty pull but to Kay felt like a feeble tug. Mel joined in with Kay’s other arm, Kay couldn’t contain her laughter, “you two think you can LIFT me?”

“You asked how you’d get up?” Mel and Simone shared a look, not getting it.

“You two are hilarious. You cannot lift me, you couldn’t even lift half of me. You just need to help get me off the bed onto the ground so I can get up myself,” Kay motioned to the side of the bed with the most floorspace beside it and made a few wobbles in that direction.

Simone took the arm on that side and Mel positioned herself on the opposite side to push. Sunken as she was in the middle of the broken bed, Kay was immovable. It didn’t help that they were all exhausted from a night of sex and stucks.

Kay wiggled her toes, “we need to get more of me to that side.”

Mel lifted Kay’s great leg beside her, like a fallen tree, trying to get it to Simone’s side.

Kay threw her arms and legs towards Simone, she was slowly beginning to turn, but she still fell back into the centre of the bed with every heave. Simone grabbed the leg Mel pushed towards and pulled. Mel tried to get herself beneath Kay when she heaved herself to one side but only managed to get herself crushed.

“Get out of there! You’re going to hurt yourself, but you’re right, I need something underneath me, something sturdier.”

Mel thought for a moment, and then ran to the closet to grab a rolled up yoga mat. When Kay heaved, Mel shoved the rolled mat under her butt, lifting her slightly. Simone kept pulling and Mel grabbed more things to shove under Kay so they didn’t lose the progress they were making, pillows, rolled up towels, spare folded bedsheets, cushions from the sofa.

Like a car jack they where slowly ratcheting Kay up.

Her outside foot reached the ground!

Simone pulled, Mel pushed, and Kay rolled onto the ground.

The three laid there catching their breaths again.

Having helped Kay off the ground in the living room once before, Mel and Simone got to either side and grabbed her arms. First to all fours, then one knee, then partially up, then standing, the three worked in unison.

Kay rested against the bedroom dresser. Mel and Simone snuggled to either side of her and rubbed her belly.

A tired Kay gave a worried glance to the bedroom door, “any lube left?”


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