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Chapter 8 of ?? of my latest ssbbw stuck story.


Mel and Simone could only gape at each other wide eyed behind Kay’s back as they approaching the bathroom door, which was smaller than the bedroom door Kay didn’t want to attempt to squeeze through, which was smaller than the kitchen door Kay just got stuck in, all before eating an enormous feast.

“Simone, since you pushed last time, maybe Mel can have a turn and you go through first and pull,” Kay instructed as began turning herself sideways during approach, like a boat coming in to dock.

That Kay referred to pushing her as taking turns made Mel and Simone both wonder if Kay realized what a treat this was for both of them. As if Kay knew full well the magic spell her 600 pounds had over them.

Before the bathroom was a very short “hallway” where the coat closet and laundry machines were. Kay had already entered and filled the hall before asking Simone to step ahead of her and now Simone needed to squeeze by.

“I’ll just-“ Simone tried to push past Kay’s belly but as she did Kay leaned onto her, pinning her against the door to the laundry and dryer, her arms braced over Simone’s shoulders, the look on Kay’s face was positively devilish. Simone lost ability to breathe under Kay’s weight and her heart pounded in her chest.

“Mmm, close quarters,” Kay kissed Simone, enveloping her with her great belly and breasts. Simone melted, her legs wobbling, she would had fallen over had Kay’s belly not completely pinned her against the door.

Watching Kay lean on Simone lit a fire inside of Mel, who jumped onto Kay, arms around her neck so she could get a kiss too.

“Don’t worry,” Kay kissed Mel, “I haven’t forgotten you, Kay maneuvered Mel behind her and leaned back, crushing Mel against the closet door with her ass.

“There’s not-“ Kay heaved forward, knocking Simone with her belly, “much-” Kay swung back, throwing her ass against Mel, “room-” Simone gasped as Kay’s belly threw her back against the door again, “to ma-“ Mel and Simone wrapped their arms as far around Kay as they could, even with the two of them reaching, they couldn’t make their hands meet across Kay’s circumference, they held on for dear life as Kay smooshed them front and back, “maneuver.”

CRACK the final swoop of Kay’s butt splintered the wood of the closet door behind Mel.

All three were sweating and breathing heavily again, “consider that your punishment for inviting me into such a tiny home,” Kay laughed.

She released Simone from her belly, allowing her to slip into the bathroom, “sweat is a lubricant right” Kay pondered aloud.

Simone coaxed Kay into the bathroom door, one hand on Kay’s belly and one hand on Kay’s butt shelf. Kay’s thigh met immediate resistance from either side of the doorframe.

Mel braced herself on Kay’s outside hip, excited and eager to push.

“Oh, I don’t know,” exclaimed Kay nervously as she heaved herself into the doorframe, pressing against the frame from all sides but making no progress inward.

Mel took that as her cue to push. Kay was right about pushing being an extra treat worthy of taking turns. You didn’t get a feel for the full softness of Kay unless you threw your entire body into her.

Simone alternated between pulling Kay’s belly and pulling Kay’s butt.

Kay leaned herself towards the bathroom, so that her weight might help force her through. She couldn’t even get one butt cheek in, her tits smooshed against the door jam. Simone grabbed Kay’s breast and lifted and pulled until she got across the threshold, she couldn’t help herself and suckled Kay’s nipple.

“Oh god-“ Kay was getting too horny again and wondered if maybe they all needed to go back to the living room and fuck some more. She spread one arm against the bathroom wall and in leaning towards the bathroom tried to put the other arm through as well, offering it to Simone with a fat flap.

Simone grabbed Kay’s fat hand and pulled, making no difference. She threw a leg up against the wall and even leaning back with her full weight was futile.

Mel tried to wrap her arms around Kay as she pushed, attempting to compress her protruding belly and ass. Mel couldn’t even see the Bathroom door she was trying to push Kay through, Kay completely eclipsed the opening.

Simone let go of Kay’s hand and went back to her belly. Pushing her hands between Kay and the door jam to try to inch her through, squeak by squeak. Or was it creak by creak, it was hard to tell the sound of Kay’s fat, slick with sweat, squeaking against the doorjam apart from the sound of the wood itself creaking as her 600 pound weight forced itself into the narrow frame.

At the same time, Mel realized that she needed to get closer to the action and stopped pushing against Kay’s protruding hip and tried to insert herself behind Kay so she could stuff Kay’s ass cheek through the door.

The combined efforts of Simone pulling in Kay’s belly and Mel pushing in Kay’s butt and Kay heaving herself forward with all her weight resulted in a suddenly lurch! She still wasn’t even halfway yet, but a portion of Kay’s belly and half of one butt cheek where now wedged in the doorway with her thigh.

“It’s working!” Celebrated Simone as she redoubled her efforts. Mel excitedly swapped herself around to Kay’s front so she could push on Kay’s belly too.

Only Kay wasn’t sharing in the excitement. The lurch forward had come with a sudden panicked realization, the realization that only comes with the familiarity of possessing a supersized body in a world too small to accommodate it.

“I’m stuck again” Kay said in a sharp, worried voice.

“No, you just budged! You can make it!” Simone rebutted.

“Nope! I’m stuck-“ Kay now alternated between throwing her weight forward and back, unable to move in either direction- “stuck” she repeated.

Both Simone and Mel could hear the change of tone in Kay’s voice. They stopped trying to squeeze her and both put comforting hands on her body, rubbing her, petting her.

“Don’t worry,” comforted Simone, “we’re here, we’ll get you out.”

Twisted and stuck as she was, Kay had trouble seeing both Simone and Mel, but tried to turn her head to meet both their eyes. Their eyes shown with love and a tireless enthusiasm to help her. It calmed Kay down.

“Now, do you want to go forward or back?” asked Mel.

“Well, now that I can poke my head in,” Kay’s middle hadn’t even reached the doorway yet but she could almost see into the bathroom, “I can tell you that I can’t fit anywhere in your bathroom anyway.”

“You can’t?” Simone looked around, she hadn’t put it all together yet.

“The sink is too close to the toilet, so I can’t sit there because I can’t fit between the sink and the wall, and the shower has a door on it that- considering my luck with doorways this evening I wouldn’t even attempt, and the bathtub…well you can probably imagine what would happen if I tried to sit down in your bathtub.”

They did imagine what would happen if Kay tried to sit down in their bathtub, and it was glorious.

Simone couldn’t grasp how there was absolutely nowhere Kay could fit in their tiny apartment, “-so back then, I guess!”

“Back” Kay nodded.

“Maybe we can squeeze you through the bedroom door,” Mel joked.

“Only if you’d like me to break your bed” Kay joked in response. But the steamy silence that came over Simone and Mel made her realize it wasn’t a joke and they absolutely wanted her to break their bed.

“Haha- okay, so let’s break your bed! But before I attempt the bedroom door-“ Kay tugged herself backwards, “I need to get-“ UNGH “out of-“ MMPH “this door.”

Watching Kay attempt to extract herself on her own snapped Simone and Mel into action, reversing their roles, Simone tried to push Kay out of the bathroom and Mel tried to pull Kay out, grabbing handfuls of belly and buttcheek, and when the slippery sweat made it too difficult to grab hold she wrapped her arms around Kay’s thigh, like a tree trunk, and like trying to budge a tree trunk it was immovable.

Wedged as she was, both of Kay’s arms were in the bathroom and she couldn’t pull either of them free to offer to Mel, she really was trying to go backwards, and making no progress.

“Oh no, it’s not working- what do we do- I can’t get out- oh god I’m going to need the fire department again“ the exhaustion of the struggle began to weigh on Kay, her plump feet danced on the ground in brief panic.

“Again?” thought Mel to herself, feeling guilty how inappropriately horny that admission made her.

“Kay, look at me, look at me,” Simone grabbed Kay’s chubby cheeks and starred her straight in the eye, she had intended to say something comforting and confident, to assure Kay that they would get her unstuck, even if she wasn’t sure anymore if they could get her unstuck, but instead, looking into Kay’s worried eyes, all she wanted to do was kiss her.

So she did.


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