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Chapter 6 of ?? of my latest bbw stuck story:


The thing about being stuck, well and truly stuck, unable to budge, immovable, is it really gives you time to think.

Wedged in Mel and Simone’s kitchen door while they worked feverishly to extract her, Kay reflected back on what lead her to this shockingly sexy predicament.

“There’s two twinkie-Dykes at the bar for your polycule, Kay,” Kay’s ex-girlfriend Marsha poked Kay’s belly as she directed her attention to Mel and Simone sitting at the bar across the club.

Kay rolled her eyes. Marsha had been teasing Kay since they first dated years ago that the answer to Kay’s romantic misadventures was polyamory, “you’re too much woman to be satisfied by one woman,” she would argue.

Especially when that one woman was tiny, which Kay’s partners always were.

Kay had a knack for honing in on queers at the Caterpillar Club, especially petite ones.

You could say she had a thing for towering over and across her partners, but at 5’10” and 610 pounds, she towered over and across almost everyone. Kay had always been tall and fat. She was the largest in a family tree full of enormous women, her mom, her grandmother, her great-grandmother, her great-great grandmother. The last two were circus performers, Kay’s mom and grandmother had always laughed that they came from a long line of circus fat ladies as they volunteered for the earliest fat liberation movements as part of NAAFA.

The professionalism and cheerful exploitation of her great-great-grandmother had been passed down generation to generation. Kay took it with her into high school theater, and then art school. Coming from a supportive hippy household and theatrical women who pioneered the early days of fat liberation, gave Kay a unique body positive bubble to grow up in. One that allowed her to explore and exploit her size.

Free to embrace her size, Kay began to enjoy being bigger than her partners. She enjoyed being on top, she enjoyed crushing them. She enjoyed being pampered by them as if she was a goddess.

But few partners could keep up with her. And even fewer could do her bidding when she asked them to dominate her. She enjoyed being restrained, though her fat wrists had outgrown handcuffs. She enjoyed being climbed on. She enjoyed being at someone’s mercy.

She was at the mercy of Mel and Simone now. Completely wedged in their kitchen door. Like a fat fly caught in their spiders’ web.

This was hardly the first doorway to give her trouble, but it was the first doorway to give her trouble in private, on a date, with two cute lesbians there to help. It complete rewrote the stuck experience in her mind.

It was more than she could have hoped for when she finally gave into to Marsha and the others’ peer pressure to go flirt with the two “twinkie-dykes” at the bar. Standing out in any room, Kay was used to being approached, and used to turning down many potential suitors. But she rarely had to seek out dates. She decided to keep it short and sweet. Make a big impression (easy), get their number, get out of there.

She had intended to continue this strategy on their first date. Make a big splash (done), flirt, maybe some makeouts and light petting and then get out of there. This would allow Kay to slowly experiment with two partners and leave them wanting more.

Kay was used to her over-quarter-ton frame changing her plans, so she always tried to stay flexible. She thought running out of breath walking up the hill would be the only mishap this evening.

In an effort to remain flexible with her plans, Kay debated changing her plan and suggest Mel and Simone just feed her dinner there in the doorway- while fucking her.

But with every heave and ho, the only words Kay could form were a desperate, squeaky, “harder!”

She was getting too horny to think, to form words, “harder!”

Eventually they would give up pulling and pushing and she could catch her breath and try to form a coherently seductive sentence-


Mel, Kay and Simone’s eyes went wide in unison, Kay felt a ripple of relief travel through her, like a handcuff unlocking but through her entire body.


The wooden doorframe splintered and cracked open, coming apart with a chunk of the wall as Kay fell out of the kitchen door and onto Mel-

“OOOMPH-“ and Simone on top of Kay.

“GASP- Oh my god, Kay, I’m so sorry about our ridiculous tiny apartment-“ Mel could barely breathe under Kay’s weight but wanted her dying breath to be an apology for not living in a temple suitable for receiving a goddess such as Kay.

“Sorry-sorry-this is all our fault” realizing she was lying on Kay’s ass, Simone frantically tried to climb off, fumbling on Kay’s softness as if trapped on a waterbed.

“My heroes.” Kay looked Mel square in the eyes with an intense stare Mel was unprepared for.

Kay crossed her legs, trapping Simone on her back, squeezing her softly at first and then harder. She kissed Mel, softly at first and then harder.

Getting the hint, Simone lifted Kay’s dress, revealing even more ass unclothed than clothed somehow. Simone hugged Kay’s ass, burying her face in Kay’s panties. Thinking she could playfully bite the waistband of Kay’s panties and pull them off, a trick she enjoyed doing to Mel, but Simone quickly realized it would take both hands and lots of tugging to remove so much fabric from so much flesh.

“Sh-should we move to the bed?” Mel offered.

“Is the bedroom door the same size as the kitchen door?” Kay didn’t want to stop.

“Smaller- because of the way the bathroom and the closet are arranged,” Simone actually wanted to see Kay get stuck again it was so thrilling.

“Here is fine,” Kay shifted her weight to one side and then the other, which allowed Simone to scoot her panties out from under her and down her thighs.

Mel tried to pull Kay’s dress over her head but ran into the same problem Simone encountered, more fabric and flesh to negotiate than expected.

Kay lifted herself up off of Mel slightly so Mel could pull the dress up and out from underneath. Kay pulled off Mel’s top throwing it behind her and in one fluid motion, grabbing Simone’s shirt and pulling if off of her, craning her neck back to kiss Simone. Mel used this brief moment Kay wasn’t on top of her to slip out of her shorts and underwear, tossing them away and grabbing Kay’s belly to pull her back down on top of her. Simone tumbled between Kay’s butt and thighs as she pulled off her bra and pants and underwear. Mel’s legs were underneath Kay’s legs, bonier, adding contrast to the tumbling.

It was there, between her legs, that Simone could feel Kay was wet, could smell her. Simone kissed and bit Kay’s inner thighs. Kay spread her legs, her thighs so enormous that even spread, Simone had to push the fat apart to reach Kay’s pussy. Smothered there under all of Kay’s belly apron was Mel. Simone could reach them both.

Mel sucked on Kay’s pendulous breasts, Kay smushed her tit onto Mel’s face, as if she was smothering her with a pillow. Mel’s hands frantically grabbing Kay’s fat when she needed to breathe again. Kay and Mel gasped in unison when they felt Simone inside them.

“Simo-Kay-OH” Mel began shaking. Kay swooped in to kiss Mel as if she could capture her essence out of her mouth as she came.

Kay rolled her spherical form off of Mel and onto her back, not much room in the small living room, she placed one huge leg up on the desk, which put her in a better position for what came next.

Simone pulled her hands out of Mel and Kay and climbed on top of Kay’s belly, pulling the apron back to press her tongue against Kay’s clit.

Kay grabbed Simone’s legs and tried to lift her face to Simone’s pussy in a 69 but short-statured Simone, spread eagle over Kay’s enormous belly, was too far away. Mel saw the gap and inserted herself. Straddling Kay’s face and pushing her mouth between Simone’s legs.

The three licked and sucked and ate each other. Simone had wanted Kay to cum first, or at least second now, but she couldn’t handle laying on the extreme softness of Kay’s belly with Mel’s tongue pressing hard against her clit and began quivering. MMMPH!

Hearing Simone cum set Mel off again as her first orgasm carried over into a second.

Suddenly very aware that they had both cum before their guest, Simone slid off of Mel’s mouth and Kay’s belly and thrust her arm inside Kay while manipulating Kay’s clit with her tongue.

Mel lifted herself off of Kay’s face and turned around, riding Kay’s belly and sucking Kay’s nipples, “what can I do?” she bit Kay’s fat neck and double chins and kissed her before biting the other nipple, “what can we do?”

“F-“ Kay was so close she just needed something to put her over the edge, “-f-feed me”

Mel swung her leg over Kay to dismount her belly and rushed through the Kay sized hole in the wall to the kitchen, grabbing the cake she’d baked from the counter and a tub of ice cream from the freezer.

Mel saw Kay’s eyes light up when she put the platter of cake and tub of ice cream down on the floor on either side of Kay’s head. Twisting her torso so that Simone could still fist her while Mel fed her, Kay reached her open mouth towards the cake. Mel slid the platter away slightly, causing Kay to GASP. Kay could see the devilish look in Mel’s eyes, “not yet.”

Mel cut a slice of the cake and brought it gently to Kay’s lips, allowing only the smallest lick before pulling the slice away again.

The teasing, combined with Simone’s furious thrusting and licking tipped Kay over the edge, “M-MORE!” she cried out as she came.

Simone pressed down on Kay’s belly so she could look up at Mel, they had to lock eyes to reassure the other they weren’t dreaming. Mel shoved the entire slice of cake messily into Kay’s mouth. She took it, all of it. As Kay ate and came, Mel took a handful of cold ice cream and slapped it onto Kay’s tits. She handed a handful of ice cream to Simone who dropped it onto Kay’s clit.

EEEEE-AHNGH - ANH- ANH! mmmph -mmmph

Kay screamed, orgasms on top of orgasms, stifling her own scream pulling the rest of the cake into her mouth.

Mel sucked the ice cream off of Kay’s jiggling breasts, Simone licked the ice cream off of Kay’s clit.

Kay’s orgasms reduced her to spasms, which frustrated her attempts to keep eating the cake as her body quivered and wobbled all over. She lifted the leg that was up on the desk over and rolled, Mel was thrown off of her belly and Simone pulled out, dodging the leg like a falling tree.

Lying on her belly, Kay dove face first into the cake, devouring it. She scooted herself onto her knees and presented her ass up in the air.

In the wall of fat jiggling before her Simone could glimpse Kay’s tiny, perfect asshole. Anal play was never at the top of Mel and Simone’s list, they did it on occasion, but there was something about Kay that made Simone want to do everything.

She dove her face into Kay’s ass, gently rimming her hole with her tongue.

Not wanting to be left out, Mel slid under Simone facing up and pushed face under Kay’s hanging, swaying apron belly and into her FUPA, searching with her tongue for Kay’s pussy and finding it, she had been jealous of Simone getting to enjoy Kay’s flavor, she needed to taste it for herself.

MMMPH! Kay heaved face forward into the cake with the force of Mel and Simone’s tongues in her holes. Her fat waved forward and then back, the force of her ass rippling pushing Simone off, and she had to dive back in.

Simone ground on top of Mel as they both ate Kay.

Licking the platter there was soon nothing left, Kay scooped ice cream out of the carton with her hands. AHH-HAHHAHA-

The butt play was new to her, combined with Mel eating her pussy she was overwhelmed, she’d reached the limit to how many orgasms she could have in a row but she even though she had finished cumming, she hadn’t finished eating yet.

Drinking the last of the melted ice cream from the carton, Kay pushed herself up onto her knees, squeezing her thighs together and clenching her butt cheeks, enveloping Mel and Simone until they had to slap her fat to release them.

Kay flopped onto her back, Mel and Simone fell on top of her, as if she were the softest queen size bed.

All three sweating and out of breath, Kay wrapped Mel and Simone in her fat arms their heads on her breasts. Mel and Simone lifted up into the air and down again with every breath Kay took.

Mel couldn’t stop twitching. Simone’s heart was fluttering like a hummingbird.

“So,” said Kay between breaths, “what’s for dinner?”


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