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Chapter 5 of ? of my latest stuck story:


Every moment between the night at the club and Saturday was spent cleaning, tidying, framing and hanging art that had been piling up on over crowded photo ledges.

Mel and Simone were up late into the night planning the menu, shopping. Mel practiced recipes for dessert, Simone practiced main course receipts. They delivered food to neighbors and friends, not at all explaining why they were baking and cooking so much, no one complains or questions free gourmet food.

Saturday morning Mel had the ovens first for baking. It felt like they were cooking a grand holiday dinner for a dozen people. It was overkill, but two petite women had no realistic sense of what one enormously fat woman ate. Likely the same amount they ate, but better to have too much than too little.

Fresh flowers from the market, freshly lit candles. As the sun began to set their tiny apartment was becoming as cosy and welcoming as it could be.

The place hadn’t looked this good since they entered a “small living” contest (and won an honorable mention!) three years ago.

Mel sat anxiously in a row of vintage wooden cinema seats they’d bought at the flea market. Simone paced in a small circle around their tiny living room, checking her phone.

“Should I put on a record?” Mel asked?

“Yes, but quietly, I don’t want to miss- do you hear that?” Simone stepped towards the door of their apartment.

Mel followed her, “hear what?”

“Sounds like someone crying.”

Mel tried to peak through the window but the tree in the courtyard blocked her view, Simone opened the door, “Kay?”

“Oh no- GASP-GASP- you caught me- GASP” Kay was sitting on the steps breathing heavily.

“Are you okay?” Mel hurried to one side, Simone to the other, she waved them away.

“I’m fine, I’m fine, GASP there just wasn’t any parking out front GASP and I had to park down your steep hill GASP I’m just very GASP fat and out of GASP breath” she was blushing but still smiling.

“You go back in GASP god it smells delicious in there GASP pretend you didn’t hear me wheezing GASP this is such a cute old building, I want to knock, I want the whole date experience-“ Kay fanned herself with her hand, trying to settle down.

Mel and Simone petted Kay’s hands and went back inside.

Mel tried to busy herself putting on a record. Simone sat on the vintage sofa, trying to look nonchalant about peeking through the curtains at Kay as she hoisted her great body off of the steps.

Simone jumped up and straightened herself out, Mel bumping into her as they both stood like stooges waiting for the knock.


Even though they’d just seen her a moment before, Kay still made them both swoon.

Her breathing under control, Kay stood in ta-da pose, “hiya.”

Mel and Simone bumped into each other trying to step out to greet her with French cheek kisses, and continued bumping into each other as they then stepped back into the apartment to let her inside.

Simone noticed Kay sway sideways to enter their front door.

Mel almost fell backwards over the sofa stepping back to give Kay room, Simone backed herself up, sitting up on their desk to make room.

A simultaneous glance made Simone and Mel’s hearts drop. Their apartment was too small.

Kay quickly realized she had to shimmy into the center of the room to allow Simone to close the door behind her. Standing where she was, Mel and Simone would have to push past her to gain access to any part of the apartment, she completely filled the space.

Mel glanced from chair to chair and was floored by the sudden realization that they didn’t have anywhere to offer for Kay to sit.

The vintage 1960’s sofa with hairpin legs would surely collapse beneath her, it creaked when Simone and Mel sat on it. The row of cinema seats complete with narrow arms, there wasn’t a chance. Even their vintage luxury leather office chair had armrests and a quirky bouncy recline that Mel didn’t trust herself.

The same thoughts hit Simone as she scanned the room.

“This place is as adorably tiny as the two of you,” Kay laughed, she eyed the solid wood tuffet ottoman in front of the sofa as her best bet to sit down, but she’d have to move the appetizers Simone had set out on a tray.

“Here let me take your purse,” Mel bumped into Kay’s belly, trying to get past to hang her purse on the hook behind the door.

“I just need to check on the oven,” Simone bumped into Kay’s butt, trying to get past to the kitchen.

“Hee hee, I feel like one of those old trees people build buildings around,” depending which direction she turned and looked the apartment felt even smaller, as if it was closing in on her.

Her attempt to pick up the appetizer tray so she could sit failed when bending over caused her butt to tip the record player on the opposite side of the room and skip the record, she bounced back up, straightening her dress and looking for a different approach.

“It smells delicious in there, what’s for dinner?” Kay followed Simone to the kitchen, hoping that maybe only the living room was small and that the apartment would open up somewhere.

Mel was grateful to leave the living room, the chairs in the kitchen were metal and had no armrests, she could at least offer Kay a seat.

The old door to the kitchen was smaller than the front door, Kay turned herself sideways and pushed herself through with several heaves. Her belly squashed against the refrigerator just inside the doorway, dragging all the magnets across as she inched in. Facing away from the kitchen counter Kay didn’t see the vase of flowers but she heard it as her protruding shelf butt knocked it onto the floor with a CLANG. “Oh no!”

Everything happened as if in slow motion.

Simone watched it the vase fall but was so in awe of Kay’s size in their tiny kitchen that she froze, unable to reach out and catch it.

Mel was equally frozen in the living room watching Kay maneuver her superior depth through the narrow doorway.

Not knowing what she’d knocked or if she’d broken it Kay turned back, but in twisting herself came to a complete stop in the frame of the kitchen door-


Mel stood, mouth agape at Kay, her fat shoulders and fat arms smooshed together across her expansive bust and belly, completely unmoving in the door frame.

Kay tried to force herself out of the doorway rocking back and forth but found herself unable to move in either direction, UNGH- HMPH

She flapped her hands at Mel, like a tiny fat bird fluttering on top of her belly, snapping Mel out of her trance.

“Do you need h-“ the words croaked out of her mouth at the same time Kay gave her a nod with pleading eyes. Days of anticipation combined with Kay’s incredible predicament hit Mel like a train, she was wet, desperate for something against her clit, something inside her, she reached out over Kay’s belly for to her chubby hands.

Simone grabbed paper towels and began cleaning the spilled water, checking the vase, “everything’s okay! Nothing broken.”

“Um- Simone?” Mel squeaked. She took Kay’s soft hands and pulled but it felt as if she was pulling the entire apartment building, completely immovable.


“It was my fault, I shouldn’t have put that there-“

“Simone-“ Mel more strongly.

“Yeah?” Simone turned to find Kay’s incredible rear end wobbling just a few inches from her nose, she dropped the vase.


“OH GOD” Simone jumped to her feet, sweeping the broken pieces of the vase away with her foot.

“What do I do- do I-“ Simone held her hands out, but stopped short of touching Kay’s enormous ass bouncing in front of her.

Kay’s wide hips squeezed upwards in her attempt to fit through the narrow door, flopping back down as she settled back after every heave forward, the rhythmic motion was like wings flapping, or waves crashing. Simone’s breath stopped, her knees knocked, she felt dizzy, she thought she might pass out from horniness if she didn’t fuck Kay and Mel right this second, “-do I push?”

“P-Please-“ Kay felt Simone’s hands press into her ass, further and further in as the soft fat gave way.

Unable to move in any direction, completely bound by the doorframe and the kitchen counter and the refrigerator, feeling the ineffective pull from Mel stretching her arms and the insignificant weight of Simone leaning into her ass, Kay couldn’t wait for both of them to fuck her, to feed her. She felt safe, safer than she’d ever felt being tied or handcuffed, “this is it-” she thought.

“-this is what I’ve been missing.”


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