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Chapter 1 of ? of my latest stuck story, The Missing Piece:


“I have something I need to get off my chest.”

“I have something I need to tell you too.”

Mel and Simone pulled apart of their post-coital cuddle. Both had been working up the nerve to talk to the other, but neither had expected the other’s need for vulnerable confession. 

“Do you wanna go first?” Mel offered.

“No, you start,” Simone deflected. 

They stared at each other in silence. The warmth of sex was dissipating and Mel pulled the bedsheet over them, “I’ll go if you go.”

“At the same time?”

“Sure,” Mel welcomed the chaos, maybe Simone wouldn’t hear what she had to say properly and she could bury it for another decade.

“On three,” Simone’s heart started racing, why did she commit to this.

“One, two… three.”

“I want to fatten you.” / “I want to make you fat.”

Mel and Simone both shot upright. 

“What did you say?” Mel thought she was hallucinating.

“You want to what?” Simone started to think she’d fallen asleep after sex and her brain was playing tricks on her.

“YOU want ME to get fat?” Mel stared at Simone as if staring into a broken mirror. 

“But I’m thin.” Simone was having a hard time understanding what was happening.

“So am I. You have a fat fetish?” Mel worried that this was the beginning of the end of their relationship. 

“Do YOU have a fat fetish?” Simone hated that phrasing but didn’t know what else to say.

“Not a FETISH but you know, look at all the women I point out as beautiful,” Mel had assumed that Simone already figured her out years ago.

“I thought you were just being, like, body positive, feminist, or I don’t know, humoring- teasing me because you knew I liked fat women” how could Mel not already know.

“But I’m not fat” Mel worried this was the real problem. 

“Neither am I” Simone could hear the worry in Melanie’s voice, which made her worried. 

“Are you breaking up with me?” Mel had to get straight to the point.

“Breaking up with you I LOVE YOU” now Simone was upset.


Melanie and Simone fell into each other’s arms crying. 

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it like I don’t think you’re beautiful, you know I think you’re beautiful,” Simone wished she could take it back.

“I’m sorry if I implied you weren’t enough for me, you’re enough for me, just the way you are,” Mel couldn’t put the jinn back in the bottle. 

“But you wouldn’t mind if I was fatter” Simone wanted clarity.

“You love me, you just want more to love, is it?” Mel didn’t know where this was headed. 

“I mean, if you want, only if you want,” the worry was giving away to adrenaline now as they openly discussed her secret fetish.

“But would you? Get fatter I mean?” Mel could feel Simone’s hand trembling in her own trembling hand.

“I don’t know if I can honestly, I’ve been almost the exact same weight since I was 20,” Simone cursed her incredibly stable genes.

“I think the only time I’ve ever gained weight was like 2 pounds after that two week cruise,” Mel wasn’t sure she could do what Simone wanted her to do.

“So we both try to get fat?” Simone didn’t know what trying entailed.

“I guess?” Mel noticed that Simone shared her slightly scared expression, “if we’re being honest, I’ve secretly tried to fatten you the entire time we’ve known each other, it’s why I pursued baking as a career.”

“THAT’S why you changed careers, to feed me!?” the revelation left Simone shaken, this wasn’t just a passing fancy but a lifelong pursuit.

“YOU know what feeding is?” Mel was mortified.

“Of COURSE I know what feeding is, I dreamed of you gaining weight since our first date when you cleaned your plate, then finished my meal and ate both our desserts” Simone revealed.

Mel laughed, “I remember that, I had slept in that day and missed breakfast and then I had a long shift and skipped lunch, I was famished, I’m so sorry to have lead you on! Oh god you must have been so disappointed with me!”

“And then I met your mom and thought, great, let’s grow old together,” Simone was covering her face in shame now.

“But my mom only gained weight due to her medication, oh you poor thing, you thought I was destined for greatness.”

“I did! But you changed your career path just to fatten me up and I’m still wearing the same jeans I wore in high school,” all the things that people praise in eating disordered culture now seemed like curses in light of these revelations.

“Your butt is SO stubborn! I just thought if I persisted, that maybe- eventually-“ Mel was euphoric, it was such a relief to talk honestly after so many years.

“I’m so sorry!”

“No I’m sorry.”

“I’ll get better at getting fatter I swear,” Simone had the giggles now. 

They kissed.

“Don’t worry, we’re going to solve this skinny problem, together.” Mel stroked Simone’s hair.


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