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The final chapter of my 7th stuck story, The Pearfect Storm.


Julie was late for work. Three weeks working from home and her schedule was drifting. She was staying up too late talking with Joe, she was sleeping in. As she waited for her coffee to percolate, she lamented her lack of candy, wishing past Julie had rationed better for the sake of present Julie.

Her storm preparedness had otherwise served her well. She still had almost a week of groceries left. Whenever she thought she couldn’t bare another day without seeing Joe in person she turned on the news and watched footage of snow plows drifting sideways down the street or some poor jerk up to their chest in snow trying to reach the bodega.

Still in her sleep tank top and boxer shorts, she bounced on her yoga ball and watched her inbox load.


The sound gave Julie a fright, “AHHH!”


She was on the ground, her fat still jiggling from the fall, her yoga ball vanished.

Not vanished, Julie rolled herself over to find the remains of her burst yoga ball. It wasn’t expensive, but she had hoped it would at least last longer than the storms.


Julie stood up and looked around, unsure of where the sound was coming from.


There, her living room window, a trail of wet snow sliding down, giving her first real glance outside in weeks, at Joe throwing snowballs at her window!

Julie hurried and pushed her window open, causing a sheet of snow and ice to fall off her window and onto her fire escape.

“It’s thawing!” Joe was standing on her balcony across the way, in her pajamas and boots, throwing the snow up into the air.

“Wait for me!” Julie threw an arm and leg out the window and laid her great belly across the window sill…

“I can hear the snow plows and the salt trucks! And if you lean out you can see someone’s cleared the sidewalk down on 84th, I can’t wait to kiss you-”


Joe turned back to the sound of Julie’s heavy breathing, she was still in the window, lying on her belly, one arm and leg outside, one arm and leg inside, she was struggling but not moving in any direction, the window looked much smaller than it had three weeks ago. Joe hesitated, trying not to state the obvious, “Julie, are you okay?”

Julie pushed and pulled, she saw Joe’s concerned look and was frustrated that she wasn’t already through to celebrate the thaw on the fire escapes together, it would be such a perfect bookend to their storm tryst. She felt the window frame tighten around her, tighter than she remembered three weeks ago. She stopped inching forward. She tried to backtrack but was unable to budge. The window frame drew a straight line down the middle of her body. In her panicked struggles she flashed back to the bags and bags of candy she’d consumed during the storms, her stockpiles of snacks, her freezer full of ice cream, “I’m-I’m-“

She couldn’t say it.

They looked at each other across the alley. Joe’s concerned face gave way to a warm smile, a smile that said everything would be okay, a smile that immediately relieved Julie’s panic and put her at ease.

“Babe, are you stuck?”

No girlfriend had ever called her babe before. Julie nodded her head, she tried to return Joe’s smile but her smile was full of uncertainty, “I did eat…all the Halloween candy in my apartment building.”

“And don’t forget the ice cream!”

“And some days-weeks worth of ice cream.”

Joe dipped back into her apartment window, leaving Julie alone to contemplate the tightness of the window frame and the warmth of the radiator on one butt cheek and the cold breeze on the other butt cheek.

Ropes and gear in hand, Joe reemerged from her apartment, having changed from her snow boots into rock climbing shoes, “lets get you out of there.”

Julie watched as Joe expertly tied knot after knot and clipped harness after harness onto herself and the railings and the staircase, “what are you doing?”

“I’m going to come over to you, of course,” Joe tossed a rope across that landed directly in front of Julie, “loop that around something cast iron and secure the clip.”

Julie did as she was told, looping the rope through the grates of the fire escape and clipping it to itself, “you can’t be serious!”

“Relax, I’ve done this a thousand times,” that was a lie, all the experience she had was with rocks and trees, none of which she was sure would apply the same way to buildings, “if it hadn’t been for the wind I would have climbed over weeks ago,” that much was true. Joe had masturbated herself to sleep many a night the last three weeks imagining climbing across to Julie’s apartment, though even in her wildest fantasies she wasn’t doing it to come to Julie’s rescue like this.

Joe threw another rope over, this arched over the fire escape on the floor above Julie and then fell through the grating, dangling in front of Julie, “okay, grab that one and do the same, loop it and clip it.”

Julie did the same, as she watched Joe climb up the stairs of her fire escape and secure her end.

When all the ropes had been tied off, there was a line from railing to railing and a line going across from the next floor up. Joe clipped one safety line to the top rope and another to the bottom line, “okay, here goes nothing.”

“I can’t look,” Julie covered her eyes, peeking through her fingers.

Joe balanced on her railing, holding the stairs above her. Slowly she felt one foot onto the slack line, while taking hold of the support line above. Very gingerly she stepped out across the gap, both hands holding the line above.

She paused a moment to sway in the air between the two buildings and take in the view. She had always been a climber but climbing buildings was something else entirely.

Julie’s heart was racing. In the tight confines of the window it felt like her heart was bouncing around her chest like a racquetball. But for all the dramatic setting up, Joe was across the gap in just a few steps and standing on Julie’s railing.

“You did it-“ KISS



Never removing her lips from Julie’s, Joe tore off her harnesses and ropes. She pawed at the fat hanging from the window frame, it was even softer than she’d fantasized about all these weeks. She came up for air.

“You got fatted in.”


“I did.”


In a swirl of tongues Joe felt light headed, “oh god, you’re too sexy, I’m getting too horny, I need to fuck you right now.”


Julie giggled, “then get me unstuck.”


Joe grabbed Julie’s enormous thigh, twice as big around as she was and tried to heave it back through the window, pushing down on Julie’s enormous ass to stuff it back into the frame, but the job quickly devolved into Joe kissing and biting Julie’s fat.

Julie was laughing now, Joe’s uncontrollable groping and tonguing was tickling her, “It’s too tight! I won’t budge! We need something- oil, lube.”

Joe looked back at her own open apartment window, she wasn’t going to leave Julie’s side now that she’d made it across, “do you mind if I come in?”

Joe stepped to the edge of Julie’s fire escape where there was a second living room window.

“I didn’t remove the wood blocks from that window yet, it won’t open all the way.”

“That’s okay, I don’t need it to,” Joe said smugly as she lifted the window a crack and slipped effortlessly into Julie’s apartment.

Squirming and contorting herself Julie squished her head back inside of her apartment, “there’s a bottle of lube on my bedside.”

“I love what you’ve done with the place” Joe smiled, stepping over the popped yoga ball.

Red faced, Julie waited as Joe returned from the bedroom empty handed, “that’s a tiny bottle, we’re going to need a lot more to cover you.”

In the kitchen Joe went straight to the stove and got the olive oil and the sesame oil and the coconut oil.

“No butter?” Julie observed sarcastically as Joe dropped the three large bottles in front of her.

“Oh, good thinking,” Joe hopped back up and pulled all the boxes of butter from the fridge.

“That was a joke!”

“Maybe, but um…” Joe took in Julie’s enormous frame wedged in the window.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’ll take a lot to cover me.”

“Here, thaw these,” Joe unwrapped stick after stick of butter and shoved it between Julie’s tits and the window sill, between Julie’s upper belly and the window sill, her lower belly and the window sill.

“They’re so cold!” Julie squirmed.

Joe opened the first bottle and started pouring oil along the window edge, down Julie’s back, giving her a shiver.

Julie watched Joe work and sighed, “you’re really here.”

“I really am,” Joe moved the oil around with her hand, doing her best to work the oil between Julie’s back fat rolls and the window.

Joe stopped at Julie’s ass, “how attached are you to these boxers?”

“N-Not terribly?” Julie didn’t know what Joe meant.


Joe tore Julie’s boxers up the seam and tried to tug them out of the way as she poured the rest of the olive oil over Julie’s ass. As Joe spread the oil around she spread Julie’s thigh, getting the merest glimpse of Julie’s pussy. Joe oiled her hand and worked her hand between the window frame and Julie’s fupa.


“You’re not waiting until I get unstuck.”

“Do you want me to wait?” Joe pressed on Julie’s clit.

“I-I want you inside me.”

Kneeling behind her, Joe held onto Julie’s ass for support as she worked her hand past the window frame and into Julie. Julie’s legs and arms on either side of the wall flailed to find purchase to steady herself. She braced her hands against the window frame and buried her head in her arms, her legs twitched and slipped as every movement of Joe’s fingers shot through her.

“Half of me is still outside, people can see-”

“No one can see you.”

As much as she could as wedged as she was, Julie tried to rock rhythmically in sync with Joe thrusting her hand in and out.

“Sp-spank me.”

You didn’t have to tell Joe twice.



Joe had never seen anything like the waves of fat that ran across Julie’s body when she spanked her ass. She was hypnotized. Through the window she could see Julie’s outside cheek rippling.


“Oh god- Joe, don’t stop.”



Joe worked her other hand underneath Julie, fingering her clit with one hand while her other hand thrusted inside.


Joe grabbed Julie’s ass and wrapped her self around Julie’s incredible thigh, she wanted to feel every spasm of Julie’s orgasm. She bit Julie’s cheek.

hhunghh hunngg uncha

Julie’s orgasm was winding down. Joe slowed her thrusting and when she felt Julie’s leg stop spasming she pulled out her hand and crawled over to Julie’s face, kissing her on the cheek.

“I think the butter’s melted now.”

Joe laughed, picking up the two remaining cooking oils and heading towards the other living room window.

“You don’t want me to reciprocate?”

“Not until you’re unstuck” Joe smiled as she dipped back outside.

Julie laid limp in the window, she couldn’t even be bothered to scrunch her head back outside. She just hung there in the window while she felt Joe pour warm oil on her cold outside. Joe tugged the other half of Julie’s boxers off.

“I’m going to give you a push to get you started and then I’m going to come back in and pull because it’s freezing out here!”

Julie struggled to get out of her post orgasm gaze, they had work to do.

Joe braced her feet against the fire escape railing, placing one hand on Julie’s hip and the other on Julie’s belly.

Her hands disappeared into Julie’s flesh as she pushed. She realized quite quickly this wasn’t just about moving Julie’s mass, but fitting all of her outside back through the window. Julie’s leg outside tried to get a grip and push. Joe got one arm around Julie’s thigh and lifted and pushed as she used the other hand to lift Julie’s enormous hanging belly, trying to stuff it back inside.

She alternated between wrapping her arms around Julie’s thigh and using her finger tips to coax Julie’s fat through the window.

And then,


she budged.

Inside Julie immediately perked up, “I budged.” She tried to turn her head back outside to tell Joe, but she’d shifted and could no longer bend her neck to get her head out, “Joe, I budged!”

Joe appeared back inside through the other window, “you budged!”

Joe grabbed Julie’s fat face and kissed her, taking her hand and planting a foot against the wall and pulling, not a moment to lose.


One great leg inside and another outside, her free arm grabbing the window frame, Julie strained with all the strength she could muster while Joe pulled and pulled and pulled.


Joe could see now that Julie wasn’t going to pop out of the window like a cork from a bottle, they were going to have to fight to squeeze every inch of her through.


As if he was spinning in place, Julie’s top half was squeezing out of the window, but her bottom half, her belly and ass stayed wedged.

More of Julie’s upper back was through now, seeing the flesh of her outside arm appear gave her an idea.

“Wait here.”

She disappeared out the window again.

“Where else am I gonna go!” Julie shouted after her.

Julie felt Joe wrap something around her outside thigh, “what is that-ooOOooo!” she felt Joe’s hand pushing between her thighs again, pushing something through the window.

“Oh!” She felt Joe at her tits now, shoving something between Julie and the window frame, she reached underneath her to try to feel what Joe was pushing through.


Joe climbed back inside with an arm full of rope.

“You’re going to tie me up now? Isn’t being stuck bondage enough?”

Joe ignored the teasing and worked quickly to loop Julie’s indoor thigh and her arms and torso. She brought the various knots together into one line which she laid out on the living room floor. All set up she kneeled in front of Julie and kissed her, “this is it.”

“What’s it?”

“Hold on.”

Joe grabbed the single line that was now connected to all of Julie’s limbs, inside and out. She wrapped the rope around her waist and around her arms.

Not sure what was about to happen, Julie grabbed the rope that was tied under her arms.

Pulling the line taut, Joe leaned back, positioning her legs as if she was in a grand tug of war battle and pulled.


Immediately Julie could feel this was different. The ropes were pulling her from all sides at once. Whatever knots Joe had tied around her thigh outside also compressed her ass. Joe moved back and forth across the living room, pulling this way and that, inching Julie out from every angle. Julie held onto the rope for dear life, the incredible strain of being simultaneously tugged and wedged.

Little by little Julie inched out of the window, both her tits and arms where inside now, she put her hands down on the floor while Joe never stopped pulling, she tried to brace her hands against the wall to push while Joe pulled. She could feel the melted butter under her belly as he squeezed back inside. The ass cheek still outside was caught though.

Joe dropped the rope and ran up to Julie, grabbing the knots she’d tied around her directly and tugging as hard as she could, bracing both legs agains the wall.


Joe fell back onto the ground and Julie slid out of the window on top of her, knocking the wind out of her. Julie rolled around on top of Joe until they were face to face, “my hero.”

Joe tried to catch her breath, but Julie wouldn’t lift her weight off of her. She kissed Joe, working her hand down in between them, into Joe’s pajama bottoms, into her panties, into her wet pussy, “how can I ever repay you.”

Joe was pinned underneath Julie’s enormity, helpless, “now that I’ve finally got you here, I’m never going to let you go.”

Enveloped in the fat of her pearfect pair of a girlfriend, Joe could live here forever, “there’s no where else I want to be.”



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