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Chapter 11 of my 8th stuck story, The Pearfect Storm.


“Do you think they’re all giving me candy because I’m the youngest tenant in the building or because I’m the fattest?” Julie video chatted with Joe while she unwrapped another candy bar.

Word must have gotten around from Mrs Cartwright, because later that day, the Hendersons, the Coopers, Ms Randolph, Mr Chu and the super all dropped of bags of candy.

“Definitely because you’re fat” Joe laughed.

“I never got a Halloween haul like this in my life, we should have a blizzard on Halloween every year.”

“YES, we should” Joe was overexcited.

“First I was snowed in, but once I finish all this candy I’ll be fatted in” Julie laughed, what was she saying?

“Fatted in?” Joe wanted to follow this thread.

“I was trying to make a pun and failed, forgive me.”

“Like you get so fat you can’t get out of your apartment?” Joe knew she should let it go but was getting too horny to stop.

Julie could hear the desire in Joe’s voice and rolled her eyes, “something like that, I mean, it’s bound to happen eventually.”

“W-What is?” Joe didn’t mean for her voice to quiver but it was involuntary.

Julie wasn’t sure whether she should be putting on a sultry voice or if it even mattered, so she went with a matter-of-fact delivery, “my getting too fat to fit out my front door.”


Julie did a double take at the sound, Joe was blushing, “did you just squeak like a mouse?”

“I-I-“ Joe was completely failing at playing it cool.

“Is that erotic to you, my not fitting through a doorway?” Julie was turning down her voice now in response to Joe’s dropped jaw.

“I-It is.” What else was there to say.

“I forgot you’ve never dated someone as big as me before.”

“I haven’t.”

“When you're my size lots of things are too small.”

“You don’t say.”

A wicked grin came across Julie’s face, “shall I show you?”

All Joe could do was nod her head yes.

“I’ll give you the tour then.” Julie popped another chocolate in her mouth and took the phone with her towards the bedroom.

“First stop, do you hear that?” BRUSH BRUSH BRUSH “Here, let me show you.”

Julie put her phone down on the coffee table and pointed it towards the hallway between her main room and the bedroom and bathroom. She paraded up and down the hall, her enormous swaying hips brushing against either side of the hall as she waddled.

“And that’s just the hallway, I haven’t even gotten to the door yet,” Julie approached her bedroom door, glancing over her shoulder to look at Joe on the phone.

“I’ve got a habit of turning slightly through doorways,” Julie demonstrated her usual twist of the hips as she stepped into her bedroom.

Inside her bedroom she turned back to face the doorway head-on, “if I didn’t twist, well, I’ll just show you.”

Taking tiny steps, Julie entered the door jam, she brought her arms in front of her and shrugged her shoulders up to narrow them. She pressed her hanging belly into the doorway and stopped.

“Now, I’m not stuck, per se, but there’s quite a bit of… friction” Julie rocked forward and backwards in the door jam, her hips and belly and thighs brushing against the frame.

An “oh god,” escaped Joe’s lips, making Julie laugh.

With the slightest umph and thrust of her hips she pushed herself through the doorway, losing her balance slightly on the other side, “the bathroom door is the same size I think, I don’t want to bore you.”

“Y-You’re not.”

“Okay I’ll show you the side view then,” Julie squared herself up with the bathroom door, giving Joe a profile view as she began the same process of tiny steps and rocking her hips in the doorway, her enormous ass still jutting out into the hall.

Julie turned around and poked her head back out the bathroom, “now that I think of it, I think I do have a doorway in this apartment I can’t fit through?”

“R-Really?” Joe could barely hear her own voice over the sound of her heartbeat, she wanted desperately to touch herself but didn’t want anything to distract from the incredible show Julie was putting on.

Julie lifted her phone and set it on the kitchen counter, pointed towards her front door, “actually maybe it’s the same size now that I look at it.”

She opened the coat closet and backed into the frame, just as she’d done with the other two doors, “building codes I guess, they’re all the same size.”

“What about that one?” A clarity came back to Joe’s voice, she had seen something else in the image frame, an opportunity she didn’t want to pass up.

“What one? The pantry? Oh my god the pantry! Of course, why didn’t I think of that!” Between the coat closet and the kitchen was, to someone Joe’s size, a small walk-in pantry.

“I guess it is technically a walk-in pantry, though I never considered it one since I can’t walk into it, haha,” she opened the door and stood in front of it, measuring the door frame with her hands and then turning to show Joe how the frame measured up to her.

Joe mouthed a silent, “wow.”

“I don’t even think I can get in sideways,” Julie side stepped to the door, placing one foot into the pantry, pressing her hip in, immediately meeting resistance with her belly and her butt and her thighs.

Julie folded her hands on the door jam and rested her head in them, fluttering her eyes at Joe, “do you like that?”

Joe could only nod.

“Should try the other way?”


Julie had never done anything like this before, exploiting her extraordinary size to tease a partner, it made her feel powerful and in control of her often out-of-control weight. She pressed her belly against the door frame and swayed her hips back and forth, turning her inability to fit through into a sort of dance.

“Can you give me a push?”

Joe’s breath quickened.

Julie turned around and pressed her ass against the door frame, she leaned forward and pushed against the kitchen counter, wiggling her ass, “I could sure use your help-“



Julie’s foot went out from under her causing her to fall backwards into the pantry with her full weight. She splayed her arms out to catch the door and the wall. She was interrupted mid-fall, frozen in the pantry door.

“Are you okay?”

“Hahaha, if I could have fit through the door I would have hit the ground really hard there, I was saved by my ass! I’m lucky I didn’t break my arm trying to catch myself," Julie caught her breath and carefully planted her feet underneath her and braced her hands on the wall and door, attempting to stand upright. It was a struggle.


A sense of clarity and calm came over Julie as she took in her situation, she took a deep breath.

“So… I’m stuck.”

“W-What do you mean?”

“My butt got wedged in the frame here when I fell.”

“But- I thought you’re butt couldn’t fit?”

“It had a gravity assist.”

Her feet firmly on the ground and her hands on the wall and the door, Julie attempted to pull herself out of the doorway. It was laughable, so she laughed. She reached out to the phone, “can you give me a hand?”

“Are you teasing me right now?”

“That depends, are you feeling- teased?”

“I’m worried! I’m trying to figure out how to get past the 8 foot snow drift and break into your building to rescue you!”

“Oh no! Not worried! You seemed like you were really enjoying things, I was trying to be sexy.”

“This is, I have to be honest, the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Julie smiled as she made another feeble attempt to unwedge herself, “well good. I was afraid I’d lost you there just when you were getting close.”

“Well I hadn’t started, um, doing anything yet.”

Julie leaned forward, putting both hands on the kitchen counter, lowering her voice, “what are you waiting for.”


Julie began rocking rhythmically in the doorway, her eyes closed, “oh Joe, please help me, I’m- stuck.”

Joe fumbled to open her jeans and get her fingers inside as quickly as possible.

Holding onto the kitchen counter, Julie pulled herself, getting nowhere, “I’m stuck, Joe, I can't budge.”

“Ungh” Joe arched her back, losing her coordination as she got close.

“I thought I could fit through this doorway, Joe, but I can't-”

“hah-hah-hah” Joe’s orgasm was starting.


“ohgod- ohgod”


“ungh UNGH”



They’d had phone sex several times now, but Julie hadn’t witnessed an orgasm like this out of Joe before. It was a whole new level. If this is what getting stuck was like she should get stuck more often.

Joe was shaking, dizzy, body spasming from the aftershocks.

Julie beamed, “I did that,” she thought to herself proudly. But if she was in danger of getting puffed up, the compression she felt against her hips brought her back down to Earth. She could only just reach a candy bar on the counter, she opened it and ate it while Joe caught her breath.

“Now for the second order of business, how do I get unstuck?”


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