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Chapter 7 of my 7th stuck story, The Pearfect Storm. 


Julie poured syrup over her pancakes and bacon and sausage and eggs and watched intently as her laptop and phone came back to life and her router reset.


A new message!

“555 2466”

Julie was expecting a response to her ice cream message, hopefully something jokey or flirtatious to make her feel better about eating so much. But then it hit her-

“Her number!”

Should she click it?

“Joe’s number.”

Should she call? Right now? In the middle of (second) breakfast?

She blushed at the thought of talking to Joe again, “girl number,” she sighed.


“Video Call”

Joe had switched the phone call to video, “oh shit!”

Julie took a last bite and chewed while she sat up straight and arranged her fork and knife and plate, she hurriedly propped up her phone on the syrup bottle and straightened her hair.

She swallowed her bite and took a sip of water and composed herself before clicking on her camera.

Joe appeared, immediately jumping and then trying to settle herself on her sofa, hand holding her phone in front of her, “hi!”

Julie waved.

“You’ve got your phone propped up, I’ll do that too, sorry for making you sea sick,” Joe set her phone down on the coffee table against some books, and picked up her coffee.

Joe seemed really excited and nervous and it was a relief for Julie, who had been afraid the affection might be one-sided.

“What number coffee is this for you?” Julie couldn’t believe this was the same cool calm collected cowgirl she’d met on the fire escape.

“My first! My stovetop is electric so I couldn’t make any during the blackout, though I considered getting my camping propane out of the closet- why do I seem jittery? Oh no- I’m just really excited I get to talk to you again.” Joe was worried she was coming on too strong. “I mean, since our meet-cute on the fire escape got cut short.”

She called it a meet cute! Julie was blushing now and trying to stop, she took a bite of pancake, but now her mouth was full, “I’m-um- excuse me- I’m really glad you found me.”

Joe hoped that Julie wouldn’t ask how she’d found her, she didn’t want to detail her obsessive search too much, “after watching your exit I HAD to find you.” Joe screamed in her mind, too horny, too soon!

Oh God Joe saw her get stuck in the window, “haha, hoping for another glimpse?” Julie stood up and turned around, sticking her butt out towards the camera. Julie screamed in her mind, what are you doing!

EEEEEE! Joe leapt up and off camera, shrieking.

Julie dropped back into her seat, not sure what was happening.

“Fuck- fuck- fuck” Julie could hear her off camera, then nothing.

She kept eating and watching the image of the empty sofa, “Joe?”

The awkwardness of being left alone on the chat made Julie eat faster.

Joe came back into frame and sat down, wearing different bottoms than before, she crossed her legs, “hi, sorry.”

“Mmmph-“ Julie’s mouth was full, “are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I-“ Joe was flustered, “I spilled coffee all over myself.”

A sense of pride came over Julie, her ass did that, “I’m always knocking things over with my ass, sorry, I didn’t think it would reach your coffee mug through the screen.”

Joe’s cheeks were red now, things were really quite out in the open now, “it’s fine, I don’t need any coffee today, I feel caffeinated just talking to you.”

“Well without any coffee you’re just going to have to watch me eat,” Julie took another stacked bite of pancakes and bacon and eggs all together.

“C-Can I?” Joe’s voice cracked, “I mean, um- that looks more breakfasty than ice cream.”

“I know, I probably didn’t need to make so much after all that ice cream,” Julie was feeling self conscious again eating in front of Joe.

“There’s nothing wrong with that, have as much as you like, I’m just… impressed.”

Julie was suddenly very aware of how much she was eating in front of Joe, “me eating is a sight you should get used to if you’re going to get to know me.”

Joe leaned forward, with her hands on her chin, “you eating is definitely a sight I could get used to.”

The way Joe was looking at her almost made Julie drop her fork, “haha, oh-“ she tried to take a flirtatious bite but couldn’t stop giggling, Joe’s stare was intense.

The wind howled and both Julie and Joe looked at their respective windows.

“God, this stupid hurricane,” lamented Julie.

Joe agreed, “to think if we’d met earlier we could be weathering this storm together.”

Julie’s heart raced, she could barely hear for the thumping in her chest, “then instead of just watching me eat, you could feed me.”

The words hung in the air between them as they stared at each other through the phone.


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