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The penultimate chapter of my 6th stuck story, Bath Bomb.


Alicia returned to the bathroom, the radios crackled outside with conversation.

“What do we do now?” asked Lexi.

“Now,” hesitated Alicia, “we get the winch.”

“The winch?” Lori thought that sounded ominous.

“We use it to pull cars out of lakes, it’ll pull you straight up out of there” Alicia thought that information would be comforting but now realized she’d inadvertently compared Lori to an automobile.

“UP?” Lexi hoped she’d misheard.

“Yeah, we’re going to cut a hole in the ceiling and lift you up out of there,” to firefighters who routinely bust through doors and windows and use the jaws of life to rip open cars, Alicia hadn’t realized she’d said something extreme until she saw the expressions on Lori and Lexi’s faces.

“The ceiling!?” they cried in unison.

Still not quite getting that she was talking to two homeowners worried about preserving the original moldings, Alicia continued, “We’re seeing if your upstairs neighbor is home, if not we can force the door, then we’ll cut through the floor, bolt the winch to the floor and run a line through a pulley above the hole and down to you. Then we’ll harness you up and as the winch pulls you up we should be able to remove the bathtub from your uh- posterior.” 

The way Alicia had hesitated saying posterior made both Lori and Lexi want to fuck her, but there were more pressing matters.

“Our neighbors are going to sue us,” Lexi worried.

“Our neighbors are going to kill us,” worsened Lori.

“Your homeowners insurance should cover most of the repairs, but at least you’ll be out of that tub, right?” Alicia stepped out of the bathroom, leaving Lori and Lexi in shock.

Lexi pulled out her phone and started texting frantically.

“Who are you messaging?”

“My kitchen, I need trays and trays and trays of apology food. We need something to smooth things over with the neighbors, they have no idea what’s coming.”


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