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Chapter 14 of 16 of my 6th stuck story, Bath Bomb.


“Oh thank god.”

They were all women. 

The first firefighter in front of Lexi, smiled, “considering your wife’s delicate…situation, we left the men downstairs, they’ll stay by the truck to run gear up when if we need it.”

“Great, who needs ‘em, she’s-uh, this way,” Lexi lead the firefighters to the bathroom.

“Oh thank god” Lori was so relieved to see women.

“Are you in charge? I hope you’re in charge.” Lori spoke directly to the lone black woman firefighter in the group.

The other firefighters look to the one black woman firefighter who laughs awkwardly and fist bumps Lori, and gives a nod to her superiors, “you know, I’m not actually, but if it would make you more comfortable, I can be your liaison.”

Lexi chimed in beside them, “it would please.”

“Not a problem, my name is Alicia.”

Lori was relieved that none of firefighters seemed to look at her askance at all. They had a nonjudgemental problem solving vibe that comforted her.

With a quick glance over the situation the lead firefighter began talking into her radio and left the bathroom.

Alicia turned to Lori and Lexi, “she’s calling down to the truck for them to bring up rope, a blanket and grease, it’s really simple, we’re going to grease you up, tie the rope around you with the blanket so you don’t get rope burn, there’s four of us up here, plus you Lexi, and we don’t actually have to lift our entire weight, we just need to shift you, turn you, then you should be able to get right up.”

“Sounds easy.”

“We’ve done lots of similar rescues.”

Lexi was surprised by Alicia’s nonchalantness, “does this sort of thing, happen, often?”

Lori side-eyed her perpetually horny wife.

“Well maybe not bathtubs, but people get wedged places” Alicia trailed off, “animals…”


“You know, a cow falls into a ditch, things like that.” Alicia was blushing, she didn’t mean to infer anything.

“A cow,” Lexi was ready to fight.

“All I mean is, 500 pounds isn’t a problem for us, we’ve moved more.”

“This is what you do,” Lori put her hand on Lexi to calm her down.

“Exactly, it’s what we do.”

Behind Alicia the other firefighters returned with the gear. Alicia and another firefighter put on their surgical gloves.

“Okay, so we’re just doing it,” Lori was surprised to see them open the bucket of industrial grease and pick up a scoopful with their gloved hands.

“It’s what we’re here to do,” Alicia smiled.

“Now I’m going to lift your side here and my associate is going to push grease down between your sides and the walls of the tub, this is going to feel…funny.” Alicia gently lifted the side of Lori’s enormous belly that hung over the side of the bathtub so her associate could push grease down between Lori’s fat and the side of the bathtub. Lori helped as much as she could, leaning to the opposite side.

Lori felt the firefighter’s hand down her hip, but then it stopped, there was an awkward pause, with Lori leaning against the wall and Alicia lifting her belly.

“Are you done there?” Alicia asked.

“My hand is stuck,” the other firefighter replied, slightly panicked, bracing a boot agains the tub tugging to extract her arm.

“Umm…we need help in here!” Alicia called out to the other prepping rope in the hall.

“Give me a break,” their superior stepped in and wrapped her arms around the stuck woman and pulled, Lexi joined them while Lori smushed herself as far over as she could and Alicia pushed as hard as she could to compress Lori’s side.

With a squirt the woman fell back onto the bathroom floor, now barehanded, “I lost my glove.”

“It’ll turn up eventually,” the lead firefighter helped her up, “get another.”

Recovering from the setback the two firefighters worked efficiently, telling Lori exactly where they were about to place their hands before they placed them. 

It did feel funny, by the end Lori felt like she’d been slimed, but nothing felt noticeably looser. She still couldn’t move her legs despite her thighs and calves being covered in grease.

After Lori was all greased up, the other firefighters stepped in with the blanket and rope. 

“If you can lift your arms for us, we’re going to wrap this rope around you under your arms and tie it in front of you,” Alicia instructed as she guided the rope around Lori’s upper torso.

A blanket was draped over the rope to lesson the friction against Lori’s body.

The rope was tied together a bit in front of Lori and then run out of the bathroom and down the hall.

Another blanket was clamped onto the door jam of the bathroom to not damage the wood as the rope pulled around the corner.

Lexi watched the proceedings almost removed from the situation, nearly forgetting that this whole production was for them.

“Lexi,” Alicia snapped Lexi out of her observational role and handed her two gloves, “you’re first in the line.”

“Me? But I’m not as strong as you all,” Lexi took the gloves and started putting them on.

“It’s not your strength we need, it’s your eyes, you need to keep an eye on Lori, if she’s under distress, you holler, and we’ll stop pulling.”

“Right, okay.” Lexi nodded to Lori as she took her place at the front of the rope, “I’ve got my eyes on you.”

“I’ll be behind you and the rest of them will be out in the hall, it’ll be a simple heave ho” Alicia made it all sound so normal, even as it got more surreal by the moment for Lori.

“A simple heave ho,” Lexi repeated to Lori with a wink.

“So simple,” Lori responded, with zero certainty.

“Lori you tell us if you’re feeling any progress, but you also tell us if you feel any pain,” Alicia told her as she took her position on the rope.

“I will,” Lori held onto the rope in front of her, very ready to be pulled free.

“Everyone ready in there?” shouted in from pull line in the hall.

“Lori, ready?” Alicia checked.


“Lexi, ready?”


“All ready!” Alicia braced herself and pulled the rope taunt.

“ONE TWO THREE HEAVE” came the order.

The rope around Lori pulled her sideways, stretching her, she held onto the rope for dear life.


Lori squashed back into her fat, exchanging a surprised exhale with Lexi, this was serious.






Lori felt like a fat accordion, she’d never felt both so elastic and so immovable. She wasn’t budging.


Lexi tried to hold onto the rope, but four giant firefighting women pulling behind her, she was more hanging from the rope than pulling it. She watched Lori strain when they pulled and relief when they slacked. Was that distress? No one had said when they would stop pulling, is it her job to say stop? What if Lori doesn’t come unstuck? Do they never stop pulling?

Then it happened.

Lori felt a brief rollercoaster moment of weightlessness as far side of the bathtub lifted off the ground.

“I’m going over!”

“Stop!” Alicia shouted and dropped the rope, running past Lexi to push Lori’s side and keep the tub from tipping. There was a terrible screeching of pipes as the tipping tub threatened to rip the pipes out of the walls.


The other firefighters ran in to find Alicia leaning against the bathtub. Shattered tile floor beneath the tub.

“The tub was about to fall over,” she reported.

“We were so close, she would have fallen right out,” protested Lexi.

“She would have broken her arm in the fall,” Alicia corrected her.

“And we weren’t close,” added Lori. 

“Did you feel anything shift?” the lead firefighter addressed Lori.

“Nothing, still wedged,” answered Lori, attempting to move her legs. 

Lexi watched the firefighters step out into the hall to talk, she sat next to Lori, “you hanging in there?”

“I feel... stretched,” Lori answered, looking towards the bathroom door. 

“That didn’t work, did it?” Lexi asked.

“That didn’t work.” Lori agreed.



Omg! I love the twist that all the firefighters involved were women


Can't wait to see them try lift her out together more hehe


This was incredible! I REALLY hope you draw the scene where the firefighters hand briefly got stuck and needs freeing. It was so fast but so perfect!